
This topic describes how to configure Airflow to secure your webserver.

Rendering Airflow UI in a Web Frame from another site

Using Airflow in a web frame is enabled by default. To disable this (and prevent click jacking attacks) set the below:

x_frame_enabled = False

Disable Deployment Exposure Warning

Airflow warns when recent requests are made to /robots.txt. To disable this warning set warn_deployment_exposure to False as below:

warn_deployment_exposure = False

Sensitive Variable fields

Variable values that are deemed “sensitive” based on the variable name will be masked in the UI automatically. See Masking sensitive data for more details.

Web Authentication

The webserver authentication is handled by the auth manager. For more information about webserver authentication, please refer to the auth manager documentation used by your environment. By default Airflow uses the FAB auth manager, if you did not specify any other auth manager, please look at Webserver authentication.


SSL can be enabled by providing a certificate and key. Once enabled, be sure to use “https://” in your browser.

web_server_ssl_cert = <path to cert>
web_server_ssl_key = <path to key>

Enabling SSL will not automatically change the web server port. If you want to use the standard port 443, you’ll need to configure that too. Be aware that super user privileges (or cap_net_bind_service on Linux) are required to listen on port 443.

# Optionally, set the server to listen on the standard SSL port.
web_server_port = 443
base_url = http://<hostname or IP>:443

Enable CeleryExecutor with SSL. Ensure you properly generate client and server certs and keys.

ssl_active = True
ssl_key = <path to key>
ssl_cert = <path to cert>
ssl_cacert = <path to cacert>

Rate limiting

Airflow can be configured to limit the number of authentication requests in a given time window. We are using Flask-Limiter to achieve that and by default Airflow uses per-webserver default limit of 5 requests per 40 second fixed window. By default no common storage for rate limits is used between the gunicorn processes you run so rate-limit is applied separately for each process, so assuming random distribution of the requests by gunicorn with single webserver instance and default 4 gunicorn workers, the effective rate limit is 5 x 4 = 20 requests per 40 second window (more or less). However you can configure the rate limit to be shared between the processes by using rate limit storage via setting the RATELIMIT_* configuration settings in webserver_config.py. For example, to use Redis as a rate limit storage you can use the following configuration (you need to set redis_host to your Redis instance)

RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URI = "redis://redis_host:6379/0"

You can also configure other rate limit settings in webserver_config.py - for more details, see the Flask Limiter rate limit configuration.

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