Command Line Interface and Environment Variables Reference¶
Command Line Interface¶
Airflow has a very rich command line interface that allows for many types of operation on a DAG, starting services, and supporting development and testing.
For more information on usage CLI, see Using the Command Line Interface
usage: airflow [-h] GROUP_OR_COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: celery, cheat-sheet, config, connections, dag-processor, dags, db, info, jobs, kerberos, kubernetes, plugins, pools, providers, roles, rotate-fernet-key, scheduler, standalone, sync-perm, tasks, triggerer, users, variables, version, webserver
Start celery components. Works only when using CeleryExecutor. For more information, see
airflow celery [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: flower, stop, worker
Start a Celery Flower
airflow celery flower [-h] [-A BASIC_AUTH] [-a BROKER_API] [-D]
[--pid [PID]] [-p PORT] [--stderr STDERR]
[--stdout STDOUT] [-u URL_PREFIX] [-v]
- -A, --basic-auth
Securing Flower with Basic Authentication. Accepts user:password pairs separated by a comma. Example: flower_basic_auth = user1:password1,user2:password2
Default: ""
- -a, --broker-api
Broker API
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -c, --flower-conf
Configuration file for flower
- -H, --hostname
Set the hostname on which to run the server
Default: ""
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- --pid
PID file location
- -p, --port
The port on which to run the server
Default: 5555
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -u, --url-prefix
URL prefix for Flower
Default: ""
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Stop the Celery worker gracefully
airflow celery stop [-h] [--pid [PID]] [-v]
- --pid
PID file location
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Start a Celery worker node
airflow celery worker [-h] [-a AUTOSCALE] [-H CELERY_HOSTNAME]
[-c CONCURRENCY] [-D] [-l LOG_FILE] [--pid [PID]]
[-q QUEUES] [-s] [--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT]
[-u UMASK] [-v] [--without-gossip] [--without-mingle]
- -a, --autoscale
Minimum and Maximum number of worker to autoscale
- -H, --celery-hostname
Set the hostname of celery worker if you have multiple workers on a single machine
- -c, --concurrency
The number of worker processes
Default: 8
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- --pid
PID file location
- -q, --queues
Comma delimited list of queues to serve
Default: "default"
- -s, --skip-serve-logs
Don't start the serve logs process along with the workers
Default: False
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -u, --umask
Set the umask of celery worker in daemon mode
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- --without-gossip
Don't subscribe to other workers events
Default: False
- --without-mingle
Don't synchronize with other workers at start-up
Default: False
Display cheat sheet
airflow cheat-sheet [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
View configuration
airflow config [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: get-value, list
Manage connections
airflow connections [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: add, delete, export, get, import, list
Add a connection
airflow connections add [-h] [--conn-description CONN_DESCRIPTION]
[--conn-extra CONN_EXTRA] [--conn-host CONN_HOST]
[--conn-json CONN_JSON] [--conn-login CONN_LOGIN]
[--conn-password CONN_PASSWORD]
[--conn-port CONN_PORT] [--conn-schema CONN_SCHEMA]
[--conn-type CONN_TYPE] [--conn-uri CONN_URI]
- conn_id
Connection id, required to get/add/delete a connection
- --conn-description
Connection description, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-extra
Connection Extra field, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-host
Connection host, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-json
Connection JSON, required to add a connection using JSON representation
- --conn-login
Connection login, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-password
Connection password, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-port
Connection port, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-schema
Connection schema, optional when adding a connection
- --conn-type
Connection type, required to add a connection without conn_uri
- --conn-uri
Connection URI, required to add a connection without conn_type
Delete a connection
airflow connections delete [-h] [--color {off,on,auto}] [-v] conn_id
- conn_id
Connection id, required to get/add/delete a connection
- --color
Possible choices: off, on, auto
Do emit colored output (default: auto)
Default: "auto"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
All connections can be exported in STDOUT using the following command: airflow connections export - The file format can be determined by the provided file extension. E.g., The following command will export the connections in JSON format: airflow connections export /tmp/connections.json The --file-format parameter can be used to control the file format. E.g., the default format is JSON in STDOUT mode, which can be overridden using: airflow connections export - --file-format yaml The --file-format parameter can also be used for the files, for example: airflow connections export /tmp/connections --file-format json. When exporting in env file format, you control whether URI format or JSON format is used to serialize the connection by passing uri or json with option --serialization-format.
airflow connections export [-h] [--file-format {json,yaml,env}]
[--format {json,yaml,env}]
[--serialization-format {json,uri}] [-v]
- file
Output file path for exporting the connections
- --file-format
Possible choices: json, yaml, env
File format for the export
- --format
Possible choices: json, yaml, env
Deprecated -- use --file-format instead. File format to use for the export.
