Source code for airflow.models.renderedtifields

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"""Save Rendered Template Fields"""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import sqlalchemy_jsonfield
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKeyConstraint, Integer, PrimaryKeyConstraint, text
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.models.base import Base, StringID
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
from airflow.serialization.helpers import serialize_template_field
from airflow.settings import json
from airflow.utils.retries import retry_db_transaction
from airflow.utils.session import NEW_SESSION, provide_session
from airflow.utils.sqlalchemy import tuple_not_in_condition

    from sqlalchemy.sql import FromClause

[docs]class RenderedTaskInstanceFields(Base): """Save Rendered Template Fields"""
[docs] __tablename__ = "rendered_task_instance_fields"
[docs] dag_id = Column(StringID(), primary_key=True)
[docs] task_id = Column(StringID(), primary_key=True)
[docs] run_id = Column(StringID(), primary_key=True)
[docs] map_index = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, server_default=text("-1"))
[docs] rendered_fields = Column(sqlalchemy_jsonfield.JSONField(json=json), nullable=False)
[docs] k8s_pod_yaml = Column(sqlalchemy_jsonfield.JSONField(json=json), nullable=True)
[docs] __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint( "dag_id", "task_id", "run_id", "map_index", name="rendered_task_instance_fields_pkey", mssql_clustered=True, ), ForeignKeyConstraint( [dag_id, task_id, run_id, map_index], [ "task_instance.dag_id", "task_instance.task_id", "task_instance.run_id", "task_instance.map_index", ], name="rtif_ti_fkey", ondelete="CASCADE",
), )
[docs] task_instance = relationship( "TaskInstance", lazy="joined", back_populates="rendered_task_instance_fields",
) # We don't need a DB level FK here, as we already have that to TI (which has one to DR) but by defining # the relationship we can more easily find the execution date for these rows
[docs] dag_run = relationship( "DagRun", primaryjoin="""and_( RenderedTaskInstanceFields.dag_id == foreign(DagRun.dag_id), RenderedTaskInstanceFields.run_id == foreign(DagRun.run_id), )""", viewonly=True,
[docs] execution_date = association_proxy("dag_run", "execution_date")
def __init__(self, ti: TaskInstance, render_templates=True): self.dag_id = ti.dag_id self.task_id = ti.task_id self.run_id = ti.run_id self.map_index = ti.map_index self.ti = ti if render_templates: ti.render_templates() self.task = ti.task if os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_IS_K8S_EXECUTOR_POD", None): self.k8s_pod_yaml = ti.render_k8s_pod_yaml() self.rendered_fields = { field: serialize_template_field(getattr(self.task, field)) for field in self.task.template_fields } self._redact()
[docs] def __repr__(self): prefix = f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.dag_id}.{self.task_id} {self.run_id}" if self.map_index != -1: prefix += f" map_index={self.map_index}" return prefix + ">"
def _redact(self): from airflow.utils.log.secrets_masker import redact if self.k8s_pod_yaml: self.k8s_pod_yaml = redact(self.k8s_pod_yaml) for field, rendered in self.rendered_fields.items(): self.rendered_fields[field] = redact(rendered, field) @classmethod @provide_session
[docs] def get_templated_fields(cls, ti: TaskInstance, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> dict | None: """ Get templated field for a TaskInstance from the RenderedTaskInstanceFields table. :param ti: Task Instance :param session: SqlAlchemy Session :return: Rendered Templated TI field """ result = ( session.query(cls.rendered_fields) .filter( cls.dag_id == ti.dag_id, cls.task_id == ti.task_id, cls.run_id == ti.run_id, cls.map_index == ti.map_index, ) .one_or_none() ) if result: rendered_fields = result.rendered_fields return rendered_fields else: return None
@classmethod @provide_session
[docs] def get_k8s_pod_yaml(cls, ti: TaskInstance, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> dict | None: """ Get rendered Kubernetes Pod Yaml for a TaskInstance from the RenderedTaskInstanceFields table. :param ti: Task Instance :param session: SqlAlchemy Session :return: Kubernetes Pod Yaml """ result = ( session.query(cls.k8s_pod_yaml) .filter( cls.dag_id == ti.dag_id, cls.task_id == ti.task_id, cls.run_id == ti.run_id, cls.map_index == ti.map_index, ) .one_or_none() ) return result.k8s_pod_yaml if result else None
[docs] def write(self, session: Session = None): """Write instance to database :param session: SqlAlchemy Session """ session.merge(self)
@classmethod @provide_session
[docs] def delete_old_records( cls, task_id: str, dag_id: str, num_to_keep: int = conf.getint("core", "max_num_rendered_ti_fields_per_task", fallback=0), session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> None: """ Keep only Last X (num_to_keep) number of records for a task by deleting others. In the case of data for a mapped task either all of the rows or none of the rows will be deleted, so we don't end up with partial data for a set of mapped Task Instances left in the database. :param task_id: Task ID :param dag_id: Dag ID :param num_to_keep: Number of Records to keep :param session: SqlAlchemy Session """ from airflow.models.dagrun import DagRun if num_to_keep <= 0: return tis_to_keep_query = ( session.query(cls.dag_id, cls.task_id, cls.run_id) .filter(cls.dag_id == dag_id, cls.task_id == task_id) .join(cls.dag_run) .distinct() .order_by(DagRun.execution_date.desc()) .limit(num_to_keep) ) cls._do_delete_old_records( dag_id=dag_id, task_id=task_id, ti_clause=tis_to_keep_query.subquery(), session=session, ) session.flush()
@classmethod @retry_db_transaction def _do_delete_old_records( cls, *, task_id: str, dag_id: str, ti_clause: FromClause, session: Session, ) -> None: # This query might deadlock occasionally and it should be retried if fails (see decorator) session.query(cls).filter( cls.dag_id == dag_id, cls.task_id == task_id, tuple_not_in_condition( (cls.dag_id, cls.task_id, cls.run_id), session.query(ti_clause.c.dag_id, ti_clause.c.task_id, ti_clause.c.run_id), ), ).delete(synchronize_session=False)

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