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from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Union

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from import DataprocHook
from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults

[docs]class DataprocCreateClusterOperator(BaseOperator): """Creates Yandex.Cloud Data Proc cluster. :param folder_id: ID of the folder in which cluster should be created. :type folder_id: Optional[str] :param cluster_name: Cluster name. Must be unique inside the folder. :type cluster_name: Optional[str] :param cluster_description: Cluster description. :type cluster_description: str :param cluster_image_version: Cluster image version. Use default. :type cluster_image_version: str :param ssh_public_keys: List of SSH public keys that will be deployed to created compute instances. :type ssh_public_keys: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] :param subnet_id: ID of the subnetwork. All Data Proc cluster nodes will use one subnetwork. :type subnet_id: str :param services: List of services that will be installed to the cluster. Possible options: HDFS, YARN, MAPREDUCE, HIVE, TEZ, ZOOKEEPER, HBASE, SQOOP, FLUME, SPARK, SPARK, ZEPPELIN, OOZIE :type services: Iterable[str] :param s3_bucket: Yandex.Cloud S3 bucket to store cluster logs. Jobs will not work if the bucket is not specified. :type s3_bucket: Optional[str] :param zone: Availability zone to create cluster in. Currently there are ru-central1-a, ru-central1-b and ru-central1-c. :type zone: str :param service_account_id: Service account id for the cluster. Service account can be created inside the folder. :type service_account_id: Optional[str] :param masternode_resource_preset: Resources preset (CPU+RAM configuration) for the master node of the cluster. :type masternode_resource_preset: str :param masternode_disk_size: Masternode storage size in GiB. :type masternode_disk_size: int :param masternode_disk_type: Masternode storage type. Possible options: network-ssd, network-hdd. :type masternode_disk_type: str :param datanode_resource_preset: Resources preset (CPU+RAM configuration) for the data nodes of the cluster. :type datanode_resource_preset: str :param datanode_disk_size: Datanodes storage size in GiB. :type datanode_disk_size: int :param datanode_disk_type: Datanodes storage type. Possible options: network-ssd, network-hdd. :type datanode_disk_type: str :param computenode_resource_preset: Resources preset (CPU+RAM configuration) for the compute nodes of the cluster. :type computenode_resource_preset: str :param computenode_disk_size: Computenodes storage size in GiB. :type computenode_disk_size: int :param computenode_disk_type: Computenodes storage type. Possible options: network-ssd, network-hdd. :type computenode_disk_type: str :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, folder_id: Optional[str] = None, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, cluster_description: str = '', cluster_image_version: str = '1.1', ssh_public_keys: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, subnet_id: Optional[str] = None, services: Iterable[str] = ('HDFS', 'YARN', 'MAPREDUCE', 'HIVE', 'SPARK'), s3_bucket: Optional[str] = None, zone: str = 'ru-central1-b', service_account_id: Optional[str] = None, masternode_resource_preset: str = 's2.small', masternode_disk_size: int = 15, masternode_disk_type: str = 'network-ssd', datanode_resource_preset: str = 's2.small', datanode_disk_size: int = 15, datanode_disk_type: str = 'network-ssd', datanode_count: int = 2, computenode_resource_preset: str = 's2.small', computenode_disk_size: int = 15, computenode_disk_type: str = 'network-ssd', computenode_count: int = 0, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.folder_id = folder_id self.connection_id = connection_id self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.cluster_description = cluster_description self.cluster_image_version = cluster_image_version self.ssh_public_keys = ssh_public_keys self.subnet_id = subnet_id = services self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket = zone self.service_account_id = service_account_id self.masternode_resource_preset = masternode_resource_preset self.masternode_disk_size = masternode_disk_size self.masternode_disk_type = masternode_disk_type self.datanode_resource_preset = datanode_resource_preset self.datanode_disk_size = datanode_disk_size self.datanode_disk_type = datanode_disk_type self.datanode_count = datanode_count self.computenode_resource_preset = computenode_resource_preset self.computenode_disk_size = computenode_disk_size self.computenode_disk_type = computenode_disk_type self.computenode_count = computenode_count self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=self.connection_id, ) operation_result = self.hook.client.create_cluster( folder_id=self.folder_id, cluster_name=self.cluster_name, cluster_description=self.cluster_description, cluster_image_version=self.cluster_image_version, ssh_public_keys=self.ssh_public_keys, subnet_id=self.subnet_id,, s3_bucket=self.s3_bucket,, service_account_id=self.service_account_id, masternode_resource_preset=self.masternode_resource_preset, masternode_disk_size=self.masternode_disk_size, masternode_disk_type=self.masternode_disk_type, datanode_resource_preset=self.datanode_resource_preset, datanode_disk_size=self.datanode_disk_size, datanode_disk_type=self.datanode_disk_type, datanode_count=self.datanode_count, computenode_resource_preset=self.computenode_resource_preset, computenode_disk_size=self.computenode_disk_size, computenode_disk_type=self.computenode_disk_type, computenode_count=self.computenode_count, ) context['task_instance'].xcom_push(key='cluster_id', context['task_instance'].xcom_push(key='yandexcloud_connection_id', value=self.connection_id)
