- Project
- License
- Quick Start
- Installation
- Tutorial
- How-to Guides
- Setting Configuration Options
- Initializing a Database Backend
- Using Operators
- BashOperator
- Dingding Operators
- Google Cloud Operators
- Google Cloud Bigtable Operators
- Google Cloud Build Operators
- Google Compute Engine Operators
- Google Cloud Functions Operators
- Google Cloud Storage Operators
- Google Cloud Natural Language Operators
- Google Cloud Spanner Operators
- Google Cloud Text to Speech Operators
- Google Cloud Speech to Text Operators
- Google Cloud Sql Operators
- Google Cloud Transfer Service Operators
- Google Cloud Translate Operators
- Google Cloud Speech Translate Operators
- Google Cloud Video Intelligence Operators
- Google Cloud Vision Operators
- Papermill
- PythonOperator
- Managing Connections
- Securing Connections
- Rotating encryption keys
- Writing Logs
- Celery Executor
- Dask Executor
- Scaling Out with Mesos (community contributed)
- Running Airflow behind a reverse proxy
- Running Airflow with systemd
- Running Airflow with upstart
- Using the Test Mode Configuration
- Checking Airflow Health Status
- Define an operator extra link
- Tracking User Activity
- Set Up Bash/Zsh Completion
- UI / Screenshots
- Concepts
- Data Profiling
- Command Line Interface Reference
- Positional Arguments
- Sub-commands:
- backfill
- list_dag_runs
- list_tasks
- clear
- pause
- unpause
- trigger_dag
- delete_dag
- show_dag
- pool
- variables
- kerberos
- render
- run
- initdb
- list_dags
- dag_state
- task_failed_deps
- task_state
- serve_logs
- test
- webserver
- resetdb
- upgradedb
- scheduler
- worker
- flower
- version
- connections
- create_user
- delete_user
- list_users
- sync_perm
- next_execution
- rotate_fernet_key
- Scheduling & Triggers
- Plugins
- Security
- Time zones
- REST API Reference
- Integration
- Azure: Microsoft Azure
- AWS: Amazon Web Services
- Databricks
- GCP: Google Cloud Platform
- Cloud Speech Translate Operators
- Qubole
- Metrics
- Error Tracking
- Kubernetes
- Lineage
- Changelog
- Airflow 1.10.6, 2019-10-28
- Airflow 1.10.5, 2019-08-30
- Airflow 1.10.4, 2019-08-04
- Airflow 1.10.3, 2019-04-09
- Airflow 1.10.2, 2019-01-19
- Airflow 1.10.1, 2018-11-13
- Airflow 1.10.0, 2018-08-03
- Airflow 1.9.0, 2018-01-02
- Airflow 1.8.2, 2017-09-04
- Airflow 1.8.1, 2017-05-09
- Airflow 1.8.0, 2017-03-12
- Airflow 1.7.2
- Airflow 1.7.1, 2016-05-19
- Why isn’t my task getting scheduled?
- How do I trigger tasks based on another task’s failure?
- Why are connection passwords still not encrypted in the metadata db after I installed airflow[crypto]?
- What’s the deal with
? - How can I create DAGs dynamically?
- What are all the
airflow run
commands in my process list? - How can my airflow dag run faster?
- How can we reduce the airflow UI page load time?
- How to fix Exception: Global variable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp needs to be on (1)?
- How to reduce airflow dag scheduling latency in production?
- Macros reference
- Python API Reference
- Privacy Notice