Releasing security patches

Apache Airflow® uses a consistent and predictable approach for releasing security patches - both for the Apache Airflow package and Apache Airflow providers (security patches in providers are treated separately from security patches in Airflow core package).

Releasing Airflow with security patches

Apache Airflow uses a strict [SemVer]( versioning policy, which means that we strive for any release of a given MAJOR Version (version “2” currently) to be backwards compatible. When we release a MINOR version, the development continues in the main branch where we prepare the next MINOR version, but we release PATCHLEVEL releases with selected bugfixes (including security bugfixes) cherry-picked to the latest released MINOR line of Apache Airflow. At the moment, when we release a new MINOR version, we stop releasing PATCHLEVEL releases for the previous MINOR version.

For example, once we released 2.6.0 version on April 30, 2023 all the security patches will be cherry-picked and released in 2.6.* versions until we release 2.7.0 version. There will be no 2.5.* versions released after 2.6.0 has been released.

This means that in order to apply security fixes in Apache Airflow, you MUST upgrade to the latest MINOR and PATCHLEVEL version of Airflow.

Releasing Airflow providers with security patches

Similarly to Airflow, providers uses a strict SemVer versioning policy, and the same policies apply for providers as for Airflow itself. This means that you need to upgrade to the latest MINOR and PATCHLEVEL version of the provider to get the latest security fixes. Airflow providers are released independently from Airflow itself and the information about vulnerabilities is published separately. You can upgrade providers independently from Airflow itself, following the instructions found in Managing providers separately from Airflow core.

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