# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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import sys
import re
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils import apply_defaults
from airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_hook import AwsHook
[docs]class ECSOperator(BaseOperator):
Execute a task on AWS EC2 Container Service
:param task_definition: the task definition name on EC2 Container Service
:type task_definition: str
:param cluster: the cluster name on EC2 Container Service
:type cluster: str
:param overrides: the same parameter that boto3 will receive (templated):
:type overrides: dict
:param aws_conn_id: connection id of AWS credentials / region name. If None,
credential boto3 strategy will be used
:type aws_conn_id: str
:param region_name: region name to use in AWS Hook.
Override the region_name in connection (if provided)
:type region_name: str
:param launch_type: the launch type on which to run your task ('EC2' or 'FARGATE')
:type launch_type: str
:param group: the name of the task group associated with the task
:type group: str
:param placement_constraints: an array of placement constraint objects to use for
the task
:type placement_constraints: list
:param platform_version: the platform version on which your task is running
:type platform_version: str
:param network_configuration: the network configuration for the task
:type network_configuration: dict
[docs] template_fields = ('overrides',)
def __init__(self, task_definition, cluster, overrides,
aws_conn_id=None, region_name=None, launch_type='EC2',
group=None, placement_constraints=None, platform_version='LATEST',
network_configuration=None, **kwargs):
super(ECSOperator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id
self.region_name = region_name
self.task_definition = task_definition
self.cluster = cluster
self.overrides = overrides
self.launch_type = launch_type
self.group = group
self.placement_constraints = placement_constraints
self.platform_version = platform_version
self.network_configuration = network_configuration
self.hook = self.get_hook()
[docs] def execute(self, context):
'Running ECS Task - Task definition: %s - on cluster %s',
self.task_definition, self.cluster
self.log.info('ECSOperator overrides: %s', self.overrides)
self.client = self.hook.get_client_type(
run_opts = {
'cluster': self.cluster,
'taskDefinition': self.task_definition,
'overrides': self.overrides,
'startedBy': self.owner,
'launchType': self.launch_type,
if self.launch_type == 'FARGATE':
run_opts['platformVersion'] = self.platform_version
if self.group is not None:
run_opts['group'] = self.group
if self.placement_constraints is not None:
run_opts['placementConstraints'] = self.placement_constraints
if self.network_configuration is not None:
run_opts['networkConfiguration'] = self.network_configuration
response = self.client.run_task(**run_opts)
failures = response['failures']
if len(failures) > 0:
raise AirflowException(response)
self.log.info('ECS Task started: %s', response)
self.arn = response['tasks'][0]['taskArn']
self.log.info('ECS Task has been successfully executed: %s', response)
[docs] def _wait_for_task_ended(self):
waiter = self.client.get_waiter('tasks_stopped')
waiter.config.max_attempts = sys.maxsize # timeout is managed by airflow
[docs] def _check_success_task(self):
response = self.client.describe_tasks(
self.log.info('ECS Task stopped, check status: %s', response)
if len(response.get('failures', [])) > 0:
raise AirflowException(response)
for task in response['tasks']:
# This is a `stoppedReason` that indicates a task has not
# successfully finished, but there is no other indication of failure
# in the response.
# See, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/stopped-task-errors.html # noqa E501
if re.match(r'Host EC2 \(instance .+?\) (stopped|terminated)\.',
task.get('stoppedReason', '')):
raise AirflowException(
'The task was stopped because the host instance terminated: {}'.
format(task.get('stoppedReason', '')))
containers = task['containers']
for container in containers:
if container.get('lastStatus') == 'STOPPED' and \
container['exitCode'] != 0:
raise AirflowException(
'This task is not in success state {}'.format(task))
elif container.get('lastStatus') == 'PENDING':
raise AirflowException('This task is still pending {}'.format(task))
elif 'error' in container.get('reason', '').lower():
raise AirflowException(
'This containers encounter an error during launching : {}'.
format(container.get('reason', '').lower()))
[docs] def get_hook(self):
return AwsHook(
[docs] def on_kill(self):
response = self.client.stop_task(
reason='Task killed by the user')