- --serialization-format
Possible choices: json, uri
When exporting as .env format, defines how connections should be serialized. Default is uri.
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get a connection
airflow connections get [-h] [--color {off,on,auto}]
[-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- conn_id
Connection id, required to get/add/delete a connection
- --color
Possible choices: off, on, auto
Do emit colored output (default: auto)
Default: "auto"
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Connections can be imported from the output of the export command. The filetype must by json, yaml or env and will be automatically inferred.
airflow connections import [-h] [-v] file
- file
Import connections from a file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List connections
airflow connections list [-h] [--conn-id CONN_ID]
[-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- --conn-id
If passed, only items with the specified connection ID will be displayed
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Start a standalone Dag Processor instance
airflow dag-processor [-h] [-D] [-p] [-l LOG_FILE] [-n NUM_RUNS] [--pid [PID]]
[--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -p, --do-pickle
Attempt to pickle the DAG object to send over to the workers, instead of letting workers run their version of the code
Default: False
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- -n, --num-runs
Set the number of runs to execute before exiting
Default: -1
- --pid
PID file location
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage DAGs
airflow dags [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: backfill, delete, list, list-import-errors, list-jobs, list-runs, next-execution, pause, report, reserialize, show, show-dependencies, state, test, trigger, unpause
Run subsections of a DAG for a specified date range. If reset_dag_run option is used, backfill will first prompt users whether airflow should clear all the previous dag_run and task_instances within the backfill date range. If rerun_failed_tasks is used, backfill will auto re-run the previous failed task instances within the backfill date range
airflow dags backfill [-h] [-c CONF] [--continue-on-failures]
[--delay-on-limit DELAY_ON_LIMIT] [--disable-retry] [-x]
[-n] [-e END_DATE] [-i] [-I] [-l] [-m] [--pool POOL]
[--rerun-failed-tasks] [--reset-dagruns] [-B]
[--treat-dag-as-regex] [-v] [-y]
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -c, --conf
JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun's conf attribute
- --continue-on-failures
if set, the backfill will keep going even if some of the tasks failed
Default: False
- --delay-on-limit
Amount of time in seconds to wait when the limit on maximum active dag runs (max_active_runs) has been reached before trying to execute a dag run again
Default: 1.0
- --disable-retry
if set, the backfill will set tasks as failed without retrying.
Default: False
- -x, --donot-pickle
Do not attempt to pickle the DAG object to send over to the workers, just tell the workers to run their version of the code
Default: False
- -n, --dry-run
Perform a dry run for each task. Only renders Template Fields for each task, nothing else
Default: False
- -e, --end-date
Override end_date YYYY-MM-DD
- -i, --ignore-dependencies
Skip upstream tasks, run only the tasks matching the regexp. Only works in conjunction with task_regex
Default: False
- -I, --ignore-first-depends-on-past
Ignores depends_on_past dependencies for the first set of tasks only (subsequent executions in the backfill DO respect depends_on_past)
Default: False
- -l, --local
Run the task using the LocalExecutor
Default: False
- -m, --mark-success
Mark jobs as succeeded without running them
Default: False
- --pool
Resource pool to use
- --rerun-failed-tasks
if set, the backfill will auto-rerun all the failed tasks for the backfill date range instead of throwing exceptions
Default: False
- --reset-dagruns
if set, the backfill will delete existing backfill-related DAG runs and start anew with fresh, running DAG runs
Default: False
- -B, --run-backwards
if set, the backfill will run tasks from the most recent day first. if there are tasks that depend_on_past this option will throw an exception
Default: False
- -s, --start-date
Override start_date YYYY-MM-DD
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -t, --task-regex
The regex to filter specific task_ids to backfill (optional)
- --treat-dag-as-regex
if set, dag_id will be treated as regex instead of an exact string
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
Delete all DB records related to the specified DAG
airflow dags delete [-h] [-v] [-y] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
List all the DAGs
airflow dags list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List all the DAGs that have import errors
airflow dags list-import-errors [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-S SUBDIR]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List the jobs
airflow dags list-jobs [-h] [-d DAG_ID] [--limit LIMIT]
[-o table, json, yaml, plain] [--state STATE] [-v]
- -d, --dag-id
The id of the dag
- --limit
Return a limited number of records
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- --state
Only list the dag runs corresponding to the state
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List DAG runs given a DAG id. If state option is given, it will only search for all the dagruns with the given state. If no_backfill option is given, it will filter out all backfill dagruns for given dag id. If start_date is given, it will filter out all the dagruns that were executed before this date. If end_date is given, it will filter out all the dagruns that were executed after this date.
