Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.executors.kubernetes_executor_utils

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import json
import multiprocessing
import time
from queue import Empty, Queue
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from kubernetes import client, watch
from import ApiException
from urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat import get_logical_date_key
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.executors.kubernetes_executor_types import (
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.kube_client import get_kube_client
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.kubernetes_helper_functions import (
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.pod_generator import PodGenerator
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from airflow.utils.singleton import Singleton
from airflow.utils.state import TaskInstanceState

    from kubernetes.client import Configuration, models as k8s

    from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.executors.kubernetes_executor_types import (

[docs]class ResourceVersion(metaclass=Singleton): """Singleton for tracking resourceVersion from Kubernetes."""
[docs] resource_version: dict[str, str] = {}
[docs]class KubernetesJobWatcher(multiprocessing.Process, LoggingMixin): """Watches for Kubernetes jobs.""" def __init__( self, namespace: str, watcher_queue: Queue[KubernetesWatchType], resource_version: str | None, scheduler_job_id: str, kube_config: Configuration, ): super().__init__() self.namespace = namespace self.scheduler_job_id = scheduler_job_id self.watcher_queue = watcher_queue self.resource_version = resource_version self.kube_config = kube_config
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Perform watching.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: assert self.scheduler_job_id kube_client: client.CoreV1Api = get_kube_client() while True: try: self.resource_version = self._run( kube_client, self.resource_version, self.scheduler_job_id, self.kube_config ) except ReadTimeoutError:"Kubernetes watch timed out waiting for events. Restarting watch.") time.sleep(1) except Exception: self.log.exception("Unknown error in KubernetesJobWatcher. Failing") self.resource_version = "0" ResourceVersion().resource_version[self.namespace] = "0" raise else: self.log.warning( "Watch died gracefully, starting back up with: last resource_version: %s", self.resource_version, )
def _pod_events(self, kube_client: client.CoreV1Api, query_kwargs: dict): watcher = watch.Watch() try: if self.namespace == ALL_NAMESPACES: return, **query_kwargs) else: return, self.namespace, **query_kwargs) except ApiException as e: if str(e.status) == "410": # Resource version is too old if self.namespace == ALL_NAMESPACES: pods = kube_client.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False) else: pods = kube_client.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=self.namespace, watch=False) resource_version = pods.metadata.resource_version query_kwargs["resource_version"] = resource_version return self._pod_events(kube_client=kube_client, query_kwargs=query_kwargs) else: raise def _run( self, kube_client: client.CoreV1Api, resource_version: str | None, scheduler_job_id: str, kube_config: Any, ) -> str | None:"Event: and now my watch begins starting at resource_version: %s", resource_version) kwargs: dict[str, Any] = { "label_selector": f"airflow-worker={scheduler_job_id},{POD_EXECUTOR_DONE_KEY}!=True", } if resource_version: kwargs["resource_version"] = resource_version if kube_config.kube_client_request_args: for key, value in kube_config.kube_client_request_args.items(): kwargs[key] = value last_resource_version: str | None = None # For info about k8s timeout settings see # # and client_timeout = 30 server_conn_timeout = 3600 kwargs["_request_timeout"] = client_timeout kwargs["timeout_seconds"] = server_conn_timeout logical_date_key = get_logical_date_key() for event in self._pod_events(kube_client=kube_client, query_kwargs=kwargs): task = event["object"] self.log.debug("Event: %s had an event of type %s",, event["type"]) if event["type"] == "ERROR": return self.process_error(event) annotations = task.metadata.annotations task_instance_related_annotations = { "dag_id": annotations["dag_id"], "task_id": annotations["task_id"], logical_date_key: annotations.get(logical_date_key), "run_id": annotations.get("run_id"), "try_number": annotations["try_number"], } map_index = annotations.get("map_index") if map_index is not None: task_instance_related_annotations["map_index"] = map_index self.process_status(, namespace=task.metadata.namespace, status=task.status.phase, annotations=task_instance_related_annotations, resource_version=task.metadata.resource_version, event=event, ) last_resource_version = task.metadata.resource_version return last_resource_version
