Qdrant Connection

The Qdrant connection type enables access to Qdrant clusters.

Default Connection IDs

The Qdrant hook use the qdrant_default connection ID by default.

Configuring the Connection

Host (optional)

Host of the Qdrant instance to connect to.

API key (optional)

Qdrant API Key for authentication.

Port (optional)

REST port of the Qdrant instance to connect to. Defaults to 6333.

URL (optional)

URL of the Qdrant instance to connect to. If specified, it overrides the host and port parameters.

GRPC Port (optional)

GRPC port of the Qdrant instance to connect to. Defaults to 6334.

Prefer GRPC (optional)

Whether to use GRPC for custom methods. Defaults to False.

HTTPS (optional)

Whether to use HTTPS for requests. Defaults to True if an API key is provided. False otherwise.

Prefix (optional)

Prefix to add to the REST URL endpoints. Defaults to None.

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