airflow dags list-runs [-h] -d DAG_ID [-e END_DATE] [--no-backfill]
[-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-s START_DATE]
[--state STATE] [-v]
- -d, --dag-id
The id of the dag
- -e, --end-date
Override end_date YYYY-MM-DD
- --no-backfill
filter all the backfill dagruns given the dag id
Default: False
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -s, --start-date
Override start_date YYYY-MM-DD
- --state
Only list the dag runs corresponding to the state
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get the next execution datetimes of a DAG. It returns one execution unless the num-executions option is given
airflow dags next-execution [-h] [-n NUM_EXECUTIONS] [-S SUBDIR] [-v] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -n, --num-executions
The number of next execution datetimes to show
Default: 1
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Pause a DAG
airflow dags pause [-h] [-S SUBDIR] [-v] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Show DagBag loading report
airflow dags report [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Drop all serialized dags from the metadata DB. This will cause all DAGs to be reserialized from the DagBag folder. This can be helpful if your serialized DAGs get out of sync with the version of Airflow that you are running.
airflow dags reserialize [-h] [--clear-only] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
- --clear-only
If passed, serialized DAGs will be cleared but not reserialized.
Default: False
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
The --imgcat option only works in iTerm.
For more information, see:
The --save option saves the result to the indicated file.
The file format is determined by the file extension. For more information about supported format, see:
If you want to create a PNG file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags show <DAG_ID> --save output.png
If you want to create a DOT file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags show <DAG_ID> --save
airflow dags show [-h] [--imgcat] [-s SAVE] [-S SUBDIR] [-v] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- --imgcat
Displays graph using the imgcat tool.
Default: False
- -s, --save
Saves the result to the indicated file.
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
The --imgcat option only works in iTerm.
For more information, see:
The --save option saves the result to the indicated file.
The file format is determined by the file extension. For more information about supported format, see:
If you want to create a PNG file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags show-dependencies --save output.png
If you want to create a DOT file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags show-dependencies --save
airflow dags show-dependencies [-h] [--imgcat] [-s SAVE] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
- --imgcat
Displays graph using the imgcat tool.
Default: False
- -s, --save
Saves the result to the indicated file.
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get the status of a dag run
airflow dags state [-h] [-S SUBDIR] [-v] dag_id execution_date
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- execution_date
The execution date of the DAG
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Execute one single DagRun for a given DAG and execution date.
The --imgcat-dagrun option only works in iTerm.
For more information, see:
If --save-dagrun is used, then, after completing the backfill, saves the diagram for current DAG Run to the indicated file. The file format is determined by the file extension. For more information about supported format, see:
If you want to create a PNG file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags test <DAG_ID> <EXECUTION_DATE> --save-dagrun output.png
If you want to create a DOT file then you should execute the following command: airflow dags test <DAG_ID> <EXECUTION_DATE> --save-dagrun
airflow dags test [-h] [-c CONF] [--imgcat-dagrun] [--save-dagrun SAVE_DAGRUN]
[--show-dagrun] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id [execution_date]
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- execution_date
The execution date of the DAG (optional)
- -c, --conf
JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun's conf attribute
- --imgcat-dagrun
After completing the dag run, prints a diagram on the screen for the current DAG Run using the imgcat tool.
