This module contains sensor that check the existence of a table in a Cassandra cluster.
Module Contents¶
Checks for the existence of a table in a Cassandra cluster. |
- class airflow.providers.apache.cassandra.sensors.table.CassandraTableSensor(*, table, cassandra_conn_id=CassandraHook.default_conn_name, **kwargs)[source]¶
Checks for the existence of a table in a Cassandra cluster.
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Waiting for a Table to be created
For example, if you want to wait for a table called 't' to be created in a keyspace 'k', instantiate it as follows:
>>> cassandra_sensor = CassandraTableSensor(table="k.t", ... cassandra_conn_id="cassandra_default", ... task_id="cassandra_sensor")
- Parameters