Google Cloud Build Operators

The Google Cloud Build is a service that executes your builds on Google Cloud Platform infrastructure. Cloud Build can import source code from Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Source Repositories, execute a build to your specifications, and produce artifacts such as Docker containers or Java archives.

Prerequisite Tasks


Cancels a build in progress.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildCancelBuildOperator

Using the operator

Cancel a build in progress with the CloudBuildCancelBuildOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

cancel_build = CloudBuildCancelBuildOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, id_, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Starts a build with the specified configuration. This generated build ID of the created build, as the result of this operator, is not idempotent.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildCreateBuildOperator

Build configuration

In order to trigger a build, it is necessary to pass the build configuration.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_from_storage_body = {
    "source": {"storage_source": GCP_SOURCE_ARCHIVE_URL},
    "steps": [
            "name": "",
            "args": ["build", "-t", f"$PROJECT_ID/{GCP_SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME}", "."],
    "images": [f"$PROJECT_ID/{GCP_SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME}"],

In addition, a build can refer to source stored in Google Cloud Source Repositories.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_from_repo_body = {
    "source": {"repo_source": {"repo_name": GCP_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_NAME, "branch_name": "main"}},
    "steps": [
            "name": "",
            "args": ["build", "-t", "$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME", "."],
    "images": ["$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME"],

Read Build Configuration Overview to understand all the fields you can include in a build config file.

Using the operator

Trigger a build is performed with the CloudBuildCreateBuildOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_from_storage = CloudBuildCreateBuildOperator(
    task_id="create_build_from_storage", project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, build=create_build_from_storage_body

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, build, body, gcp_conn_id, impersonation_chain parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_from_storage_result = BashOperator(
    bash_command=f"echo { create_build_from_storage.output['results'] }",

By default, after the build is created, it will wait for the build operation to complete. If there is no need to wait for complete, you can pass wait=False as example shown below.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_without_wait = CloudBuildCreateBuildOperator(


Creates a new Cloud Build trigger. This generated build trigger ID of the created build trigger, as the result of this operator, is not idempotent.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildCreateBuildTriggerOperator

Using the operator

Creates a new Cloud Build trigger with the CloudBuildCreateBuildTriggerOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_trigger = CloudBuildCreateBuildTriggerOperator(
    task_id="create_build_trigger", project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, trigger=create_build_trigger_body

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, trigger, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Deletes a Cloud Build trigger by its project ID and trigger ID.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildDeleteBuildTriggerOperator

Using the operator

Deletes a new Cloud Build trigger with the CloudBuildDeleteBuildTriggerOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

delete_build_trigger = CloudBuildDeleteBuildTriggerOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, trigger_id, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Returns information about a previously requested build.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildGetBuildOperator

Using the operator

Returns information about a previously requested build with the CloudBuildGetBuildOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

get_build = CloudBuildGetBuildOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, id_, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Returns information about a Cloud Build trigger.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildGetBuildTriggerOperator

Using the operator

Returns information about a Cloud Build trigger with the CloudBuildGetBuildTriggerOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

get_build_trigger = CloudBuildGetBuildTriggerOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, trigger_id, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Lists all the existing Cloud Build triggers.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildListBuildTriggersOperator

Using the operator

Lists all the existing Cloud Build triggers with the CloudBuildListBuildTriggersOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

list_build_triggers = CloudBuildListBuildTriggersOperator(
    task_id="list_build_triggers", project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, location="global", page_size=5

You can use Jinja templating with location, project_id, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Lists previously requested builds.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildListBuildsOperator

Using the operator

Lists previously requested builds with the CloudBuildListBuildsOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

list_builds = CloudBuildListBuildsOperator(
    task_id="list_builds", project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, location="global"

You can use Jinja templating with location, project_id, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Creates a new build based on the specified build. This method creates a new build using the original build request, which may or may not result in an identical build.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildRetryBuildOperator

Using the operator

Creates a new build based on the specified build with the CloudBuildRetryBuildOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

retry_build = CloudBuildRetryBuildOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, id_, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Runs a trigger at a particular source revision.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildRunBuildTriggerOperator

Using the operator

Runs a trigger at a particular source revision with the CloudBuildRunBuildTriggerOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

run_build_trigger = CloudBuildRunBuildTriggerOperator(

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, trigger_id, source, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


Updates a Cloud Build trigger by its project ID and trigger ID.

For parameter definition, take a look at CloudBuildUpdateBuildTriggerOperator

Using the operator

Updates a Cloud Build trigger with the CloudBuildUpdateBuildTriggerOperator operator.

airflow/providers/google/cloud/example_dags/example_cloud_build.pyView Source

create_build_trigger = CloudBuildCreateBuildTriggerOperator(
    task_id="create_build_trigger", project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID, trigger=create_build_trigger_body

You can use Jinja templating with project_id, trigger_id, trigger, gcp_conn_id parameters which allows you to dynamically determine values. The result is saved to XCom, which allows it to be used by other operators.


For further information, look at:

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