Default: False
- --save-dagrun
After completing the backfill, saves the diagram for current DAG Run to the indicated file.
- --show-dagrun
After completing the backfill, shows the diagram for current DAG Run.
The diagram is in DOT language
Default: False
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Trigger a DAG run
airflow dags trigger [-h] [-c CONF] [-e EXEC_DATE] [-r RUN_ID] [-S SUBDIR]
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -c, --conf
JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun's conf attribute
- -e, --exec-date
The execution date of the DAG
- -r, --run-id
Helps to identify this run
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Resume a paused DAG
airflow dags unpause [-h] [-S SUBDIR] [-v] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Database operations
airflow db [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: check, check-migrations, clean, downgrade, init, reset, shell, upgrade
Check if the database can be reached
airflow db check [-h] [-v]
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Check if migration have finished (or continually check until timeout)
airflow db check-migrations [-h] [-t MIGRATION_WAIT_TIMEOUT] [-v]
- -t, --migration-wait-timeout
timeout to wait for db to migrate
Default: 60
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Purge old records in metastore tables
airflow db clean [-h] --clean-before-timestamp CLEAN_BEFORE_TIMESTAMP
[--dry-run] [--skip-archive] [-t TABLES] [-v] [-y]
- --clean-before-timestamp
The date or timestamp before which data should be purged. If no timezone info is supplied then dates are assumed to be in airflow default timezone. Example: '2022-01-01 00:00:00+01:00'
- --dry-run
Perform a dry run
Default: False
- --skip-archive
Don't preserve purged records in an archive table.
Default: False
- -t, --tables
Table names to perform maintenance on (use comma-separated list). Options: ['callback_request', 'celery_taskmeta', 'celery_tasksetmeta', 'dag', 'dag_run', 'dataset_event', 'import_error', 'job', 'log', 'sla_miss', 'task_fail', 'task_instance', 'task_reschedule', 'xcom']
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
Downgrade the schema of the metadata database. You must provide either --to-revision or --to-version. To print but not execute commands, use option --show-sql-only. If using options --from-revision or --from-version, you must also use --show-sql-only, because if actually running migrations, we should only migrate from the current Alembic revision.
airflow db downgrade [-h] [--from-revision FROM_REVISION]
[--from-version FROM_VERSION] [-s] [-r TO_REVISION]
[-n TO_VERSION] [-v] [-y]
- --from-revision
(Optional) If generating sql, may supply a from Alembic revision
- --from-version
(Optional) If generating sql, may supply a from version
- -s, --show-sql-only
Don't actually run migrations; just print out sql scripts for offline migration. Required if using either --from-revision or --from-version.
Default: False
- -r, --to-revision
The Alembic revision to downgrade to. Note: must provide either --to-revision or --to-version.
- -n, --to-version
(Optional) If provided, only run migrations up to this version.
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
Initialize the metadata database
airflow db init [-h] [-v]
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Burn down and rebuild the metadata database
airflow db reset [-h] [-s] [-v] [-y]
- -s, --skip-init
Only remove tables; do not perform db init.
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
Runs a shell to access the database
airflow db shell [-h] [-v]
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Upgrade the schema of the metadata database. To print but not execute commands, use option --show-sql-only
. If using options --from-revision
or --from-version
, you must also use --show-sql-only
, because if actually running migrations, we should only migrate from the current Alembic revision.
airflow db upgrade [-h] [--from-revision FROM_REVISION]
[--from-version FROM_VERSION] [-s] [-r TO_REVISION]
[-n TO_VERSION] [-v]
- --from-revision
(Optional) If generating sql, may supply a from Alembic revision
- --from-version
(Optional) If generating sql, may supply a from version
- -s, --show-sql-only
Don't actually run migrations; just print out sql scripts for offline migration. Required if using either --from-revision or --from-version.
Default: False
- -r, --to-revision
(Optional) If provided, only run migrations up to and including this Alembic revision.
- -n, --to-version
(Optional) The airflow version to upgrade to. Note: must provide either --to-revision or --to-version.