[docs] def process_error(self, event: Any) -> str: """Process error response.""" self.log.error("Encountered Error response from k8s list namespaced pod stream => %s", event) raw_object = event["raw_object"] if raw_object["code"] == 410: "Kubernetes resource version is too old, must reset to 0 => %s", (raw_object["message"],) ) # Return resource version 0 return "0" raise AirflowException( f"Kubernetes failure for {raw_object['reason']} with code {raw_object['code']} and message: " f"{raw_object['message']}" )
[docs] def process_status( self, pod_name: str, namespace: str, status: str, annotations: dict[str, str], resource_version: str, event: Any, ) -> None: """Process status response.""" pod = event["object"] if POD_REVOKED_KEY in pod.metadata.labels.keys(): return annotations_string = annotations_for_logging_task_metadata(annotations) if event["type"] == "DELETED" and not pod.metadata.deletion_timestamp: # This will happen only when the task pods are adopted by another executor. # So, there is no change in the pod state. # However, need to free the executor slot from the current executor."Event: pod %s adopted, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) self.watcher_queue.put((pod_name, namespace, ADOPTED, annotations, resource_version)) elif hasattr(pod.status, "reason") and pod.status.reason == "ProviderFailed": # Most likely this happens due to Kubernetes setup (virtual kubelet, virtual nodes, etc.) self.log.error( "Event: %s failed to start with reason ProviderFailed, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string, ) self.watcher_queue.put( (pod_name, namespace, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, annotations, resource_version) ) elif status == "Pending": # deletion_timestamp is set by kube server when a graceful deletion is requested. # since kube server have received request to delete pod set TI state failed if event["type"] == "DELETED" and pod.metadata.deletion_timestamp:"Event: Failed to start pod %s, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) self.watcher_queue.put( (pod_name, namespace, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, annotations, resource_version) ) elif ( self.kube_config.worker_pod_pending_fatal_container_state_reasons and "status" in event["raw_object"] ): # Init containers and base container statuses to check. # Skipping the other containers statuses check. container_statuses_to_check = [] if "initContainerStatuses" in event["raw_object"]["status"]: container_statuses_to_check.extend(event["raw_object"]["status"]["initContainerStatuses"]) if "containerStatuses" in event["raw_object"]["status"]: container_statuses_to_check.append(event["raw_object"]["status"]["containerStatuses"][0]) for container_status in container_statuses_to_check: container_status_state = container_status["state"] if "waiting" in container_status_state: if ( container_status_state["waiting"]["reason"] in self.kube_config.worker_pod_pending_fatal_container_state_reasons ): if ( container_status_state["waiting"]["reason"] == "ErrImagePull" and container_status_state["waiting"]["message"] == "pull QPS exceeded" ): continue self.log.error( "Event: %s has container %s with fatal reason %s", pod_name, container_status["name"], container_status_state["waiting"]["reason"], ) self.watcher_queue.put( (pod_name, namespace, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, annotations, resource_version) ) break else:"Event: %s Pending, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) else: self.log.debug("Event: %s Pending, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) elif status == "Failed": self.log.error("Event: %s Failed, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) self.watcher_queue.put( (pod_name, namespace, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, annotations, resource_version) ) elif status == "Succeeded":"Event: %s Succeeded, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) self.watcher_queue.put((pod_name, namespace, None, annotations, resource_version)) elif status == "Running": # deletion_timestamp is set by kube server when a graceful deletion is requested. # since kube server have received request to delete pod set TI state failed if event["type"] == "DELETED" and pod.metadata.deletion_timestamp: "Event: Pod %s deleted before it could complete, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string, ) self.watcher_queue.put( (pod_name, namespace, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, annotations, resource_version) ) else:"Event: %s is Running, annotations: %s", pod_name, annotations_string) else: self.log.warning( "Event: Invalid state: %s on pod: %s in namespace %s with annotations: %s with " "resource_version: %s", status, pod_name, namespace, annotations, resource_version, )