[docs]class DataprocDeleteClusterOperator(BaseOperator): """Deletes Yandex.Cloud Data Proc cluster. :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] :param cluster_id: ID of the cluster to remove. (templated) :type cluster_id: Optional[str] """
[docs] template_fields = ['cluster_id']
@apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.connection_id = connection_id self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: cluster_id = self.cluster_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(key='cluster_id') connection_id = self.connection_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull( key='yandexcloud_connection_id' ) self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=connection_id, ) self.hook.client.delete_cluster(cluster_id)
[docs]class DataprocCreateHiveJobOperator(BaseOperator): """Runs Hive job in Data Proc cluster. :param query: Hive query. :type query: Optional[str] :param query_file_uri: URI of the script that contains Hive queries. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type query_file_uri: Optional[str] :param properties: A mapping of property names to values, used to configure Hive. :type properties: Optional[Dist[str, str]] :param script_variables: Mapping of query variable names to values. :type script_variables: Optional[Dist[str, str]] :param continue_on_failure: Whether to continue executing queries if a query fails. :type continue_on_failure: bool :param name: Name of the job. Used for labeling. :type name: str :param cluster_id: ID of the cluster to run job in. Will try to take the ID from Dataproc Hook object if ot specified. (templated) :type cluster_id: Optional[str] :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] """
[docs] template_fields = ['cluster_id']
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, query: Optional[str] = None, query_file_uri: Optional[str] = None, script_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, continue_on_failure: bool = False, properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, name: str = 'Hive job', cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.query = query self.query_file_uri = query_file_uri self.script_variables = script_variables self.continue_on_failure = continue_on_failure = properties = name self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.connection_id = connection_id self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: cluster_id = self.cluster_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(key='cluster_id') connection_id = self.connection_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull( key='yandexcloud_connection_id' ) self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=connection_id, ) self.hook.client.create_hive_job( query=self.query, query_file_uri=self.query_file_uri, script_variables=self.script_variables, continue_on_failure=self.continue_on_failure,,, cluster_id=cluster_id,
[docs]class DataprocCreateMapReduceJobOperator(BaseOperator): """Runs Mapreduce job in Data Proc cluster. :param main_jar_file_uri: URI of jar file with job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. Can be specified instead of main_class. :type main_jar_file_uri: Optional[str] :param main_class: Name of the main class of the job. Can be specified instead of main_jar_file_uri. :type main_class: Optional[str] :param file_uris: URIs of files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param archive_uris: URIs of archive files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param jar_file_uris: URIs of JAR files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param properties: Properties for the job. :type properties: Optional[Dist[str, str]] :param args: Arguments to be passed to the job. :type args: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param name: Name of the job. Used for labeling. :type name: str :param cluster_id: ID of the cluster to run job in. Will try to take the ID from Dataproc Hook object if ot specified. (templated) :type cluster_id: Optional[str] :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] """
[docs] template_fields = ['cluster_id']
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, main_class: Optional[str] = None, main_jar_file_uri: Optional[str] = None, jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, args: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, name: str = 'Mapreduce job', cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.main_class = main_class self.main_jar_file_uri = main_jar_file_uri self.jar_file_uris = jar_file_uris self.archive_uris = archive_uris self.file_uris = file_uris self.args = args = properties = name self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.connection_id = connection_id self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: cluster_id = self.cluster_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(key='cluster_id') connection_id = self.connection_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull( key='yandexcloud_connection_id' ) self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=connection_id, ) self.hook.client.create_mapreduce_job( main_class=self.main_class, main_jar_file_uri=self.main_jar_file_uri, jar_file_uris=self.jar_file_uris, archive_uris=self.archive_uris, file_uris=self.file_uris, args=self.args,,, cluster_id=cluster_id,