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Show information about current Airflow and environment
airflow info [-h] [--anonymize] [--file-io] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- --anonymize
Minimize any personal identifiable information. Use it when sharing output with others.
Default: False
- --file-io
Send output to service and returns link.
Default: False
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage jobs
airflow jobs [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: check
Checks if job(s) are still alive
airflow jobs check [-h] [--allow-multiple] [--hostname HOSTNAME]
[--job-type {BackfillJob,LocalTaskJob,SchedulerJob,TriggererJob,DagProcessorJob}]
[--limit LIMIT] [--local] [-v]
- --allow-multiple
If passed, this command will be successful even if multiple matching alive jobs are found.
Default: False
- --hostname
The hostname of job(s) that will be checked.
- --job-type
Possible choices: BackfillJob, LocalTaskJob, SchedulerJob, TriggererJob, DagProcessorJob
The type of job(s) that will be checked.
- --limit
The number of recent jobs that will be checked. To disable limit, set 0.
Default: 1
- --local
If passed, this command will only show jobs from the local host (those with a hostname matching what hostname_callable returns).
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
examples: To check if the local scheduler is still working properly, run:
$ airflow jobs check --job-type SchedulerJob --local"
To check if any scheduler is running when you are using high availability, run:
$ airflow jobs check --job-type SchedulerJob --allow-multiple --limit 100
Start a kerberos ticket renewer
airflow kerberos [-h] [-D] [-k [KEYTAB]] [-l LOG_FILE] [--pid [PID]]
[--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT] [-v]
Positional Arguments¶
- principal
kerberos principal
Named Arguments¶
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -k, --keytab
Default: "airflow.keytab"
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- --pid
PID file location
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Tools to help run the KubernetesExecutor
airflow kubernetes [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: cleanup-pods, generate-dag-yaml
Clean up Kubernetes pods (created by KubernetesExecutor/KubernetesPodOperator) in evicted/failed/succeeded/pending states
airflow kubernetes cleanup-pods [-h]
[--min-pending-minutes MIN_PENDING_MINUTES]
[--namespace NAMESPACE] [-v]
- --min-pending-minutes
Pending pods created before the time interval are to be cleaned up, measured in minutes. Default value is 30(m). The minimum value is 5(m).
Default: 30
- --namespace
Kubernetes Namespace. Default value is [kubernetes] namespace in configuration.
Default: "default"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Generate YAML files for all tasks in DAG. Useful for debugging tasks without launching into a cluster
airflow kubernetes generate-dag-yaml [-h] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id execution_date
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- execution_date
The execution date of the DAG
- -o, --output-path
The output for generated yaml files
Default: "[CWD]"
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Dump information about loaded plugins
airflow plugins [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage pools
airflow pools [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: delete, export, get, import, list, set
Delete pool
airflow pools delete [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v] NAME
Pool name
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Export all pools
airflow pools export [-h] [-v] FILEPATH
Export all pools to JSON file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get pool size
airflow pools get [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v] NAME
Pool name
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Import pools
airflow pools import [-h] [-v] FILEPATH
Import pools from JSON file. Example format:
{ "pool_1": {"slots": 5, "description": ""}, "pool_2": {"slots": 10, "description": "test"} }
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List pools
airflow pools list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Configure pool
airflow pools set [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
NAME slots description
Pool name
- slots
Pool slots
- description
Pool description
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Display providers
airflow providers [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: auth, behaviours, get, hooks, links, list, logging, secrets, widgets
Get information about API auth backends provided
airflow providers auth [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get information about registered connection types with custom behaviours
airflow providers behaviours [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get detailed information about a provider
airflow providers get [-h] [--color {off,on,auto}] [-f]
[-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- provider_name
Provider name, required to get provider information
- --color
Possible choices: off, on, auto
Do emit colored output (default: auto)
Default: "auto"
- -f, --full
Full information about the provider, including documentation information.
Default: False
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List registered provider hooks
airflow providers hooks [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List extra links registered by the providers
airflow providers links [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List installed providers
airflow providers list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get information about task logging handlers provided
airflow providers logging [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get information about secrets backends provided
airflow providers secrets [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get information about registered connection form widgets
airflow providers widgets [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage roles
airflow roles [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: add-perms, create, del-perms, delete, export, import, list
Add roles permissions
airflow roles add-perms [-h] -a [ACTION [ACTION ...]] -r
[role [role ...]]