[docs]class AirflowKubernetesScheduler(LoggingMixin): """Airflow Scheduler for Kubernetes.""" def __init__( self, kube_config: Any, result_queue: Queue[KubernetesResultsType], kube_client: client.CoreV1Api, scheduler_job_id: str, ): super().__init__() self.log.debug("Creating Kubernetes executor") self.kube_config = kube_config self.result_queue = result_queue self.namespace = self.kube_config.kube_namespace self.log.debug("Kubernetes using namespace %s", self.namespace) self.kube_client = kube_client self._manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self.watcher_queue = self._manager.Queue() self.scheduler_job_id = scheduler_job_id self.kube_watchers = self._make_kube_watchers()
[docs] def run_pod_async(self, pod: k8s.V1Pod, **kwargs): """Run POD asynchronously.""" sanitized_pod = self.kube_client.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(pod) json_pod = json.dumps(sanitized_pod, indent=2) self.log.debug("Pod Creation Request: \n%s", json_pod) try: resp = self.kube_client.create_namespaced_pod( body=sanitized_pod, namespace=pod.metadata.namespace, **kwargs ) self.log.debug("Pod Creation Response: %s", resp) except Exception as e: self.log.exception("Exception when attempting to create Namespaced Pod: %s", json_pod) raise e return resp
def _make_kube_watcher(self, namespace) -> KubernetesJobWatcher: resource_version = ResourceVersion().resource_version.get(namespace, "0") watcher = KubernetesJobWatcher( watcher_queue=self.watcher_queue, namespace=namespace, resource_version=resource_version, scheduler_job_id=self.scheduler_job_id, kube_config=self.kube_config, ) watcher.start() return watcher def _make_kube_watchers(self) -> dict[str, KubernetesJobWatcher]: watchers = {} if self.kube_config.multi_namespace_mode: namespaces_to_watch = ( self.kube_config.multi_namespace_mode_namespace_list if self.kube_config.multi_namespace_mode_namespace_list else [ALL_NAMESPACES] ) else: namespaces_to_watch = [self.kube_config.kube_namespace] for namespace in namespaces_to_watch: watchers[namespace] = self._make_kube_watcher(namespace) return watchers def _health_check_kube_watchers(self): for namespace, kube_watcher in self.kube_watchers.items(): if kube_watcher.is_alive(): self.log.debug("KubeJobWatcher for namespace %s alive, continuing", namespace) else: self.log.error( ( "Error while health checking kube watcher process for namespace %s. " "Process died for unknown reasons" ), namespace, ) ResourceVersion().resource_version[namespace] = "0" self.kube_watchers[namespace] = self._make_kube_watcher(namespace)
[docs] def run_next(self, next_job: KubernetesJobType) -> None: """Receives the next job to run, builds the pod, and creates it.""" key, command, kube_executor_config, pod_template_file = next_job dag_id, task_id, run_id, try_number, map_index = key if command[0:3] != ["airflow", "tasks", "run"]: raise ValueError('The command must start with ["airflow", "tasks", "run"].') base_worker_pod = get_base_pod_from_template(pod_template_file, self.kube_config) if not base_worker_pod: raise AirflowException( f"could not find a valid worker template yaml at {self.kube_config.pod_template_file}" ) pod = PodGenerator.construct_pod( namespace=self.namespace, scheduler_job_id=self.scheduler_job_id, pod_id=create_unique_id(dag_id, task_id), dag_id=dag_id, task_id=task_id, kube_image=self.kube_config.kube_image, try_number=try_number, map_index=map_index, date=None, run_id=run_id, args=command, pod_override_object=kube_executor_config, base_worker_pod=base_worker_pod, with_mutation_hook=True, ) # Reconcile the pod generated by the Operator and the Pod # generated by the .cfg file "Creating kubernetes pod for job is %s, with pod name %s, annotations: %s", key,, annotations_for_logging_task_metadata(pod.metadata.annotations), ) self.log.debug("Kubernetes running for command %s", command) self.log.debug("Kubernetes launching image %s", pod.spec.containers[0].image) # the watcher will monitor pods, so we do not block. self.run_pod_async(pod, **self.kube_config.kube_client_request_args) self.log.debug("Kubernetes Job created!")
