
Module Contents



Branches into one of two lists of tasks depending on the current datetime.


target_times_as_dates(base_date, lower, upper)

Ensures upper and lower time targets are datetimes by combining them with base_date.

class airflow.operators.datetime.BranchDateTimeOperator(*, follow_task_ids_if_true, follow_task_ids_if_false, target_lower, target_upper, use_task_logical_date=False, use_task_execution_date=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.operators.branch.BaseBranchOperator

Branches into one of two lists of tasks depending on the current datetime.

For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: BranchDateTimeOperator.

True branch will be returned when falls below target_upper and above target_lower.

  • follow_task_ids_if_true (str | Iterable[str]) – task id or task ids to follow if falls above target_lower and below target_upper.

  • follow_task_ids_if_false (str | Iterable[str]) – task id or task ids to follow if falls below target_lower or above target_upper.

  • target_lower (datetime.datetime | datetime.time | None) – target lower bound.

  • target_upper (datetime.datetime | datetime.time | None) – target upper bound.

  • use_task_logical_date (bool) – If True, uses task’s logical date to compare with targets. Execution date is useful for backfilling. If False, uses system’s date.


Abstract method to choose which branch to run.

Subclasses should implement this, running whatever logic is necessary to choose a branch and returning a task_id or list of task_ids.


context (airflow.utils.context.Context) – Context dictionary as passed to execute()

airflow.operators.datetime.target_times_as_dates(base_date, lower, upper)[source]

Ensures upper and lower time targets are datetimes by combining them with base_date.

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