- role
The name of a role
- -a, --action
The action of permissions
- -r, --resource
The name of permissions
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Create role
airflow roles create [-h] [-v] [role [role ...]]
- role
The name of a role
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Delete roles permissions
airflow roles del-perms [-h] [-a [ACTION [ACTION ...]]] -r
[role [role ...]]
- role
The name of a role
- -a, --action
The action of permissions
- -r, --resource
The name of permissions
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Delete role
airflow roles delete [-h] [-v] [role [role ...]]
- role
The name of a role
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Export roles (without permissions) from db to JSON file
airflow roles export [-h] [-p] [-v] file
- file
Export all roles to JSON file
- -p, --pretty
Format output JSON file by sorting role names and indenting by 4 spaces
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Import roles (without permissions) from JSON file to db
airflow roles import [-h] [-v] file
- file
Import roles from JSON file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List roles
airflow roles list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-p] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -p, --permission
Show role permissions
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Rotate all encrypted connection credentials and variables; see
airflow rotate-fernet-key [-h]
Start a scheduler instance
airflow scheduler [-h] [-D] [-p] [-l LOG_FILE] [-n NUM_RUNS] [--pid [PID]]
[-s] [--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -p, --do-pickle
Attempt to pickle the DAG object to send over to the workers, instead of letting workers run their version of the code
Default: False
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- -n, --num-runs
Set the number of runs to execute before exiting
Default: -1
- --pid
PID file location
- -s, --skip-serve-logs
Don't start the serve logs process along with the workers
Default: False
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
SIGUSR2: Dump a snapshot of task state being tracked by the executor.
- Example:
pkill -f -USR2 "airflow scheduler"
Update permissions for existing roles and optionally DAGs
airflow sync-perm [-h] [--include-dags] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- --include-dags
If passed, DAG specific permissions will also be synced.
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage tasks
airflow tasks [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: clear, failed-deps, list, render, run, state, states-for-dag-run, test
Clear a set of task instance, as if they never ran
airflow tasks clear [-h] [-R] [-d] [-e END_DATE] [-X] [-x] [-f] [-r]
[-s START_DATE] [-S SUBDIR] [-t TASK_REGEX] [-u] [-v] [-y]
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -R, --dag-regex
Search dag_id as regex instead of exact string
Default: False
- -d, --downstream
Include downstream tasks
Default: False
- -e, --end-date
Override end_date YYYY-MM-DD
- -X, --exclude-parentdag
Exclude ParentDAGS if the task cleared is a part of a SubDAG
Default: False
- -x, --exclude-subdags
Exclude subdags
Default: False
- -f, --only-failed
Only failed jobs
Default: False
- -r, --only-running
Only running jobs
Default: False
- -s, --start-date
Override start_date YYYY-MM-DD
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -t, --task-regex
The regex to filter specific task_ids to backfill (optional)
- -u, --upstream
Include upstream tasks
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
- -y, --yes
Do not prompt to confirm. Use with care!
Default: False
Returns the unmet dependencies for a task instance from the perspective of the scheduler. In other words, why a task instance doesn't get scheduled and then queued by the scheduler, and then run by an executor.
