
Example DAG for demonstrating behavior of Datasets feature.

Notes on usage:

Turn on all the dags.

DAG example_dataset_dag1 should run because it’s on a schedule.

After example_dataset_dag1 runs, example_dataset_dag3_req_dag1 should be triggered immediately because its only dataset dependency is managed by example_dataset_dag1.

No other dags should be triggered. Note that even though example_dataset_dag4_req_dag1_dag2 depends on the dataset in example_dataset_dag1, it will not be triggered until example_dataset_dag2 runs (and example_dataset_dag2 is left with no schedule so that we can trigger it manually).

Next, trigger example_dataset_dag2. After example_dataset_dag2 finishes, example_dataset_dag4_req_dag1_dag2 should run.

Dags example_dataset_dag5_req_dag1_D and example_dataset_dag6_req_DD should not run because they depend on datasets that never get updated.

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