# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
from builtins import str
from base64 import b64encode
from cassandra.util import Date, Time, SortedSet, OrderedMapSerializedKey
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from six import text_type, binary_type, PY3
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from uuid import UUID
from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcs_hook import GoogleCloudStorageHook
from airflow.contrib.hooks.cassandra_hook import CassandraHook
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults
[docs]class CassandraToGoogleCloudStorageOperator(BaseOperator):
Copy data from Cassandra to Google cloud storage in JSON format
Note: Arrays of arrays are not supported.
[docs] template_fields = ('cql', 'bucket', 'filename', 'schema_filename',)
[docs] template_ext = ('.cql',)
def __init__(self,
:param cql: The CQL to execute on the Cassandra table.
:type cql: str
:param bucket: The bucket to upload to.
:type bucket: str
:param filename: The filename to use as the object name when uploading
to Google cloud storage. A {} should be specified in the filename
to allow the operator to inject file numbers in cases where the
file is split due to size.
:type filename: str
:param schema_filename: If set, the filename to use as the object name
when uploading a .json file containing the BigQuery schema fields
for the table that was dumped from MySQL.
:type schema_filename: str
:param approx_max_file_size_bytes: This operator supports the ability
to split large table dumps into multiple files (see notes in the
filenamed param docs above). Google cloud storage allows for files
to be a maximum of 4GB. This param allows developers to specify the
file size of the splits.
:type approx_max_file_size_bytes: long
:param cassandra_conn_id: Reference to a specific Cassandra hook.
:type cassandra_conn_id: str
:param google_cloud_storage_conn_id: Reference to a specific Google
cloud storage hook.
:type google_cloud_storage_conn_id: str
:param delegate_to: The account to impersonate, if any. For this to
work, the service account making the request must have domain-wide
delegation enabled.
:type delegate_to: str
super(CassandraToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.cql = cql
self.bucket = bucket
self.filename = filename
self.schema_filename = schema_filename
self.approx_max_file_size_bytes = approx_max_file_size_bytes
self.cassandra_conn_id = cassandra_conn_id
self.google_cloud_storage_conn_id = google_cloud_storage_conn_id
self.delegate_to = delegate_to
self.hook = None
# Default Cassandra to BigQuery type mapping
[docs] CQL_TYPE_MAP = {
'BytesType': 'BYTES',
'DecimalType': 'FLOAT',
'UUIDType': 'BYTES',
'BooleanType': 'BOOL',
'ByteType': 'INTEGER',
'AsciiType': 'STRING',
'FloatType': 'FLOAT',
'DoubleType': 'FLOAT',
'LongType': 'INTEGER',
'Int32Type': 'INTEGER',
'IntegerType': 'INTEGER',
'InetAddressType': 'STRING',
'CounterColumnType': 'INTEGER',
'DateType': 'TIMESTAMP',
'SimpleDateType': 'DATE',
'TimestampType': 'TIMESTAMP',
'TimeUUIDType': 'BYTES',
'ShortType': 'INTEGER',
'TimeType': 'TIME',
'DurationType': 'INTEGER',
'UTF8Type': 'STRING',
'VarcharType': 'STRING',
[docs] def execute(self, context):
cursor = self._query_cassandra()
files_to_upload = self._write_local_data_files(cursor)
# If a schema is set, create a BQ schema JSON file.
if self.schema_filename:
# Flush all files before uploading
for file_handle in files_to_upload.values():
# Close all temp file handles.
for file_handle in files_to_upload.values():
# Close all sessions and connection associated with this Cassandra cluster
[docs] def _query_cassandra(self):
Queries cassandra and returns a cursor to the results.
self.hook = CassandraHook(cassandra_conn_id=self.cassandra_conn_id)
session = self.hook.get_conn()
cursor = session.execute(self.cql)
return cursor
[docs] def _write_local_data_files(self, cursor):
Takes a cursor, and writes results to a local file.
:return: A dictionary where keys are filenames to be used as object
names in GCS, and values are file handles to local files that
contain the data for the GCS objects.
file_no = 0
tmp_file_handle = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
tmp_file_handles = {self.filename.format(file_no): tmp_file_handle}
for row in cursor:
row_dict = self.generate_data_dict(row._fields, row)
s = json.dumps(row_dict)
if PY3:
s = s.encode('utf-8')
# Append newline to make dumps BigQuery compatible.
if tmp_file_handle.tell() >= self.approx_max_file_size_bytes:
file_no += 1
tmp_file_handle = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
tmp_file_handles[self.filename.format(file_no)] = tmp_file_handle
return tmp_file_handles
[docs] def _write_local_schema_file(self, cursor):
Takes a cursor, and writes the BigQuery schema for the results to a
local file system.
