Source code for airflow.example_dags.example_datasets

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Example DAG for demonstrating behavior of Datasets feature.

Notes on usage:

Turn on all the dags.

DAG example_dataset_dag1 should run because it's on a schedule.

After example_dataset_dag1 runs, example_dataset_dag3_req_dag1 should be triggered immediately
because its only dataset dependency is managed by example_dataset_dag1.

No other dags should be triggered.  Note that even though example_dataset_dag4_req_dag1_dag2 depends on
the dataset in example_dataset_dag1, it will not be triggered until example_dataset_dag2 runs
(and example_dataset_dag2 is left with no schedule so that we can trigger it manually).

Next, trigger example_dataset_dag2.  After example_dataset_dag2 finishes,
example_dataset_dag4_req_dag1_dag2 should run.

Dags example_dataset_dag5_req_dag1_D and example_dataset_dag6_req_DD should not run because they depend on
datasets that never get updated.
from __future__ import annotations

import pendulum

from airflow import DAG, Dataset
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

# [START dataset_def]
[docs]dag1_dataset = Dataset('s3://dag1/output_1.txt', extra={'hi': 'bye'})
# [END dataset_def]
[docs]dag2_dataset = Dataset('s3://dag2/output_1.txt', extra={'hi': 'bye'})
with DAG( dag_id='dataset_produces_1', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule='@daily', tags=['produces', 'dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag1: # [START task_outlet] BashOperator(outlets=[dag1_dataset], task_id='producing_task_1', bash_command="sleep 5") # [END task_outlet] with DAG( dag_id='dataset_produces_2', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=None, tags=['produces', 'dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag2: BashOperator(outlets=[dag2_dataset], task_id='producing_task_2', bash_command="sleep 5") # [START dag_dep] with DAG( dag_id='dataset_consumes_1', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[dag1_dataset], tags=['consumes', 'dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag3: # [END dag_dep] BashOperator( outlets=[Dataset('s3://consuming_1_task/dataset_other.txt')], task_id='consuming_1', bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id='dataset_consumes_1_and_2', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[dag1_dataset, dag2_dataset], tags=['consumes', 'dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag4: BashOperator( outlets=[Dataset('s3://consuming_2_task/dataset_other_unknown.txt')], task_id='consuming_2', bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id='dataset_consumes_1_never_scheduled', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[ dag1_dataset, Dataset('s3://this-dataset-doesnt-get-triggered'), ], tags=['consumes', 'dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag5: BashOperator( outlets=[Dataset('s3://consuming_2_task/dataset_other_unknown.txt')], task_id='consuming_3', bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id='dataset_consumes_unknown_never_scheduled', catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[ Dataset('s3://unrelated/dataset3.txt'), Dataset('s3://unrelated/dataset_other_unknown.txt'), ], tags=['dataset-scheduled'], ) as dag6: BashOperator( task_id='unrelated_task', outlets=[Dataset('s3://unrelated_task/dataset_other_unknown.txt')], bash_command="sleep 5", )

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