airflow tasks failed-deps [-h] [--map-index MAP_INDEX] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id task_id execution_date_or_run_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- task_id
The id of the task
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun
- --map-index
Mapped task index
Default: -1
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List the tasks within a DAG
airflow tasks list [-h] [-S SUBDIR] [-t] [-v] dag_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -t, --tree
Tree view
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Render a task instance's template(s)
airflow tasks render [-h] [--map-index MAP_INDEX] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id task_id execution_date_or_run_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- task_id
The id of the task
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun
- --map-index
Mapped task index
Default: -1
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Run a single task instance
airflow tasks run [-h] [--cfg-path CFG_PATH] [-f] [-A] [-i] [-I] [-N] [-l]
[--map-index MAP_INDEX] [-m] [-p PICKLE] [--pool POOL]
[--ship-dag] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id task_id execution_date_or_run_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- task_id
The id of the task
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun
- --cfg-path
Path to config file to use instead of airflow.cfg
- -f, --force
Ignore previous task instance state, rerun regardless if task already succeeded/failed
Default: False
- -A, --ignore-all-dependencies
Ignores all non-critical dependencies, including ignore_ti_state and ignore_task_deps
Default: False
- -i, --ignore-dependencies
Ignore task-specific dependencies, e.g. upstream, depends_on_past, and retry delay dependencies
Default: False
- -I, --ignore-depends-on-past
Ignore depends_on_past dependencies (but respect upstream dependencies)
Default: False
- -N, --interactive
Do not capture standard output and error streams (useful for interactive debugging)
Default: False
- -l, --local
Run the task using the LocalExecutor
Default: False
- --map-index
Mapped task index
Default: -1
- -m, --mark-success
Mark jobs as succeeded without running them
Default: False
- -p, --pickle
Serialized pickle object of the entire dag (used internally)
- --pool
Resource pool to use
- --ship-dag
Pickles (serializes) the DAG and ships it to the worker
Default: False
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get the status of a task instance
airflow tasks state [-h] [--map-index MAP_INDEX] [-S SUBDIR] [-v]
dag_id task_id execution_date_or_run_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- task_id
The id of the task
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun
- --map-index
Mapped task index
Default: -1
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get the status of all task instances in a dag run
airflow tasks states-for-dag-run [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
dag_id execution_date_or_run_id
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Test a task instance. This will run a task without checking for dependencies or recording its state in the database
airflow tasks test [-h] [-n] [--env-vars ENV_VARS] [--map-index MAP_INDEX]
[-m] [-S SUBDIR] [-t TASK_PARAMS] [-v]
dag_id task_id [execution_date_or_run_id]
- dag_id
The id of the dag
- task_id
The id of the task
- execution_date_or_run_id
The execution_date of the DAG or run_id of the DAGRun (optional)
- -n, --dry-run
Perform a dry run for each task. Only renders Template Fields for each task, nothing else
Default: False
- --env-vars
Set env var in both parsing time and runtime for each of entry supplied in a JSON dict
- --map-index
Mapped task index
Default: -1
- -m, --post-mortem
Open debugger on uncaught exception
Default: False
- -S, --subdir
File location or directory from which to look for the dag. Defaults to '[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags' where [AIRFLOW_HOME] is the value you set for 'AIRFLOW_HOME' config you set in 'airflow.cfg'
Default: "[AIRFLOW_HOME]/dags"
- -t, --task-params
Sends a JSON params dict to the task
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Start a triggerer instance
airflow triggerer [-h] [--capacity CAPACITY] [-D] [-l LOG_FILE] [--pid [PID]]
[--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT] [-v]
Named Arguments¶
- --capacity
The maximum number of triggers that a Triggerer will run at one time.
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- --pid
PID file location
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage users
airflow users [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: add-role, create, delete, export, import, list, remove-role
Add role to a user
airflow users add-role [-h] [-e EMAIL] -r ROLE [-u USERNAME] [-v]
- -e, --email
Email of the user
- -r, --role
Role of the user. Existing roles include Admin, User, Op, Viewer, and Public
- -u, --username
Username of the user
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Create a user
airflow users create [-h] -e EMAIL -f FIRSTNAME -l LASTNAME [-p PASSWORD] -r
ROLE [--use-random-password] -u USERNAME [-v]
- -e, --email
Email of the user
- -f, --firstname
First name of the user
- -l, --lastname
Last name of the user
- -p, --password
Password of the user, required to create a user without --use-random-password
- -r, --role
Role of the user. Existing roles include Admin, User, Op, Viewer, and Public
- --use-random-password
Do not prompt for password. Use random string instead. Required to create a user without --password
Default: False
- -u, --username
Username of the user
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
examples: To create an user with "Admin" role and username equals to "admin", run:
- $ airflow users create
--username admin --firstname FIRST_NAME --lastname LAST_NAME --role Admin --email
Delete a user
airflow users delete [-h] [-e EMAIL] [-u USERNAME] [-v]
- -e, --email
Email of the user
- -u, --username
Username of the user
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Export all users
airflow users export [-h] [-v] FILEPATH
Export all users to JSON file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Import users
airflow users import [-h] [-v] FILEPATH
Import users from JSON file. Example format:
[ { "email": "", "firstname": "Jon", "lastname": "Doe", "roles": ["Public"], "username": "jondoe" } ]
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List users
airflow users list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Remove role from a user
airflow users remove-role [-h] [-e EMAIL] -r ROLE [-u USERNAME] [-v]
- -e, --email
Email of the user
- -r, --role
Role of the user. Existing roles include Admin, User, Op, Viewer, and Public
- -u, --username
Username of the user
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Manage variables
airflow variables [-h] COMMAND ...
