Setting Configuration Options

The first time you run Airflow, it will create a file called airflow.cfg in your $AIRFLOW_HOME directory (~/airflow by default). This file contains Airflow's configuration and you can edit it to change any of the settings. You can also set options with environment variables by using this format: AIRFLOW__{SECTION}__{KEY} (note the double underscores).

For example, the metadata database connection string can either be set in airflow.cfg like this:

sql_alchemy_conn = my_conn_string
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or by creating a corresponding environment variable:

export AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=my_conn_string
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You can also derive the connection string at run time by appending _cmd to the key like this:

sql_alchemy_conn_cmd = bash_command_to_run
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You can also derive the connection string at run time by appending _secret to the key like this:

sql_alchemy_conn_secret = sql_alchemy_conn
# You can also add a nested path
# example:
# sql_alchemy_conn_secret = core/sql_alchemy_conn
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This will retrieve config option from Secret Backends e.g Hashicorp Vault. See Secrets Backends for more details.

The following config options support this _cmd and _secret version:

  • sql_alchemy_conn in [core] section

  • fernet_key in [core] section

  • broker_url in [celery] section

  • flower_basic_auth in [celery] section

  • result_backend in [celery] section

  • password in [atlas] section

  • smtp_password in [smtp] section

  • secret_key in [webserver] section

The _cmd config options can also be set using a corresponding environment variable the same way the usual config options can. For example:

export AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_CMD=bash_command_to_run
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Similarly, _secret config options can also be set using a corresponding environment variable. For example:

export AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_SECRET=sql_alchemy_conn
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The config options must follow the config prefix naming convention defined within the secrets backend. This means that sql_alchemy_conn is not defined with a connection prefix, but with config prefix. For example it should be named as airflow/config/sql_alchemy_conn

The idea behind this is to not store passwords on boxes in plain text files.

The universal order of precedence for all configuration options is as follows:

  1. set as an environment variable (AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN)

  2. set as a command environment variable (AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_CMD)

  3. set as a secret environment variable (AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN_SECRET)

  4. set in airflow.cfg

  5. command in airflow.cfg

  6. secret key in airflow.cfg

  7. Airflow's built in defaults

You can check the current configuration with the airflow config list command.

If you only want to see the value for one option, you can use airflow config get-value command as in the example below.

$ airflow config get-value core executor
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For more information on configuration options, see Configuration Reference


See Modules Management for details on how Python and Airflow manage modules.

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