This module contains Google Ad hook.

Module Contents



Interact with Google Ads API.

class, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', google_ads_conn_id='google_ads_default')[source]

Bases: airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook

Interact with Google Ads API.

This hook offers two flows of authentication.

  1. OAuth Service Account Flow (requires two connections)

    • gcp_conn_id - provides service account details (like any other GCP connection)

    • google_ads_conn_id - which contains information from Google Ads config.yaml file

      in the extras. Example of the extras:

          "google_ads_client": {
              "developer_token": "{{ INSERT_TOKEN }}",
              "json_key_file_path": null,
              "impersonated_email": "{{ INSERT_IMPERSONATED_EMAIL }}"

      The json_key_file_path is resolved by the hook using credentials from gcp_conn_id.

    See also

    For more information on how Google Ads authentication flow works take a look at:

    See also

    For more information on the Google Ads API, take a look at the API docs:

  2. Developer token from API center flow (only requires google_ads_conn_id)

    • google_ads_conn_id - which contains developer token, refresh token, client_id and client_secret

      in the extras. Example of the extras:

          "google_ads_client": {
              "developer_token": "{{ INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN }}",
              "refresh_token": "{{ INSERT_REFRESH_TOKEN }}",
              "client_id": "{{ INSERT_CLIENT_ID }}",
              "client_secret": "{{ INSERT_CLIENT_SECRET }}",
              "use_proto_plus": "{{ True or False }}",

    See also

    For more information on how to obtain a developer token look at:

    See also

    For more information about use_proto_plus option see the Protobuf Messages guide:

  • gcp_conn_id (str) – The connection ID with the service account details.

  • google_ads_conn_id (str) – The connection ID with the details of Google Ads config.yaml file.

  • api_version (str | None) – The Google Ads API version to use.

default_api_version = 'v17'[source]
search(client_ids, query, page_size=10000, **kwargs)[source]

Pull data from the Google Ads API.

Native protobuf message instances are returned (those seen in versions prior to 10.0.0 of the google-ads library).

This method is for backwards compatibility with older versions of the google_ads_hook.

Check out the search_proto_plus method to get API results in the new default format of the google-ads library since v10.0.0 that behave more like conventional python object (using proto-plus-python).

  • client_ids (list[str]) – Google Ads client ID(s) to query the API for.

  • query (str) – Google Ads Query Language query.

  • page_size (int) – Number of results to return per page. Max 10000.


Google Ads API response, converted to Google Ads Row objects.

Return type


search_proto_plus(client_ids, query, page_size=10000, **kwargs)[source]

Pull data from the Google Ads API.

Instances of proto-plus-python message are returned, which behave more like conventional Python objects.

  • client_ids (list[str]) – Google Ads client ID(s) to query the API for.

  • query (str) – Google Ads Query Language query.

  • page_size (int) – Number of results to return per page. Max 10000.


Google Ads API response, converted to Google Ads Row objects

Return type



List resource names of customers.

The resulting list of customers is based on your OAuth credentials. The request returns a list of all accounts that you are able to act upon directly given your current credentials. This will not necessarily include all accounts within the account hierarchy; rather, it will only include accounts where your authenticated user has been added with admin or other rights in the account.



List of names of customers

Return type


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