Quick Start¶
The installation is quick and straightforward.
# airflow needs a home, ~/airflow is the default,
# but you can lay foundation somewhere else if you prefer
# (optional)
export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow
# install from pypi using pip
pip install apache-airflow
# initialize the database
airflow initdb
# start the web server, default port is 8080
airflow webserver -p 8080
# start the scheduler
airflow scheduler
# visit localhost:8080 in the browser and enable the example dag in the home page
On November 2020, new version of PIP (20.3) has been released with a new, 2020 resolver. This resolver
does not yet work with Apache Airflow and might leads to errors in installation - depends on your choice
of extras. In order to install Airflow you need to either downgrade pip to version 20.2.4
pip upgrade --pip==20.2.4
or, in case you use Pip 20.3, you need to add option
--use-deprecated legacy-resolver
to your pip install command.
Upon running these commands, Airflow will create the $AIRFLOW_HOME
and lay an “airflow.cfg” file with defaults that get you going fast. You can
inspect the file either in $AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg
, or through the UI in
the Admin->Configuration
menu. The PID file for the webserver will be stored
in $AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow-webserver.pid
or in /run/airflow/webserver.pid
if started by systemd.
Out of the box, Airflow uses a sqlite database, which you should outgrow
fairly quickly since no parallelization is possible using this database
backend. It works in conjunction with the airflow.executors.sequential_executor.SequentialExecutor
which will
only run task instances sequentially. While this is very limiting, it allows
you to get up and running quickly and take a tour of the UI and the
command line utilities.
Here are a few commands that will trigger a few task instances. You should
be able to see the status of the jobs change in the example1
DAG as you
run the commands below.
What’s Next?¶
From this point, you can head to the Tutorial section for further examples or the How-to Guides section if you’re ready to get your hands dirty.