Module Contents¶
(ssh_hook=None, ssh_conn_id=None, remote_host=None, local_filepath=None, remote_filepath=None, operation=SFTPOperation.PUT, confirm=True, create_intermediate_dirs=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
SFTPOperator for transferring files from remote host to local or vice a versa. This operator uses ssh_hook to open sftp transport channel that serve as basis for file transfer.
- Parameters
ssh_hook (airflow.contrib.hooks.ssh_hook.SSHHook) – predefined ssh_hook to use for remote execution. Either ssh_hook or ssh_conn_id needs to be provided.
ssh_conn_id (str) – connection id from airflow Connections. ssh_conn_id will be ignored if ssh_hook is provided.
remote_host (str) – remote host to connect (templated) Nullable. If provided, it will replace the remote_host which was defined in ssh_hook or predefined in the connection of ssh_conn_id.
local_filepath (str) – local file path to get or put. (templated)
remote_filepath (str) – remote file path to get or put. (templated)
operation (str) – specify operation ‘get’ or ‘put’, defaults to put
confirm (bool) – specify if the SFTP operation should be confirmed, defaults to True
create_intermediate_dirs (bool) –
create missing intermediate directories when copying from remote to local and vice-versa. Default is False.
Example: The following task would copy
to the remote host at/tmp/tmp1/tmp2/
while creatingtmp
,``tmp1`` andtmp2
if they don’t exist. If the parameter is not passed it would error as the directory does not exist.