Source code for airflow.providers.sftp.operators.sftp

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"""This module contains SFTP operator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import socket
from import Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import paramiko

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.sftp.hooks.sftp import SFTPHook

[docs] class SFTPOperation: """Operation that can be used with SFTP."""
[docs] PUT = "put"
[docs] GET = "get"
[docs] DELETE = "delete"
[docs] class SFTPOperator(BaseOperator): """ SFTPOperator for transferring files from remote host to local or vice a versa. This operator uses sftp_hook to open sftp transport channel that serve as basis for file transfer. :param ssh_conn_id: :ref:`ssh connection id<howto/connection:ssh>` from airflow Connections. :param sftp_hook: predefined SFTPHook to use Either `sftp_hook` or `ssh_conn_id` needs to be provided. :param remote_host: remote host to connect (templated) Nullable. If provided, it will replace the `remote_host` which was defined in `sftp_hook` or predefined in the connection of `ssh_conn_id`. :param local_filepath: local file path or list of local file paths to get or put. (templated) :param remote_filepath: remote file path or list of remote file paths to get, put, or delete. (templated) :param operation: specify operation 'get', 'put', or 'delete', defaults to put :param confirm: specify if the SFTP operation should be confirmed, defaults to True :param create_intermediate_dirs: create missing intermediate directories when copying from remote to local and vice-versa. Default is False. Example: The following task would copy ``file.txt`` to the remote host at ``/tmp/tmp1/tmp2/`` while creating ``tmp``,``tmp1`` and ``tmp2`` if they don't exist. If the parameter is not passed it would error as the directory does not exist. :: put_file = SFTPOperator( task_id="test_sftp", ssh_conn_id="ssh_default", local_filepath="/tmp/file.txt", remote_filepath="/tmp/tmp1/tmp2/file.txt", operation="put", create_intermediate_dirs=True, dag=dag, ) """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("local_filepath", "remote_filepath", "remote_host")
def __init__( self, *, sftp_hook: SFTPHook | None = None, ssh_conn_id: str | None = None, remote_host: str | None = None, local_filepath: str | list[str] | None = None, remote_filepath: str | list[str], operation: str = SFTPOperation.PUT, confirm: bool = True, create_intermediate_dirs: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.sftp_hook = sftp_hook
[docs] self.ssh_conn_id = ssh_conn_id
[docs] self.remote_host = remote_host
[docs] self.operation = operation
[docs] self.confirm = confirm
[docs] self.create_intermediate_dirs = create_intermediate_dirs
[docs] self.local_filepath = local_filepath
[docs] self.remote_filepath = remote_filepath
[docs] def execute(self, context: Any) -> str | list[str] | None: if self.local_filepath is None: local_filepath_array = [] elif isinstance(self.local_filepath, str): local_filepath_array = [self.local_filepath] else: local_filepath_array = self.local_filepath if isinstance(self.remote_filepath, str): remote_filepath_array = [self.remote_filepath] else: remote_filepath_array = self.remote_filepath if self.operation.lower() in (SFTPOperation.GET, SFTPOperation.PUT) and len( local_filepath_array ) != len(remote_filepath_array): raise ValueError( f"{len(local_filepath_array)} paths in local_filepath " f"!= {len(remote_filepath_array)} paths in remote_filepath" ) if self.operation.lower() == SFTPOperation.DELETE and local_filepath_array: raise ValueError("local_filepath should not be provided for delete operation") if self.operation.lower() not in (SFTPOperation.GET, SFTPOperation.PUT, SFTPOperation.DELETE): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operation value {self.operation}, " f"expected {SFTPOperation.GET} or {SFTPOperation.PUT} or {SFTPOperation.DELETE}." ) file_msg = None try: if self.ssh_conn_id: if self.sftp_hook and isinstance(self.sftp_hook, SFTPHook):"ssh_conn_id is ignored when sftp_hook is provided.") else:"sftp_hook not provided or invalid. Trying ssh_conn_id to create SFTPHook.") self.sftp_hook = SFTPHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id) if not self.sftp_hook: