Updating the Airflow Helm Chart

The following documents any backwards-incompatible changes in the Airflow Helm chart and assists users migrating to a new version.

Run helm repo update before upgrading the chart to the latest version.

Airflow Helm Chart 1.5.0

Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.4

The default Airflow image that is used with the Chart is now 2.2.4, previously it was 2.2.3.

Removed config.api

This section configured the authentication backend for the Airflow API but used the same values as the Airflow default setting, which made it unnecessary to declare the same again.

Airflow Helm Chart 1.4.0

Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.3

The default Airflow image that is used with the Chart is now 2.2.3, previously it was 2.2.1.

ingress.web.hosts and ingress.flower.hosts parameters data type has changed and ingress.web.tls and ingress.flower.tls have moved

ingress.web.hosts and ingress.flower.hosts have had their types have been changed from an array of strings to an array of objects. ingress.web.tls and ingress.flower.tls can now be specified per host in ingress.web.hosts and ingress.flower.hosts respectively.

The old parameter names will continue to work, however support for them will be removed in a future release so please update your values file.

Fixed precedence of nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations params

nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations params precedence has been fixed on all components. Now component-specific params (e.g. webserver.affinity) takes precedence over the global param (e.g. affinity).

Default KubernetesExecutor worker affinity removed

Previously a default affinity was added to KubernetesExecutor workers to spread the workers out across nodes. This default affinity is no longer set because, in general, there is no reason to spread task-specific workers across nodes.

Changes in webserver and flower NetworkPolicy default ports

The defaults for webserver.networkPolicy.ingress.ports and flower.networkPolicy.ingress.ports moved away from using named ports to numerical ports to avoid issues with OpenShift.

Increase default livenessProbe timeoutSeconds for scheduler and triggerer

The default timeout for the scheduler and triggerer livenessProbe has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.

Airflow Helm Chart 1.3.0

Default Airflow image is updated to 2.2.1

The default Airflow image that is used with the Chart is now 2.2.1 (which is Python 3.7), previously it was 2.1.4 (which is Python 3.6).

The triggerer component requires Python 3.7. If you require Python 3.6 and Airflow 2.2.0 or later, use a 3.6 based image and set triggerer.enabled=False in your values.

Resources made configurable for airflow-run-airflow-migrations job

Now it’s possible to set resources requests and limits for migration job through migrateDatabaseJob.resources value.

Airflow Helm Chart 1.2.0

ingress.web.host and ingress.flower.host parameters have been renamed and data type changed

ingress.web.host and ingress.flower.host parameters have been renamed to ingress.web.hosts and ingress.flower.hosts, respectively. Their types have been changed from a string to an array of strings.

The old parameter names will continue to work, however support for them will be removed in a future release so please update your values file.

Default Airflow version is updated to 2.1.4

The default Airflow version that is installed with the Chart is now 2.1.4, previously it was 2.1.2.

Removed ingress.flower.precedingPaths and ingress.flower.succeedingPaths parameters

ingress.flower.precedingPaths and ingress.flower.succeedingPaths parameters have been removed as they had previously had no effect on rendered YAML output.

Change of default path on Ingress

With the move to support the stable Kubernetes Ingress API the default path has been changed from being unset to /. For most Ingress controllers this should not change the behavior of the resulting Ingress resource.

Airflow Helm Chart 1.1.0

Run helm repo update before upgrading the chart to the latest version.

Default Airflow version is updated to 2.1.2

The default Airflow version that is installed with the Chart is now 2.1.2, previously it was 2.0.2.

Helm 2 no longer supported

This chart has dropped support for Helm 2 as it has been deprecated and no longer receiving security updates since November 2020.

webserver.extraNetworkPolicies and flower.extraNetworkPolicies parameters have been renamed

webserver.extraNetworkPolicies and flower.extraNetworkPolicies have been renamed to webserver.networkPolicy.ingress.from and flower.networkPolicy.ingress.from, respectively. Their values and behavior are the same.

The old parameter names will continue to work, however support for them will be removed in a future release so please update your values file.

Removed dags.gitSync.root, dags.gitSync.dest, and dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver parameters

The dags.gitSync.root and dags.gitSync.dest parameters did not provide any useful behaviors to chart users so they have been removed. If you have them set in your values file you can safely remove them.

The dags.gitSync.excludeWebserver parameter was mistakenly included in the charts values.schema.json. If you have it set in your values file, you can safely remove it.

nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations on migrateDatabaseJob and createUserJob jobs

The migrateDatabaseJob and createUserJob jobs were incorrectly using the webserver’s nodeSelector, affinity and tolerations (if set). Each job is now configured separately.

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