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from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Sequence

from airflow.compat.functools import cached_property
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from import AthenaHook

    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs]class AthenaOperator(BaseOperator): """ An operator that submits a presto query to athena. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:AthenaOperator` :param query: Presto to be run on athena. (templated) :param database: Database to select. (templated) :param output_location: s3 path to write the query results into. (templated) :param aws_conn_id: aws connection to use :param client_request_token: Unique token created by user to avoid multiple executions of same query :param workgroup: Athena workgroup in which query will be run :param query_execution_context: Context in which query need to be run :param result_configuration: Dict with path to store results in and config related to encryption :param sleep_time: Time (in seconds) to wait between two consecutive calls to check query status on Athena :param max_tries: Deprecated - use max_polling_attempts instead. :param max_polling_attempts: Number of times to poll for query state before function exits To limit task execution time, use execution_timeout. """
[docs] ui_color = "#44b5e2"
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("query", "database", "output_location")
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".sql",)
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"query": "sql"}
def __init__( self, *, query: str, database: str, output_location: str, aws_conn_id: str = "aws_default", client_request_token: str | None = None, workgroup: str = "primary", query_execution_context: dict[str, str] | None = None, result_configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None, sleep_time: int = 30, max_tries: int | None = None, max_polling_attempts: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.query = query self.database = database self.output_location = output_location self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id self.client_request_token = client_request_token self.workgroup = workgroup self.query_execution_context = query_execution_context or {} self.result_configuration = result_configuration or {} self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.max_polling_attempts = max_polling_attempts self.query_execution_id: str | None = None if max_tries: warnings.warn( f"Parameter `{self.__class__.__name__}.max_tries` is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release. Please use method `max_polling_attempts` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if max_polling_attempts and max_polling_attempts != max_tries: raise Exception("max_polling_attempts must be the same value as max_tries") else: self.max_polling_attempts = max_tries @cached_property
[docs] def hook(self) -> AthenaHook: """Create and return an AthenaHook.""" return AthenaHook(self.aws_conn_id, sleep_time=self.sleep_time)
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> str | None: """Run Presto Query on Athena""" self.query_execution_context["Database"] = self.database self.result_configuration["OutputLocation"] = self.output_location self.query_execution_id = self.hook.run_query( self.query, self.query_execution_context, self.result_configuration, self.client_request_token, self.workgroup, ) query_status = self.hook.poll_query_status( self.query_execution_id, max_polling_attempts=self.max_polling_attempts, ) if query_status in AthenaHook.FAILURE_STATES: error_message = self.hook.get_state_change_reason(self.query_execution_id) raise Exception( f"Final state of Athena job is {query_status}, query_execution_id is " f"{self.query_execution_id}. Error: {error_message}" ) elif not query_status or query_status in AthenaHook.INTERMEDIATE_STATES: raise Exception( f"Final state of Athena job is {query_status}. Max tries of poll status exceeded, " f"query_execution_id is {self.query_execution_id}." ) return self.query_execution_id
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: """Cancel the submitted athena query""" if self.query_execution_id:"Received a kill signal.")"Stopping Query with executionId - %s", self.query_execution_id) response = self.hook.stop_query(self.query_execution_id) http_status_code = None try: http_status_code = response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] except Exception as ex: self.log.error("Exception while cancelling query: %s", ex) finally: if http_status_code is None or http_status_code != 200: self.log.error("Unable to request query cancel on athena. Exiting") else: "Polling Athena for query with id %s to reach final state", self.query_execution_id ) self.hook.poll_query_status(self.query_execution_id)

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