[docs] def delete_pod(self, pod_name: str, namespace: str) -> None: """Delete Pod from a namespace; does not raise if it does not exist.""" try:"Deleting pod %s in namespace %s", pod_name, namespace) self.kube_client.delete_namespaced_pod( pod_name, namespace, body=client.V1DeleteOptions(**self.kube_config.delete_option_kwargs), **self.kube_config.kube_client_request_args, ) except ApiException as e: # If the pod is already deleted if str(e.status) != "404": raise
def patch_pod_revoked(self, *, pod_name: str, namespace: str): """ Patch the pod with a label that ensures it's ignored by the kubernetes watcher. :meta private: """ "Patching pod %s in namespace %s to note that we are revoking the task.", pod_name, namespace, ) try: self.kube_client.patch_namespaced_pod( name=pod_name, namespace=namespace, body={"metadata": {"labels": {POD_REVOKED_KEY: "True"}}}, ) except ApiException: self.log.warning("Failed to patch pod %s with pod revoked key.", pod_name, exc_info=True)
[docs] def patch_pod_executor_done(self, *, pod_name: str, namespace: str): """Add a "done" annotation to ensure we don't continually adopt pods.""" self.log.debug("Patching pod %s in namespace %s to mark it as done", pod_name, namespace) try: self.kube_client.patch_namespaced_pod( name=pod_name, namespace=namespace, body={"metadata": {"labels": {POD_EXECUTOR_DONE_KEY: "True"}}}, ) except ApiException as e:"Failed to patch pod %s with done annotation. Reason: %s", pod_name, e)
[docs] def sync(self) -> None: """ Check the status of all currently running kubernetes jobs. If a job is completed, its status is placed in the result queue to be sent back to the scheduler. """ self.log.debug("Syncing KubernetesExecutor") self._health_check_kube_watchers() with contextlib.suppress(Empty): while True: task = self.watcher_queue.get_nowait() try: self.log.debug("Processing task %s", task) self.process_watcher_task(task) finally: self.watcher_queue.task_done()
[docs] def process_watcher_task(self, task: KubernetesWatchType) -> None: """Process the task by watcher.""" pod_name, namespace, state, annotations, resource_version = task self.log.debug( "Attempting to finish pod; pod_name: %s; state: %s; annotations: %s", pod_name, state, annotations_for_logging_task_metadata(annotations), ) key = annotations_to_key(annotations=annotations) if key: self.log.debug("finishing job %s - %s (%s)", key, state, pod_name) self.result_queue.put((key, state, pod_name, namespace, resource_version))
def _flush_watcher_queue(self) -> None: self.log.debug("Executor shutting down, watcher_queue approx. size=%d", self.watcher_queue.qsize()) with contextlib.suppress(Empty): while True: task = self.watcher_queue.get_nowait() # Ignoring it since it can only have either FAILED or SUCCEEDED pods self.log.warning("Executor shutting down, IGNORING watcher task=%s", task) self.watcher_queue.task_done()
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: """Terminates the watcher.""" self.log.debug("Terminating kube_watchers...") for kube_watcher in self.kube_watchers.values(): kube_watcher.terminate() kube_watcher.join() self.log.debug("kube_watcher=%s", kube_watcher) self.log.debug("Flushing watcher_queue...") self._flush_watcher_queue() # Queue should be empty... self.watcher_queue.join() self.log.debug("Shutting down manager...") self._manager.shutdown()
[docs]def get_base_pod_from_template(pod_template_file: str | None, kube_config: Any) -> k8s.V1Pod: """ Get base pod from template. Reads either the pod_template_file set in the executor_config or the base pod_template_file set in the airflow.cfg to craft a "base pod" that will be used by the KubernetesExecutor :param pod_template_file: absolute path to a pod_template_file.yaml or None :param kube_config: The KubeConfig class generated by airflow that contains all kube metadata :return: a V1Pod that can be used as the base pod for k8s tasks """ if pod_template_file: return PodGenerator.deserialize_model_file(pod_template_file) else: return PodGenerator.deserialize_model_file(kube_config.pod_template_file)

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