raise AirflowException("Cannot operate without sftp_hook or ssh_conn_id.") if self.remote_host is not None: "remote_host is provided explicitly. " "It will replace the remote_host which was defined " "in sftp_hook or predefined in connection of ssh_conn_id." ) self.sftp_hook.remote_host = self.remote_host if self.operation.lower() in (SFTPOperation.GET, SFTPOperation.PUT): for _local_filepath, _remote_filepath in zip(local_filepath_array, remote_filepath_array): if self.operation.lower() == SFTPOperation.GET: local_folder = os.path.dirname(_local_filepath) if self.create_intermediate_dirs: Path(local_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_msg = f"from {_remote_filepath} to {_local_filepath}""Starting to transfer %s", file_msg) if self.sftp_hook.isdir(_remote_filepath): self.sftp_hook.retrieve_directory(_remote_filepath, _local_filepath) else: self.sftp_hook.retrieve_file(_remote_filepath, _local_filepath) elif self.operation.lower() == SFTPOperation.PUT: remote_folder = os.path.dirname(_remote_filepath) if self.create_intermediate_dirs: self.sftp_hook.create_directory(remote_folder) file_msg = f"from {_local_filepath} to {_remote_filepath}""Starting to transfer file %s", file_msg) if os.path.isdir(_local_filepath): self.sftp_hook.store_directory( _remote_filepath, _local_filepath, confirm=self.confirm ) else: self.sftp_hook.store_file(_remote_filepath, _local_filepath, confirm=self.confirm) elif self.operation.lower() == SFTPOperation.DELETE: for _remote_filepath in remote_filepath_array: file_msg = f"{_remote_filepath}""Starting to delete %s", file_msg) if self.sftp_hook.isdir(_remote_filepath): self.sftp_hook.delete_directory(_remote_filepath, include_files=True) else: self.sftp_hook.delete_file(_remote_filepath) except Exception as e: raise AirflowException( f"Error while processing {self.operation.upper()} operation {file_msg}, error: {e}" ) return self.local_filepath
[docs] def get_openlineage_facets_on_start(self): """ Return OpenLineage datasets. Dataset will have the following structure: input: file://<local_host>/path output: file://<remote_host>:<remote_port>/path. """ from airflow.providers.common.compat.openlineage.facet import Dataset from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage scheme = "file" local_host = socket.gethostname() try: local_host = socket.gethostbyname(local_host) except Exception as e: self.log.warning( "Failed to resolve local hostname. " "Using the hostname got by socket.gethostbyname() without resolution. %s", e, exc_info=True, ) hook = self.sftp_hook or SFTPHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id) if self.remote_host is not None: remote_host = self.remote_host else: remote_host = hook.get_connection(hook.ssh_conn_id).host try: remote_host = socket.gethostbyname(remote_host) except OSError as e: self.log.warning( "Failed to resolve remote hostname. Using the provided hostname without resolution. %s", e, exc_info=True, ) if hasattr(hook, "port"): remote_port = hook.port # Since v4.1.0, SFTPOperator accepts both a string (single file) and a list of # strings (multiple files) as local_filepath and remote_filepath, and internally # keeps them as list in both cases. But before 4.1.0, only single string is # allowed. So we consider both cases here for backward compatibility. if isinstance(self.local_filepath, str): local_filepath = [self.local_filepath] else: local_filepath = self.local_filepath if isinstance(self.remote_filepath, str): remote_filepath = [self.remote_filepath] else: remote_filepath = self.remote_filepath local_datasets = [ Dataset(namespace=self._get_namespace(scheme, local_host, None, path), name=path) for path in local_filepath ] remote_datasets = [ Dataset(namespace=self._get_namespace(scheme, remote_host, remote_port, path), name=path) for path in remote_filepath ] if self.operation.lower() == SFTPOperation.GET: inputs = remote_datasets outputs = local_datasets else: inputs = local_datasets outputs = remote_datasets return OperatorLineage( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, )
def _get_namespace(self, scheme, host, port, path) -> str: port = port or paramiko.config.SSH_PORT authority = f"{host}:{port}" return f"{scheme}://{authority}"

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