SFTP Connection

The SFTP connection type enables SFTP Integrations.

Authenticating to SFTP

There are two ways to connect to SFTP using Airflow.

  1. Use host key i.e. host key entered in extras value host_key.

  2. Use a private key, private key pass, or password i.e. use the private_key, private_key_pass, or private_key extra values.

Only one authorization method can be used at a time. If you need to manage multiple credentials or keys then you should configure multiple connections.

Default Connection IDs

Hooks, operators, and sensors related to SFTP use sftp_default by default.

Configuring the Connection

Login (optional)

Specify the sftp username for the remote machine.

Password (optional)

Specify the sftp password for the remote machine.

Port (optional)

Specify the SSH port of the remote machine

Host (optional)

Specify the Hostname or IP of the remote machine

Extra (optional)

Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in sftp connection. The following parameters are all optional:

  • private_key_pass: Specify the password to use, if private_key is encrypted.

  • no_host_key_check: Set to false to restrict connecting to hosts with either no entries in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (Hosts file) or not present in the host_key extra. This provides maximum protection against trojan horse attacks, but can be troublesome when the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file is poorly maintained or connections to new hosts are frequently made. This option forces the user to manually add all new hosts. Default is true, ssh will automatically add new host keys to the user known hosts files.

  • host_key: The base64 encoded ssh-rsa public key of the host, as you would find in the known_hosts file. Specifying this, along with no_host_key_check=False allows you to only make the connection if the public key of the endpoint matches this value.

  • private_key Specify the path to private key file(str) or paramiko.AgentKey

Example “extras” field:

   "private_key": "path/to/private_key",
   "no_host_key_check": "false",
   "allow_host_key_change": "false",
   "host_key": "AAAHD...YDWwq=="

When specifying the connection in environment variable you should specify it using URI syntax.

Note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded.

Example connection string with private_key:

export AIRFLOW_CONN_SFTP_DEFAULT='sftp://user:pass@localhost:22?private_key=64bit-encoded-private-key'

Example connection string with host_key:


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