[docs]class DataprocCreateSparkJobOperator(BaseOperator): """Runs Spark job in Data Proc cluster. :param main_jar_file_uri: URI of jar file with job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type main_jar_file_uri: Optional[str] :param main_class: Name of the main class of the job. :type main_class: Optional[str] :param file_uris: URIs of files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param archive_uris: URIs of archive files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param jar_file_uris: URIs of JAR files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param properties: Properties for the job. :type properties: Optional[Dist[str, str]] :param args: Arguments to be passed to the job. :type args: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param name: Name of the job. Used for labeling. :type name: str :param cluster_id: ID of the cluster to run job in. Will try to take the ID from Dataproc Hook object if ot specified. (templated) :type cluster_id: Optional[str] :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] """
[docs] template_fields = ['cluster_id']
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, main_class: Optional[str] = None, main_jar_file_uri: Optional[str] = None, jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, args: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, name: str = 'Spark job', cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.main_class = main_class self.main_jar_file_uri = main_jar_file_uri self.jar_file_uris = jar_file_uris self.archive_uris = archive_uris self.file_uris = file_uris self.args = args = properties = name self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.connection_id = connection_id self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: cluster_id = self.cluster_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(key='cluster_id') connection_id = self.connection_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull( key='yandexcloud_connection_id' ) self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=connection_id, ) self.hook.client.create_spark_job( main_class=self.main_class, main_jar_file_uri=self.main_jar_file_uri, jar_file_uris=self.jar_file_uris, archive_uris=self.archive_uris, file_uris=self.file_uris, args=self.args,,, cluster_id=cluster_id,
[docs]class DataprocCreatePysparkJobOperator(BaseOperator): """Runs Pyspark job in Data Proc cluster. :param main_python_file_uri: URI of python file with job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type main_python_file_uri: Optional[str] :param python_file_uris: URIs of python files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type python_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param file_uris: URIs of files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param archive_uris: URIs of archive files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param jar_file_uris: URIs of JAR files used in the job. Can be placed in HDFS or S3. :type jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param properties: Properties for the job. :type properties: Optional[Dist[str, str]] :param args: Arguments to be passed to the job. :type args: Optional[Iterable[str]] :param name: Name of the job. Used for labeling. :type name: str :param cluster_id: ID of the cluster to run job in. Will try to take the ID from Dataproc Hook object if ot specified. (templated) :type cluster_id: Optional[str] :param connection_id: ID of the Yandex.Cloud Airflow connection. :type connection_id: Optional[str] """
[docs] template_fields = ['cluster_id']
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments @apply_defaults def __init__( self, *, main_python_file_uri: Optional[str] = None, python_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, jar_file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, archive_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, file_uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, args: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, name: str = 'Pyspark job', cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, connection_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.main_python_file_uri = main_python_file_uri self.python_file_uris = python_file_uris self.jar_file_uris = jar_file_uris self.archive_uris = archive_uris self.file_uris = file_uris self.args = args = properties = name self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.connection_id = connection_id self.hook: Optional[DataprocHook] = None
[docs] def execute(self, context) -> None: cluster_id = self.cluster_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull(key='cluster_id') connection_id = self.connection_id or context['task_instance'].xcom_pull( key='yandexcloud_connection_id' ) self.hook = DataprocHook( connection_id=connection_id, ) self.hook.client.create_pyspark_job( main_python_file_uri=self.main_python_file_uri, python_file_uris=self.python_file_uris, jar_file_uris=self.jar_file_uris, archive_uris=self.archive_uris, file_uris=self.file_uris, args=self.args,,, cluster_id=cluster_id,

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