The gRPC connection type enables integrated connection to a gRPC service

Authenticating to gRPC

There are several ways to connect to gRPC service using Airflow.

  1. Using NO_AUTH mode, simply setup an insecure channel of connection.

  2. Using SSL or TLS mode, supply a credential pem file for the connection id, this will setup SSL or TLS secured connection with gRPC service.

  3. Using JWT_GOOGLE mode. It is using google auth default credentials by default, further use case of getting credentials from service account can be add later on.

  4. Using OATH_GOOGLE mode. Scopes are required in the extra field, can be setup in the UI. It is using google auth default credentials by default, further use case of getting credentials from service account can be add later on.

  5. Using CUSTOM mode. For this type of connection, you can pass in a connection function takes in the connection object and return a gRPC channel and supply whatever authentication type you want.

Default Connection IDs

The following connection IDs are used by default.


Used by the GrpcHook hook.

Configuring the Connection


The host url of the gRPC server

Port (Optional)

The port to connect to on gRPC server

Auth Type

Authentication type of the gRPC connection. NO_AUTH by default, possible values are NO_AUTH, SSL, TLS, JWT_GOOGLE, OATH_GOOGLE, CUSTOM

Credential Pem File (Optional)

Pem file that contains credentials for SSL and TLS type auth Not required for other types.

Scopes (comma separated) (Optional)

A list of comma-separated Google Cloud scopes to authenticate with. Only for OATH_GOOGLE type connection