Source code for airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_sns_hook

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This module contains AWS SNS hook
import json

from airflow.contrib.hooks.aws_hook import AwsHook

[docs]def _get_message_attribute(o): if isinstance(o, bytes): return {'DataType': 'Binary', 'BinaryValue': o} if isinstance(o, str): return {'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': o} if isinstance(o, (int, float)): return {'DataType': 'Number', 'StringValue': str(o)} if hasattr(o, '__iter__'): return {'DataType': 'String.Array', 'StringValue': json.dumps(o)} raise TypeError('Values in MessageAttributes must be one of bytes, str, int, float, or iterable; ' 'got {}'.format(type(o)))
[docs]class AwsSnsHook(AwsHook): """ Interact with Amazon Simple Notification Service. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.conn = None super(AwsSnsHook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_conn(self): """ Get an SNS connection """ self.conn = self.get_client_type('sns') return self.conn
[docs] def publish_to_target(self, target_arn, message, subject=None, message_attributes=None): """ Publish a message to a topic or an endpoint. :param target_arn: either a TopicArn or an EndpointArn :type target_arn: str :param message: the default message you want to send :param message: str :param subject: subject of message :type subject: str :param message_attributes: additional attributes to publish for message filtering. This should be a flat dict; the DataType to be sent depends on the type of the value: - bytes = Binary - str = String - int, float = Number - iterable = String.Array :type message_attributes: dict """ conn = self.get_conn() publish_kwargs = { 'TargetArn': target_arn, 'MessageStructure': 'json', 'Message': json.dumps({ 'default': message }), } # Construct args this way because boto3 distinguishes from missing args and those set to None if subject: publish_kwargs['Subject'] = subject if message_attributes: publish_kwargs['MessageAttributes'] = { key: _get_message_attribute(val) for key, val in message_attributes.items() } return conn.publish(**publish_kwargs)
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