
Module Contents



Common implementation for operators, including unmapped and mapped.


airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_OWNER :str[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_POOL_SLOTS :int = 1[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_PRIORITY_WEIGHT :int = 1[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_QUEUE :str[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_IGNORE_FIRST_DEPENDS_ON_PAST :bool[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_RETRIES :int[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY :datetime.timedelta[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_WEIGHT_RULE :airflow.utils.weight_rule.WeightRule[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_TRIGGER_RULE :airflow.utils.trigger_rule.TriggerRule[source]
airflow.models.abstractoperator.DEFAULT_TASK_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT :datetime.timedelta | None[source]
class airflow.models.abstractoperator.AbstractOperator(context=None)[source]

Bases: airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.LoggingMixin, airflow.models.taskmixin.DAGNode

Common implementation for operators, including unmapped and mapped.

This base class is more about sharing implementations, not defining a common interface. Unfortunately it’s difficult to use this as the common base class for typing due to BaseOperator carrying too much historical baggage.

The union type from airflow.models.operator import Operator is easier to use for typing purposes.

operator_class :type[BaseOperator] | dict[str, Any][source]
weight_rule :str[source]
priority_weight :int[source]
template_fields :Collection[str][source]
template_ext :Sequence[str][source]
owner :str[source]
task_id :str[source]
outlets :list[source]
inlets :list[source]
HIDE_ATTRS_FROM_UI :ClassVar[frozenset[str]][source]
abstract get_dag()[source]
property task_type[source]
property operator_name[source]
property inherits_from_empty_operator[source]
property dag_id[source]

Returns dag id if it has one or an adhoc + owner

property node_id[source]

Fetch a Jinja template environment from the DAG or instantiate empty environment if no DAG.


Hook triggered after the templated fields get replaced by their content.

If you need your operator to alter the content of the file before the template is rendered, it should override this method to do so.


Getting the content of files for template_field / template_ext.


Get direct relative IDs to the current task, upstream or downstream.

get_flat_relative_ids(upstream=False, found_descendants=None)[source]

Get a flat set of relative IDs, upstream or downstream.


Get a flat list of relatives, either upstream or downstream.


Return mapped nodes that depend on the current task the expansion.

For now, this walks the entire DAG to find mapped nodes that has this current task as an upstream. We cannot use downstream_list since it only contains operators, not task groups. In the future, we should provide a way to record an DAG node’s all downstream nodes instead.

abstract unmap(resolve)[source]

Get the “normal” operator from current abstract operator.

MappedOperator uses this to unmap itself based on the map index. A non- mapped operator (i.e. BaseOperator subclass) simply returns itself.

property priority_weight_total[source]

Total priority weight for the task. It might include all upstream or downstream tasks.

Depending on the weight rule:

  • WeightRule.ABSOLUTE - only own weight

  • WeightRule.DOWNSTREAM - adds priority weight of all downstream tasks

  • WeightRule.UPSTREAM - adds priority weight of all upstream tasks

Returns dictionary of all extra links for the operator

Returns dictionary of all global extra links

For an operator, gets the URLs that the extra_links entry points to.


ValueError – The error message of a ValueError will be passed on through to the fronted to show up as a tooltip on the disabled link.

  • ti (airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance) – The TaskInstance for the URL being searched for.

  • link_name (str) – The name of the link we’re looking for the URL for. Should be one of the options specified in extra_links.

abstract render_template_fields(context, jinja_env=None)[source]

Template all attributes listed in template_fields.

If the operator is mapped, this should return the unmapped, fully rendered, and map-expanded operator. The mapped operator should not be modified.

If the operator is not mapped, this should modify the operator in-place and return either None (for backwards compatibility) or self.

render_template(content, context, jinja_env=None, seen_oids=None)[source]

Render a templated string.

If content is a collection holding multiple templated strings, strings in the collection will be templated recursively.

  • content (Any) – Content to template. Only strings can be templated (may be inside a collection).

  • context (airflow.utils.context.Context) – Dict with values to apply on templated content

  • jinja_env (jinja2.Environment | None) – Jinja environment. Can be provided to avoid re-creating Jinja environments during recursion.

  • seen_oids (set[int] | None) – template fields already rendered (to avoid RecursionError on circular dependencies)


Templated content

Return type


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