# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import sqlalchemy_jsonfield
from sqlalchemy import (
Column ,
ForeignKey ,
ForeignKeyConstraint ,
Index ,
Integer ,
PrimaryKeyConstraint ,
String ,
Table ,
text ,
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from airflow.datasets import Dataset
from airflow.models.base import Base , StringID
from airflow.settings import json
from airflow.utils import timezone
from airflow.utils.sqlalchemy import UtcDateTime
[docs] class DatasetModel ( Base ):
A table to store datasets.
:param uri: a string that uniquely identifies the dataset
:param extra: JSON field for arbitrary extra info
[docs] id = Column ( Integer , primary_key = True , autoincrement = True )
[docs] uri = Column (
String ( length = 3000 ) . with_variant (
String (
length = 3000 ,
# latin1 allows for more indexed length in mysql
# and this field should only be ascii chars
collation = 'latin1_general_cs' ,
'mysql' ,
nullable = False ,
[docs] created_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] updated_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , onupdate = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] consuming_dags = relationship ( "DagScheduleDatasetReference" , back_populates = "dataset" )
[docs] producing_tasks = relationship ( "TaskOutletDatasetReference" , back_populates = "dataset" )
[docs] __tablename__ = "dataset"
[docs] __table_args__ = (
Index ( 'idx_uri_unique' , uri , unique = True ),
{ 'sqlite_autoincrement' : True }, # ensures PK values not reused
[docs] def from_public ( cls , obj : Dataset ) -> DatasetModel :
return cls ( uri = obj . uri , extra = obj . extra )
def __init__ ( self , uri : str , ** kwargs ):
try :
uri . encode ( 'ascii' )
except UnicodeEncodeError :
raise ValueError ( 'URI must be ascii' )
parsed = urlparse ( uri )
if parsed . scheme and parsed . scheme . lower () == 'airflow' :
raise ValueError ( "Scheme `airflow` is reserved." )
super () . __init__ ( uri = uri , ** kwargs )
[docs] def __eq__ ( self , other ):
if isinstance ( other , ( self . __class__ , Dataset )):
return self . uri == other . uri
else :
return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__ ( self ):
return hash ( self . uri )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ):
return f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } (uri= { self . uri !r} , extra= { self . extra !r} )"
[docs] class DagScheduleDatasetReference ( Base ):
"""References from a DAG to a dataset of which it is a consumer."""
[docs] dataset_id = Column ( Integer , primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] dag_id = Column ( StringID (), primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] created_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] updated_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , onupdate = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] dataset = relationship ( 'DatasetModel' , back_populates = "consuming_dags" )
[docs] queue_records = relationship (
"DatasetDagRunQueue" ,
primaryjoin = """and_(
DagScheduleDatasetReference.dataset_id == foreign(DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id),
DagScheduleDatasetReference.dag_id == foreign(DatasetDagRunQueue.target_dag_id),
)""" ,
[docs] __tablename__ = "dag_schedule_dataset_reference"
[docs] __table_args__ = (
PrimaryKeyConstraint ( dataset_id , dag_id , name = "dsdr_pkey" , mssql_clustered = True ),
ForeignKeyConstraint (
( dataset_id ,),
[ "dataset.id" ],
name = 'dsdr_dataset_fkey' ,
ondelete = "CASCADE" ,
ForeignKeyConstraint (
columns = ( dag_id ,),
refcolumns = [ 'dag.dag_id' ],
name = 'dsdr_dag_id_fkey' ,
ondelete = 'CASCADE' ,
[docs] def __eq__ ( self , other ):
if isinstance ( other , self . __class__ ):
return self . dataset_id == other . dataset_id and self . dag_id == other . dag_id
else :
return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__ ( self ):
return hash ( self . __mapper__ . primary_key )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ):
args = []
for attr in [ x . name for x in self . __mapper__ . primary_key ]:
args . append ( f " { attr } = { getattr ( self , attr ) !r} " )
return f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } ( { ', ' . join ( args ) } )"
[docs] class TaskOutletDatasetReference ( Base ):
"""References from a task to a dataset that it updates / produces."""
[docs] dataset_id = Column ( Integer , primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] dag_id = Column ( StringID (), primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] task_id = Column ( StringID (), primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] created_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] updated_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , onupdate = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] dataset = relationship ( "DatasetModel" , back_populates = "producing_tasks" )
[docs] __tablename__ = "task_outlet_dataset_reference"
[docs] __table_args__ = (
ForeignKeyConstraint (
( dataset_id ,),
[ "dataset.id" ],
name = 'todr_dataset_fkey' ,
ondelete = "CASCADE" ,
PrimaryKeyConstraint ( dataset_id , dag_id , task_id , name = "todr_pkey" , mssql_clustered = True ),
ForeignKeyConstraint (
columns = ( dag_id ,),
refcolumns = [ 'dag.dag_id' ],
name = 'todr_dag_id_fkey' ,
ondelete = 'CASCADE' ,
[docs] def __eq__ ( self , other ):
if isinstance ( other , self . __class__ ):
return (
self . dataset_id == other . dataset_id
and self . dag_id == other . dag_id
and self . task_id == other . task_id
else :
return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__ ( self ):
return hash ( self . __mapper__ . primary_key )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ):
args = []
for attr in [ x . name for x in self . __mapper__ . primary_key ]:
args . append ( f " { attr } = { getattr ( self , attr ) !r} " )
return f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } ( { ', ' . join ( args ) } )"
[docs] class DatasetDagRunQueue ( Base ):
"""Model for storing dataset events that need processing."""
