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"""Objects relating to sourcing secrets from Yandex Cloud Lockbox."""

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any

import yandexcloud

import as payload_pb
import as payload_service_pb
import as payload_service_pb_grpc
import as secret_pb
import as secret_service_pb
import as secret_service_pb_grpc
from airflow.models import Connection
from import get_credentials
from import default_conn_name
from import get_field_from_extras
from import provider_user_agent
from airflow.secrets import BaseSecretsBackend
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin

[docs] class LockboxSecretBackend(BaseSecretsBackend, LoggingMixin): """ Retrieves connections or variables or configs from Yandex Lockbox. Configurable via ``airflow.cfg`` like so: .. code-block:: ini [secrets] backend = backend_kwargs = {"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections"} For example, when ``{"connections_prefix": "airflow/connections"}`` is set, if a secret is defined with the path ``airflow/connections/smtp_default``, the connection with conn_id ``smtp_default`` would be accessible. When ``{"variables_prefix": "airflow/variables"}`` is set, if a secret is defined with the path ``airflow/variables/hello``, the variable with the name ``hello`` would be accessible. When ``{"config_prefix": "airflow/config"}`` is set, if a secret is defined with the path ``airflow/config/sql_alchemy_conn``, the config with key ``sql_alchemy_conn`` would be accessible. If the prefix is empty, the requests will not be sent to Yandex Lockbox. .. code-block:: ini [secrets] backend = backend_kwargs = {"yc_connection_id": "<connection_ID>", "folder_id": "<folder_ID>"} You need to specify credentials or the ID of the ``yandexcloud`` connection to connect to Yandex Lockbox. The credentials will be used with the following priority: * OAuth token * Service account key in JSON from file * Service account key in JSON * Yandex Cloud connection If you do not specify any credentials, the system will use the default connection ID:``yandexcloud_default``. Also, you need to specify the Yandex Cloud folder ID to search for Yandex Lockbox secrets in. If you do not specify folder ID, the requests will use the connection ``folder_id`` if specified. :param yc_oauth_token: Specifies the user account OAuth token to connect to Yandex Lockbox. The parameter value should look like ``y3_xx123``. :param yc_sa_key_json: Specifies the service account key in JSON. The parameter value should look like ``{"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}``. :param yc_sa_key_json_path: Specifies the service account key in JSON file path. The parameter value should look like ``/home/airflow/authorized_key.json``, while the file content should have the following format: ``{"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}``. :param yc_connection_id: Specifies the connection ID to connect to Yandex Lockbox. The default value is ``yandexcloud_default``. :param folder_id: Specifies the folder ID to search for Yandex Lockbox secrets in. If set to ``None`` (``null`` in JSON), the requests will use the connection ``folder_id``, if specified. :param connections_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get connections. If set to ``None`` (``null`` in JSON), the requests for connections will not be sent to Yandex Lockbox. The default value is ``airflow/connections``. :param variables_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get variables. If set to ``None`` (``null`` in JSON), the requests for variables will not be sent to Yandex Lockbox. The default value is ``airflow/variables``. :param config_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get configurations. If set to ``None`` (``null`` in JSON), the requests for variables will not be sent to Yandex Lockbox. The default value is ``airflow/config``. :param sep: Specifies the separator to concatenate ``secret_prefix`` and ``secret_id``. The default value is ``/``. :param endpoint: Specifies the API endpoint. If set to ``None`` (``null`` in JSON), the requests will use the connection endpoint, if specified; otherwise, they will use the default endpoint. """ def __init__( self, yc_oauth_token: str | None = None, yc_sa_key_json: dict | str | None = None, yc_sa_key_json_path: str | None = None, yc_connection_id: str | None = None, folder_id: str = "", connections_prefix: str | None = "airflow/connections", variables_prefix: str | None = "airflow/variables", config_prefix: str | None = "airflow/config", sep: str = "/", endpoint: str | None = None, ): super().__init__()
[docs] self.yc_oauth_token = yc_oauth_token