:return: A dictionary where key is a filename to be used as an object
name in GCS, and values are file handles to local files that
contains the BigQuery schema fields in .json format.
schema = []
tmp_schema_file_handle = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
for name, type in zip(cursor.column_names, cursor.column_types):
schema.append(self.generate_schema_dict(name, type))
json_serialized_schema = json.dumps(schema)
if PY3:
json_serialized_schema = json_serialized_schema.encode('utf-8')
return {self.schema_filename: tmp_schema_file_handle}
[docs] def _upload_to_gcs(self, files_to_upload):
hook = GoogleCloudStorageHook(
for object, tmp_file_handle in files_to_upload.items():
hook.upload(self.bucket, object, tmp_file_handle.name, 'application/json')
[docs] def generate_data_dict(cls, names, values):
row_dict = {}
for name, value in zip(names, values):
row_dict.update({name: cls.convert_value(name, value)})
return row_dict
[docs] def convert_value(cls, name, value):
if not value:
return value
elif isinstance(value, (text_type, int, float, bool, dict)):
return value
elif isinstance(value, binary_type):
return b64encode(value).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(value, UUID):
return b64encode(value.bytes).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(value, (datetime, Date)):
return str(value)
elif isinstance(value, Decimal):
return float(value)
elif isinstance(value, Time):
return str(value).split('.')[0]
elif isinstance(value, (list, SortedSet)):
return cls.convert_array_types(name, value)
elif hasattr(value, '_fields'):
return cls.convert_user_type(name, value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
return cls.convert_tuple_type(name, value)
elif isinstance(value, OrderedMapSerializedKey):
return cls.convert_map_type(name, value)
raise AirflowException('unexpected value: ' + str(value))
[docs] def convert_array_types(cls, name, value):
return [cls.convert_value(name, nested_value) for nested_value in value]
[docs] def convert_user_type(cls, name, value):
Converts a user type to RECORD that contains n fields, where n is the
number of attributes. Each element in the user type class will be converted to its
corresponding data type in BQ.
names = value._fields
values = [cls.convert_value(name, getattr(value, name)) for name in names]
return cls.generate_data_dict(names, values)
[docs] def convert_tuple_type(cls, name, value):
Converts a tuple to RECORD that contains n fields, each will be converted
to its corresponding data type in bq and will be named 'field_<index>', where
index is determined by the order of the tuple elements defined in cassandra.
names = ['field_' + str(i) for i in range(len(value))]
values = [cls.convert_value(name, value) for name, value in zip(names, value)]
return cls.generate_data_dict(names, values)
[docs] def convert_map_type(cls, name, value):
Converts a map to a repeated RECORD that contains two fields: 'key' and 'value',
each will be converted to its corresponding data type in BQ.
converted_map = []
for k, v in zip(value.keys(), value.values()):
'key': cls.convert_value('key', k),
'value': cls.convert_value('value', v)
return converted_map
[docs] def generate_schema_dict(cls, name, type):
field_schema = dict()
field_schema.update({'name': name})
field_schema.update({'type': cls.get_bq_type(type)})
field_schema.update({'mode': cls.get_bq_mode(type)})
fields = cls.get_bq_fields(name, type)
if fields:
field_schema.update({'fields': fields})
return field_schema
[docs] def get_bq_fields(cls, name, type):
fields = []
if not cls.is_simple_type(type):
names, types = [], []
if cls.is_array_type(type) and cls.is_record_type(type.subtypes[0]):
names = type.subtypes[0].fieldnames
types = type.subtypes[0].subtypes
elif cls.is_record_type(type):
names = type.fieldnames
types = type.subtypes
if types and not names and type.cassname == 'TupleType':
names = ['field_' + str(i) for i in range(len(types))]
elif types and not names and type.cassname == 'MapType':
names = ['key', 'value']
for name, type in zip(names, types):
field = cls.generate_schema_dict(name, type)
return fields
[docs] def is_simple_type(cls, type):
return type.cassname in CassandraToGoogleCloudStorageOperator.CQL_TYPE_MAP
[docs] def is_array_type(cls, type):
return type.cassname in ['ListType', 'SetType']
[docs] def is_record_type(cls, type):
return type.cassname in ['UserType', 'TupleType', 'MapType']
[docs] def get_bq_type(cls, type):
if cls.is_simple_type(type):
return CassandraToGoogleCloudStorageOperator.CQL_TYPE_MAP[type.cassname]
elif cls.is_record_type(type):
return 'RECORD'
elif cls.is_array_type(type):
return cls.get_bq_type(type.subtypes[0])
raise AirflowException('Not a supported type: ' + type.cassname)
[docs] def get_bq_mode(cls, type):
if cls.is_array_type(type) or type.cassname == 'MapType':
return 'REPEATED'
elif cls.is_record_type(type) or cls.is_simple_type(type):
return 'NULLABLE'
raise AirflowException('Not a supported type: ' + type.cassname)