[docs] dataset_id = Column ( Integer , primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] target_dag_id = Column ( StringID (), primary_key = True , nullable = False )
[docs] created_at = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] __tablename__ = "dataset_dag_run_queue"
[docs] __table_args__ = (
PrimaryKeyConstraint ( dataset_id , target_dag_id , name = "datasetdagrunqueue_pkey" , mssql_clustered = True ),
ForeignKeyConstraint (
( dataset_id ,),
[ "dataset.id" ],
name = 'ddrq_dataset_fkey' ,
ondelete = "CASCADE" ,
ForeignKeyConstraint (
( target_dag_id ,),
[ "dag.dag_id" ],
name = 'ddrq_dag_fkey' ,
ondelete = "CASCADE" ,
[docs] def __eq__ ( self , other ):
if isinstance ( other , self . __class__ ):
return self . dataset_id == other . dataset_id and self . target_dag_id == other . target_dag_id
else :
return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__ ( self ):
return hash ( self . __mapper__ . primary_key )
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ):
args = []
for attr in [ x . name for x in self . __mapper__ . primary_key ]:
args . append ( f " { attr } = { getattr ( self , attr ) !r} " )
return f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } ( { ', ' . join ( args ) } )"
[docs] association_table = Table (
"dagrun_dataset_event" ,
Base . metadata ,
Column ( "dag_run_id" , ForeignKey ( "dag_run.id" , ondelete = "CASCADE" ), primary_key = True ),
Column ( "event_id" , ForeignKey ( "dataset_event.id" , ondelete = "CASCADE" ), primary_key = True ),
Index ( "idx_dagrun_dataset_events_dag_run_id" , "dag_run_id" ),
Index ( "idx_dagrun_dataset_events_event_id" , "event_id" ),
[docs] class DatasetEvent ( Base ):
A table to store datasets events.
:param dataset_id: reference to DatasetModel record
:param extra: JSON field for arbitrary extra info
:param source_task_id: the task_id of the TI which updated the dataset
:param source_dag_id: the dag_id of the TI which updated the dataset
:param source_run_id: the run_id of the TI which updated the dataset
:param source_map_index: the map_index of the TI which updated the dataset
:param timestamp: the time the event was logged
We use relationships instead of foreign keys so that dataset events are not deleted even
if the foreign key object is.
[docs] id = Column ( Integer , primary_key = True , autoincrement = True )
[docs] dataset_id = Column ( Integer , nullable = False )
[docs] source_task_id = Column ( StringID (), nullable = True )
[docs] source_dag_id = Column ( StringID (), nullable = True )
[docs] source_run_id = Column ( StringID (), nullable = True )
[docs] source_map_index = Column ( Integer , nullable = True , server_default = text ( "-1" ))
[docs] timestamp = Column ( UtcDateTime , default = timezone . utcnow , nullable = False )
[docs] __tablename__ = "dataset_event"
[docs] __table_args__ = (
Index ( 'idx_dataset_id_timestamp' , dataset_id , timestamp ),
{ 'sqlite_autoincrement' : True }, # ensures PK values not reused
[docs] created_dagruns = relationship (
"DagRun" ,
secondary = association_table ,
backref = "consumed_dataset_events" ,
[docs] source_task_instance = relationship (
"TaskInstance" ,
primaryjoin = """and_(
DatasetEvent.source_dag_id == foreign(TaskInstance.dag_id),
DatasetEvent.source_run_id == foreign(TaskInstance.run_id),
DatasetEvent.source_task_id == foreign(TaskInstance.task_id),
DatasetEvent.source_map_index == foreign(TaskInstance.map_index),
)""" ,
viewonly = True ,
lazy = "select" ,
uselist = False ,
[docs] source_dag_run = relationship (
"DagRun" ,
primaryjoin = """and_(
DatasetEvent.source_dag_id == foreign(DagRun.dag_id),
DatasetEvent.source_run_id == foreign(DagRun.run_id),
)""" ,
viewonly = True ,
lazy = "select" ,
uselist = False ,
[docs] dataset = relationship (
DatasetModel ,
primaryjoin = "DatasetEvent.dataset_id == foreign(DatasetModel.id)" ,
viewonly = True ,
lazy = "select" ,
uselist = False ,
[docs] def uri ( self ):
return self . dataset . uri
[docs] def __repr__ ( self ) -> str :
args = []
for attr in [
'id' ,
'dataset_id' ,
'extra' ,
'source_task_id' ,
'source_dag_id' ,
'source_run_id' ,
'source_map_index' ,
args . append ( f " { attr } = { getattr ( self , attr ) !r} " )
return f " { self . __class__ . __name__ } ( { ', ' . join ( args ) } )"
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