Positional Arguments¶
Possible choices: delete, export, get, import, list, set
Delete variable
airflow variables delete [-h] [-v] key
- key
Variable key
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Export all variables
airflow variables export [-h] [-v] file
- file
Export all variables to JSON file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Get variable
airflow variables get [-h] [-d VAL] [-j] [-v] key
- key
Variable key
- -d, --default
Default value returned if variable does not exist
- -j, --json
Deserialize JSON variable
Default: False
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Import variables
airflow variables import [-h] [-v] file
- file
Import variables from JSON file
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
List variables
airflow variables list [-h] [-o table, json, yaml, plain] [-v]
- -o, --output
Possible choices: table, json, yaml, plain
Output format. Allowed values: json, yaml, plain, table (default: table)
Default: "table"
- -v, --verbose
Make logging output more verbose
Default: False
Start a Airflow webserver instance
airflow webserver [-h] [-A ACCESS_LOGFILE] [-L ACCESS_LOGFORMAT] [-D] [-d]
[-p PORT] [--ssl-cert SSL_CERT] [--ssl-key SSL_KEY]
[--stderr STDERR] [--stdout STDOUT] [-t WORKER_TIMEOUT]
[-k {sync,eventlet,gevent,tornado}] [-w WORKERS]
Named Arguments¶
- -A, --access-logfile
The logfile to store the webserver access log. Use '-' to print to stdout
Default: "-"
- -L, --access-logformat
The access log format for gunicorn logs
Default: ""
- -D, --daemon
Daemonize instead of running in the foreground
Default: False
- -d, --debug
Use the server that ships with Flask in debug mode
Default: False
- -E, --error-logfile
The logfile to store the webserver error log. Use '-' to print to stderr
Default: "-"
- -H, --hostname
Set the hostname on which to run the web server
Default: ""
- -l, --log-file
Location of the log file
- --pid
PID file location
- -p, --port
The port on which to run the server
Default: 8080
- --ssl-cert
Path to the SSL certificate for the webserver
Default: ""
- --ssl-key
Path to the key to use with the SSL certificate
Default: ""
- --stderr
Redirect stderr to this file
- --stdout
Redirect stdout to this file
- -t, --worker-timeout
The timeout for waiting on webserver workers
Default: 120
- -k, --workerclass
Possible choices: sync, eventlet, gevent, tornado
The worker class to use for Gunicorn
Default: "sync"
- -w, --workers
Number of workers to run the webserver on
Default: 4
Environment Variables¶
Sets options in the Airflow configuration. This takes priority over the value in the
file.Replace the
placeholder with any section and the{KEY}
placeholder with any key in that specified section.For example, if you want to set the
options in[core]
section, then you should set theAIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER
environment variable.For more information, see: Setting Configuration Options.
For any specific key in a section in Airflow, execute the command the key is pointing to. The result of the command is used as a value of the
environment variable.This is only supported by the following config options:
For any specific key in a section in Airflow, retrieve the secret from the configured secrets backend. The returned value will be used as the value of the
environment variable.See Secrets Backends for more information on available secrets backends.
This form of environment variable configuration is only supported for the same subset of config options as
The path to the Airflow configuration file.
Defines a new connection with the name
using the URI value.For example, if you want to create a connection named
with the connection URI as the value.For more information, see: Storing connections in environment variables.
The root directory for the Airflow content. This is the default parent directory for Airflow assets such as DAGs and logs.
Defines an Airflow variable. Replace the
placeholder with the variable name.For more information, see: Managing Variables.