Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_dataproc_hook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import time
import uuid

from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from zope.deprecation import deprecation

from airflow.contrib.hooks.gcp_api_base_hook import GoogleCloudBaseHook
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin

[docs]class _DataProcJob(LoggingMixin): def __init__(self, dataproc_api, project_id, job, region='global', job_error_states=None): self.dataproc_api = dataproc_api self.project_id = project_id self.region = region self.job = dataproc_api.projects().regions().jobs().submit( projectId=self.project_id, region=self.region, body=job).execute() self.job_id = self.job['reference']['jobId'] self.job_error_states = job_error_states 'DataProc job %s is %s', self.job_id, str(self.job['status']['state']) )
[docs] def wait_for_done(self): while True: self.job = self.dataproc_api.projects().regions().jobs().get( projectId=self.project_id, region=self.region, jobId=self.job_id).execute(num_retries=5) if 'ERROR' == self.job['status']['state']: self.log.error('DataProc job %s has errors', self.job_id) self.log.error(self.job['status']['details']) self.log.debug(str(self.job)) return False if 'CANCELLED' == self.job['status']['state']: self.log.warning('DataProc job %s is cancelled', self.job_id) if 'details' in self.job['status']: self.log.warning(self.job['status']['details']) self.log.debug(str(self.job)) return False if 'DONE' == self.job['status']['state']: return True self.log.debug( 'DataProc job %s is %s', self.job_id, str(self.job['status']['state']) ) time.sleep(5)
[docs] def raise_error(self, message=None): job_state = self.job['status']['state'] # We always consider ERROR to be an error state. if (self.job_error_states and job_state in self.job_error_states) or 'ERROR' == job_state: ex_message = message or ("Google DataProc job has state: %s" % job_state) ex_details = (str(self.job['status']['details']) if 'details' in self.job['status'] else "No details available") raise Exception(ex_message + ": " + ex_details)
[docs] def get(self): return self.job
[docs]class _DataProcJobBuilder: def __init__(self, project_id, task_id, cluster_name, job_type, properties): name = task_id + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] self.job_type = job_type self.job = { "job": { "reference": { "projectId": project_id, "jobId": name, }, "placement": { "clusterName": cluster_name }, job_type: { } } } if properties is not None: self.job["job"][job_type]["properties"] = properties
[docs] def add_variables(self, variables): if variables is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["scriptVariables"] = variables
[docs] def add_args(self, args): if args is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["args"] = args
[docs] def add_query(self, query): self.job["job"][self.job_type]["queryList"] = {'queries': [query]}
[docs] def add_query_uri(self, query_uri): self.job["job"][self.job_type]["queryFileUri"] = query_uri
[docs] def add_jar_file_uris(self, jars): if jars is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["jarFileUris"] = jars
[docs] def add_archive_uris(self, archives): if archives is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["archiveUris"] = archives
[docs] def add_file_uris(self, files): if files is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["fileUris"] = files
[docs] def add_python_file_uris(self, pyfiles): if pyfiles is not None: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["pythonFileUris"] = pyfiles
[docs] def set_main(self, main_jar, main_class): if main_class is not None and main_jar is not None: raise Exception("Set either main_jar or main_class") if main_jar: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["mainJarFileUri"] = main_jar else: self.job["job"][self.job_type]["mainClass"] = main_class
[docs] def set_python_main(self, main): self.job["job"][self.job_type]["mainPythonFileUri"] = main
[docs] def set_job_name(self, name): self.job["job"]["reference"]["jobId"] = name + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
[docs] def build(self): return self.job
[docs]class _DataProcOperation(LoggingMixin): """Continuously polls Dataproc Operation until it completes.""" def __init__(self, dataproc_api, operation): self.dataproc_api = dataproc_api self.operation = operation self.operation_name = self.operation['name']
[docs] def wait_for_done(self): if self._check_done(): return True 'Waiting for Dataproc Operation %s to finish', self.operation_name) while True: time.sleep(10) self.operation = ( self.dataproc_api.projects() .regions() .operations() .get(name=self.operation_name) .execute(num_retries=5)) if self._check_done(): return True
[docs] def get(self): return self.operation
[docs] def _check_done(self): if 'done' in self.operation: if 'error' in self.operation: self.log.warning( 'Dataproc Operation %s failed with error: %s', self.operation_name, self.operation['error']['message']) self._raise_error() else: 'Dataproc Operation %s done', self.operation['name']) return True return False
[docs] def _raise_error(self): raise Exception('Google Dataproc Operation %s failed: %s' % (self.operation_name, self.operation['error']['message']))
[docs]class DataProcHook(GoogleCloudBaseHook): """Hook for Google Cloud Dataproc APIs.""" def __init__(self, gcp_conn_id='google_cloud_default', delegate_to=None, api_version='v1beta2'): super(DataProcHook, self).__init__(gcp_conn_id, delegate_to) self.api_version = api_version
[docs] def get_conn(self): """Returns a Google Cloud Dataproc service object.""" http_authorized = self._authorize() return build( 'dataproc', self.api_version, http=http_authorized, cache_discovery=False)
[docs] def get_cluster(self, project_id, region, cluster_name): return self.get_conn().projects().regions().clusters().get( projectId=project_id, region=region, clusterName=cluster_name ).execute(num_retries=5)
[docs] def submit(self, project_id, job, region='global', job_error_states=None): submitted = _DataProcJob(self.get_conn(), project_id, job, region, job_error_states=job_error_states) if not submitted.wait_for_done(): submitted.raise_error()
[docs] def create_job_template(self, task_id, cluster_name, job_type, properties): return _DataProcJobBuilder(self.project_id, task_id, cluster_name, job_type, properties)
[docs] def wait(self, operation): """Awaits for Google Cloud Dataproc Operation to complete.""" submitted = _DataProcOperation(self.get_conn(), operation) submitted.wait_for_done()
setattr( DataProcHook, "await", deprecation.deprecated( DataProcHook.wait, "renamed to 'wait' for Python3.7 compatibility" ), )