Yandex.Cloud Connection

The Yandex.Cloud connection type enables the authentication in Yandex.Cloud services.

Configuring the Connection

Service account auth JSON

JSON object as a string.

Example: {"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}

Service account auth JSON file path

Path to the file containing service account auth JSON.

Example: /home/airflow/authorized_key.json

OAuth Token

User account OAuth token as a string.

Example: y3_Vd3eub7w9bIut67GHeL345gfb5GAnd3dZnf08FR1vjeUFve7Yi8hGvc

SSH public key (optional)

The key will be placed to all created Compute nodes, allowing you to have a root shell there.

Folder ID (optional)

A folder is an entity to separate different projects within the cloud.

If specified, this ID will be used by default when creating nodes and clusters.

See this guide for details.

Endpoint (optional)

Use this setting to configure your API endpoint.

Leave blank to use default endpoints.

Default Connection IDs

All hooks and operators related to Yandex.Cloud use the yandexcloud_default connection by default.

Authenticating to Yandex.Cloud

Using authorized keys to authorize as a service account

Before you start, make sure you have created a Yandex Cloud service account.

First, you need to create an authorized key for your service account and save the generated JSON file with both public and private key parts.

Then, you need to specify the key in the Service account auth JSON field.

Alternatively, you can specify the path to the JSON file in the Service account auth JSON file path field.

Using an OAuth token to authorize as a user account

First, you need to create an OAuth token for your user account. Your token will look like this: y3_Vd3eub7w9bIut67GHeL345gfb5GAnd3dZnf08FR1vjeUFve7Yi8hGvc.

Then you need to specify your token in the OAuth Token field.

Using metadata service

If you do not specify any credentials, the connection will attempt to use the metadata service for authentication.

To do this, you need to link your service account with your VM.

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