Module Contents¶
SSHOperator to execute commands on given remote host using the ssh_hook. |
- class airflow.providers.ssh.operators.ssh.SSHOperator(*, ssh_hook=None, ssh_conn_id=None, remote_host=None, command=None, conn_timeout=None, cmd_timeout=NOTSET, environment=None, get_pty=False, banner_timeout=30.0, skip_on_exit_code=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
SSHOperator to execute commands on given remote host using the ssh_hook.
- Parameters
ssh_hook (airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh.SSHHook | None) – predefined ssh_hook to use for remote execution. Either ssh_hook or ssh_conn_id needs to be provided.
ssh_conn_id (str | None) – ssh connection id from airflow Connections. ssh_conn_id will be ignored if ssh_hook is provided.
remote_host (str | None) – remote host to connect (templated) Nullable. If provided, it will replace the remote_host which was defined in ssh_hook or predefined in the connection of ssh_conn_id.
command (str | None) – command to execute on remote host. (templated)
conn_timeout (int | None) – timeout (in seconds) for maintaining the connection. The default is 10 seconds. Nullable. If provided, it will replace the conn_timeout which was predefined in the connection of ssh_conn_id.
cmd_timeout (int | airflow.utils.types.ArgNotSet | None) – timeout (in seconds) for executing the command. The default is 10 seconds. Nullable, None means no timeout. If provided, it will replace the cmd_timeout which was predefined in the connection of ssh_conn_id.
environment (dict | None) – a dict of shell environment variables. Note that the server will reject them silently if AcceptEnv is not set in SSH config. (templated)
get_pty (bool) – request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Set to
to have the remote process killed upon task timeout. The default isFalse
but note that get_pty is forced toTrue
when the command starts withsudo
.banner_timeout (float) – timeout to wait for banner from the server in seconds
skip_on_exit_code (int |[int] | None) – If command exits with this exit code, leave the task in
state (default: None). If set toNone
, any non-zero exit code will be treated as a failure.
If do_xcom_push is True, the numeric exit code emitted by the ssh session is pushed to XCom under key
.- property hook: airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh.SSHHook[source]¶
- template_fields:[str] = ('command', 'environment', 'remote_host')[source]¶
- template_ext:[str] = ('.sh', '.bash', '.csh', '.zsh', '.dash', '.ksh')[source]¶