[docs] self.yc_sa_key_json = yc_sa_key_json
[docs] self.yc_sa_key_json_path = yc_sa_key_json_path
[docs] self.yc_connection_id = None
if not any([yc_oauth_token, yc_sa_key_json, yc_sa_key_json_path]): self.yc_connection_id = yc_connection_id or default_conn_name elif yc_connection_id is not None: raise ValueError("`yc_connection_id` should not be used if other credentials are specified")
[docs] self.folder_id = folder_id
[docs] self.connections_prefix = connections_prefix.rstrip(sep) if connections_prefix is not None else None
[docs] self.variables_prefix = variables_prefix.rstrip(sep) if variables_prefix is not None else None
[docs] self.config_prefix = config_prefix.rstrip(sep) if config_prefix is not None else None
[docs] self.sep = sep
[docs] self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] def get_conn_value(self, conn_id: str) -> str | None: """ Retrieve from Secrets Backend a string value representing the Connection object. :param conn_id: Connection ID :return: Connection Value """ if self.connections_prefix is None: return None if conn_id == self.yc_connection_id: return None return self._get_secret_value(self.connections_prefix, conn_id)
[docs] def get_variable(self, key: str) -> str | None: """ Return value for Airflow Variable. :param key: Variable Key :return: Variable Value """ if self.variables_prefix is None: return None return self._get_secret_value(self.variables_prefix, key)
[docs] def get_config(self, key: str) -> str | None: """ Return value for Airflow Config Key. :param key: Config Key :return: Config Value """ if self.config_prefix is None: return None return self._get_secret_value(self.config_prefix, key)
@cached_property def _client(self): """ Create a Yandex Cloud SDK client. Lazy loading is used here because we can't establish a Connection until all secrets backends have been initialized. """ if self.yc_connection_id: self.yc_oauth_token = self._get_field("oauth") self.yc_sa_key_json = self._get_field("service_account_json") self.yc_sa_key_json_path = self._get_field("service_account_json_path") self.folder_id = self.folder_id or self._get_field("folder_id") self.endpoint = self.endpoint or self._get_field("endpoint") credentials = get_credentials( oauth_token=self.yc_oauth_token, service_account_json=self.yc_sa_key_json, service_account_json_path=self.yc_sa_key_json_path, ) sdk_config = self._get_endpoint() return yandexcloud.SDK(user_agent=provider_user_agent(), **credentials, **sdk_config).client def _get_endpoint(self) -> dict[str, str]: sdk_config = {} if self.endpoint: sdk_config["endpoint"] = self.endpoint return sdk_config @cached_property def _connection(self) -> Connection | None: if not self.yc_connection_id: return None conn = Connection.get_connection_from_secrets(self.yc_connection_id)"Using connection ID '%s' for task execution.", conn.conn_id) return conn def _get_field(self, field_name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: conn = self._connection if not conn: return None return get_field_from_extras( extras=conn.extra_dejson, field_name=field_name, default=default, ) def _build_secret_name(self, prefix: str, key: str): if len(prefix) == 0: return key return f"{prefix}{self.sep}{key}" def _get_secret_value(self, prefix: str, key: str) -> str | None: secret: secret_pb.Secret | None = None for s in self._get_secrets(): if == self._build_secret_name(prefix=prefix, key=key): secret = s break if not secret: return None payload = self._get_payload(, entries = {entry.key: entry.text_value for entry in payload.entries if entry.text_value} if len(entries) == 0: return None return sorted(entries.values())[0] def _get_secrets(self) -> list[secret_pb.Secret]: # generate client if not exists, to load folder_id from connections _ = self._client response = self._list_secrets(folder_id=self.folder_id) secrets: list[secret_pb.Secret] = response.secrets[:] next_page_token = response.next_page_token while next_page_token != "": response = self._list_secrets( folder_id=self.folder_id, page_token=next_page_token, ) secrets.extend(response.secrets) next_page_token = response.next_page_token return secrets def _get_payload(self, secret_id: str, version_id: str) -> payload_pb.Payload: request = payload_service_pb.GetPayloadRequest( secret_id=secret_id, version_id=version_id, ) return self._client(payload_service_pb_grpc.PayloadServiceStub).Get(request) def _list_secrets(self, folder_id: str, page_token: str = "") -> secret_service_pb.ListSecretsResponse: request = secret_service_pb.ListSecretsRequest( folder_id=folder_id, page_token=page_token, ) return self._client(secret_service_pb_grpc.SecretServiceStub).List(request)

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