
This module contains Databricks operators.

Module Contents



Executes SQL code in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster.


Executes COPY INTO command in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster.



class airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_sql.DatabricksSqlOperator(*, databricks_conn_id=DatabricksSqlHook.default_conn_name, http_path=None, sql_endpoint_name=None, session_configuration=None, http_headers=None, catalog=None, schema=None, output_path=None, output_format='csv', csv_params=None, client_parameters=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.providers.common.sql.operators.sql.SQLExecuteQueryOperator

Executes SQL code in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster.

See also

For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: DatabricksSqlOperator

  • databricks_conn_id (str) -- Reference to Databricks connection id (templated)

  • http_path (str | None) -- Optional string specifying HTTP path of Databricks SQL Endpoint or cluster. If not specified, it should be either specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters, or sql_endpoint_name must be specified.

  • sql_endpoint_name (str | None) -- Optional name of Databricks SQL Endpoint. If not specified, http_path must be provided as described above.

  • sql -- the SQL code to be executed as a single string, or a list of str (sql statements), or a reference to a template file. (templated) Template references are recognized by str ending in '.sql'

  • parameters -- (optional) the parameters to render the SQL query with.

  • session_configuration -- An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. Defaults to None. If not specified, it could be specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters.

  • client_parameters (dict[str, Any] | None) -- Additional parameters internal to Databricks SQL Connector parameters

  • http_headers (list[tuple[str, str]] | None) -- An optional list of (k, v) pairs that will be set as HTTP headers on every request. (templated)

  • catalog (str | None) -- An optional initial catalog to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ (templated)

  • schema (str | None) -- An optional initial schema to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ (templated)

  • output_path (str | None) -- optional string specifying the file to which write selected data. (templated)

  • output_format (str) -- format of output data if output_path` is specified. Possible values are ``csv, json, jsonl. Default is csv.

  • csv_params (dict[str, Any] | None) -- parameters that will be passed to the csv.DictWriter class used to write CSV data.

template_fields: Sequence[str][source]
template_ext: Sequence[str] = ('.sql',)[source]
conn_id_field = 'databricks_conn_id'[source]

Get the database hook for the connection.


the database hook object.

Return type


airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_sql.COPY_INTO_APPROVED_FORMATS = ['CSV', 'JSON', 'AVRO', 'ORC', 'PARQUET', 'TEXT', 'BINARYFILE'][source]
class airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_sql.DatabricksCopyIntoOperator(*, table_name, file_location, file_format, databricks_conn_id=DatabricksSqlHook.default_conn_name, http_path=None, sql_endpoint_name=None, session_configuration=None, http_headers=None, client_parameters=None, catalog=None, schema=None, files=None, pattern=None, expression_list=None, credential=None, storage_credential=None, encryption=None, format_options=None, force_copy=None, copy_options=None, validate=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.models.BaseOperator

Executes COPY INTO command in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster.

COPY INTO command is constructed from individual pieces, that are described in documentation.

See also

For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: DatabricksCopyIntoOperator

  • table_name (str) -- Required name of the table. (templated)

  • file_location (str) -- Required location of files to import. (templated)

  • file_format (str) -- Required file format. Supported formats are CSV, JSON, AVRO, ORC, PARQUET, TEXT, BINARYFILE.

  • databricks_conn_id (str) -- Reference to Databricks connection id (templated)

  • http_path (str | None) -- Optional string specifying HTTP path of Databricks SQL Endpoint or cluster. If not specified, it should be either specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters, or sql_endpoint_name must be specified.

  • sql_endpoint_name (str | None) -- Optional name of Databricks SQL Endpoint. If not specified, http_path must be provided as described above.

  • session_configuration -- An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. Defaults to None. If not specified, it could be specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters.

  • http_headers (list[tuple[str, str]] | None) -- An optional list of (k, v) pairs that will be set as HTTP headers on every request

  • catalog (str | None) -- An optional initial catalog to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+

  • schema (str | None) -- An optional initial schema to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+

  • client_parameters (dict[str, Any] | None) -- Additional parameters internal to Databricks SQL Connector parameters

  • files (list[str] | None) -- optional list of files to import. Can't be specified together with pattern. (templated)

  • pattern (str | None) -- optional regex string to match file names to import. Can't be specified together with files.

  • expression_list (str | None) -- optional string that will be used in the SELECT expression.

  • credential (dict[str, str] | None) -- optional credential configuration for authentication against a source location.

  • storage_credential (str | None) -- optional Unity Catalog storage credential for destination.

  • encryption (dict[str, str] | None) -- optional encryption configuration for a specified location.

  • format_options (dict[str, str] | None) -- optional dictionary with options specific for a given file format.

  • force_copy (bool | None) -- optional bool to control forcing of data import (could be also specified in copy_options).

  • validate (bool | int | None) -- optional configuration for schema & data validation. True forces validation of all rows, integer number - validate only N first rows

  • copy_options (dict[str, str] | None) -- optional dictionary of copy options. Right now only force option is supported.

template_fields: Sequence[str] = ('file_location', 'files', 'table_name', 'databricks_conn_id')[source]

Derive when creating an operator.

Context is the same dictionary used as when rendering jinja templates.

Refer to get_template_context for more context.

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