Manage logs

You have a number of options when it comes to managing your Airflow logs.

No persistence

With this option, Airflow will log locally to each pod. As such, the logs will only be available during the lifetime of the pod.

helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
  --set logs.persistence.enabled=false
  # --set workers.persistence.enabled=false (also needed if using ``CeleryExecutor``)

Celery worker log persistence

If you are using CeleryExecutor, workers persist logs by default to a volume claim created with a volumeClaimTemplate.

You can modify the template:

helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
  --set executor=CeleryExecutor \
  --set workers.persistence.size=10Gi

Note with this option only task logs are persisted, unlike when log persistence is enabled which will also persist scheduler logs.

Log persistence enabled

This option will provision a PersistentVolumeClaim with an access mode of ReadWriteMany. Each component of Airflow will then log onto the same volume.

Not all volume plugins have support for ReadWriteMany access mode. Refer Persistent Volume Access Modes for details.

helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
  --set logs.persistence.enabled=true
  # you can also override the other persistence
  # by setting the logs.persistence.* values
  # Please refer to values.yaml for details

Externally provisioned PVC

In this approach, Airflow will log to an existing ReadWriteMany PVC. You pass in the name of the volume claim to the chart.

helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
  --set logs.persistence.enabled=true \
  --set logs.persistence.existingClaim=my-volume-claim

Note that the Airflow user (default uid 50000) needs write permission on the volume.


If your cluster forwards logs to Elasticsearch, you can configure Airflow to retrieve task logs from it. See the Elasticsearch providers guide for more details.

helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow \
  --set elasticsearch.enabled=true \
  --set elasticsearch.secretName=my-es-secret
  # Other choices exist. Please refer to values.yaml for details.

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