

See also

For more information on how the DaskExecutor works, take a look at the guide: Dask Executor

Module Contents



DaskExecutor submits tasks to a Dask Distributed cluster.

class airflow.executors.dask_executor.DaskExecutor(cluster_address=None)[source]

Bases: airflow.executors.base_executor.BaseExecutor

DaskExecutor submits tasks to a Dask Distributed cluster.

start(self) None[source]

Executors may need to get things started.

execute_async(self, key: airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstanceKey, command: airflow.executors.base_executor.CommandType, queue: Optional[str] = None, executor_config: Optional[Any] = None) None[source]

This method will execute the command asynchronously.

  • key -- Unique key for the task instance

  • command -- Command to run

  • queue -- name of the queue

  • executor_config -- Configuration passed to the executor.

sync(self) None[source]

Sync will get called periodically by the heartbeat method. Executors should override this to perform gather statuses.

end(self) None[source]

This method is called when the caller is done submitting job and wants to wait synchronously for the job submitted previously to be all done.


This method is called when the daemon receives a SIGTERM

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