Configuring Airflow

The chart allows for setting arbitrary Airflow configuration in values under the config key. Some of the defaults in the chart differ from those of core Airflow and can be found in values.yaml.

As an example of setting arbitrary configuration, the following yaml demonstrates how one would allow webserver users to view the config from within the UI:

    expose_config: 'True'  # by default this is 'False'

Generally speaking, it is useful to familiarize oneself with the Airflow configuration prior to installing and deploying the service.


The recommended way to load example DAGs using the official Docker image and chart is to configure the AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES environment variable in extraEnv (see Parameters reference). The official Docker image has AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES=False set within the image, so you need to override it with an environment variable when deploying the chart in order for the examples to be present.

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