Source code for airflow.providers.ssh.operators.ssh

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import warnings
from base64 import b64encode
from select import select
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from paramiko.client import SSHClient

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh import SSHHook

[docs]CMD_TIMEOUT = 10
[docs]class SSHOperator(BaseOperator): """ SSHOperator to execute commands on given remote host using the ssh_hook. :param ssh_hook: predefined ssh_hook to use for remote execution. Either `ssh_hook` or `ssh_conn_id` needs to be provided. :type ssh_hook: airflow.providers.ssh.hooks.ssh.SSHHook :param ssh_conn_id: :ref:`ssh connection id<howto/connection:ssh>` from airflow Connections. `ssh_conn_id` will be ignored if `ssh_hook` is provided. :type ssh_conn_id: str :param remote_host: remote host to connect (templated) Nullable. If provided, it will replace the `remote_host` which was defined in `ssh_hook` or predefined in the connection of `ssh_conn_id`. :type remote_host: str :param command: command to execute on remote host. (templated) :type command: str :param conn_timeout: timeout (in seconds) for maintaining the connection. The default is 10 seconds. Nullable. If provided, it will replace the `conn_timeout` which was predefined in the connection of `ssh_conn_id`. :type conn_timeout: int :param cmd_timeout: timeout (in seconds) for executing the command. The default is 10 seconds. :type cmd_timeout: int :param timeout: (deprecated) timeout (in seconds) for executing the command. The default is 10 seconds. Use conn_timeout and cmd_timeout parameters instead. :type timeout: int :param environment: a dict of shell environment variables. Note that the server will reject them silently if `AcceptEnv` is not set in SSH config. :type environment: dict :param get_pty: request a pseudo-terminal from the server. Set to ``True`` to have the remote process killed upon task timeout. The default is ``False`` but note that `get_pty` is forced to ``True`` when the `command` starts with ``sudo``. :type get_pty: bool """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ('command', 'remote_host')
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = ('.sh',)
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"command": "bash"}
def __init__( self, *, ssh_hook: Optional[SSHHook] = None, ssh_conn_id: Optional[str] = None, remote_host: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, conn_timeout: Optional[int] = None, cmd_timeout: Optional[int] = None, environment: Optional[dict] = None, get_pty: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ssh_hook = ssh_hook self.ssh_conn_id = ssh_conn_id self.remote_host = remote_host self.command = command self.timeout = timeout self.conn_timeout = conn_timeout self.cmd_timeout = cmd_timeout if self.conn_timeout is None and self.timeout: self.conn_timeout = self.timeout if self.cmd_timeout is None: self.cmd_timeout = self.timeout if self.timeout else CMD_TIMEOUT self.environment = environment self.get_pty = get_pty if self.timeout: warnings.warn( 'Parameter `timeout` is deprecated.' 'Please use `conn_timeout` and `cmd_timeout` instead.' 'The old option `timeout` will be removed in a future version.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, )
[docs] def get_hook(self) -> SSHHook: if self.ssh_conn_id: if self.ssh_hook and isinstance(self.ssh_hook, SSHHook):"ssh_conn_id is ignored when ssh_hook is provided.") else:"ssh_hook is not provided or invalid. Trying ssh_conn_id to create SSHHook.") self.ssh_hook = SSHHook(ssh_conn_id=self.ssh_conn_id, conn_timeout=self.conn_timeout) if not self.ssh_hook: raise AirflowException("Cannot operate without ssh_hook or ssh_conn_id.") if self.remote_host is not None: "remote_host is provided explicitly. " "It will replace the remote_host which was defined " "in ssh_hook or predefined in connection of ssh_conn_id." ) self.ssh_hook.remote_host = self.remote_host return self.ssh_hook
[docs] def get_ssh_client(self) -> SSHClient: # Remember to use context manager or call .close() on this when done'Creating ssh_client') return self.get_hook().get_conn()
[docs] def exec_ssh_client_command(self, ssh_client: SSHClient, command: str) -> Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]:"Running command: %s", command) # set timeout taken as params stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command( command=command, get_pty=self.get_pty, timeout=self.timeout, environment=self.environment, ) # get channels channel = # closing stdin stdin.close() channel.shutdown_write() agg_stdout = b'' agg_stderr = b'' # capture any initial output in case channel is closed already stdout_buffer_length = len( if stdout_buffer_length > 0: agg_stdout += # read from both stdout and stderr while not channel.closed or channel.recv_ready() or channel.recv_stderr_ready(): readq, _, _ = select([channel], [], [], self.cmd_timeout) for recv in readq: if recv.recv_ready(): line = agg_stdout += line'utf-8', 'replace').strip('\n')) if recv.recv_stderr_ready(): line = agg_stderr += line self.log.warning(line.decode('utf-8', 'replace').strip('\n')) if ( and not and not ): try: except Exception: # there is a race that when shutdown_read has been called and when # you try to close the connection, the socket is already closed # We should ignore such errors (but we should log them with warning) self.log.warning("Ignoring exception on close", exc_info=True) break stdout.close() stderr.close() exit_status = return exit_status, agg_stdout, agg_stderr
[docs] def raise_for_status(self, exit_status: int, stderr: bytes) -> None: if exit_status != 0: error_msg = stderr.decode('utf-8') raise AirflowException(f"error running cmd: {self.command}, error: {error_msg}")
[docs] def run_ssh_client_command(self, ssh_client: SSHClient, command: str) -> bytes: exit_status, agg_stdout, agg_stderr = self.exec_ssh_client_command(ssh_client, command) self.raise_for_status(exit_status, agg_stderr) return agg_stdout
[docs] def execute(self, context=None) -> Union[bytes, str]: result: Union[bytes, str] if self.command is None: raise AirflowException("SSH operator error: SSH command not specified. Aborting.") # Forcing get_pty to True if the command begins with "sudo". self.get_pty = self.command.startswith('sudo') or self.get_pty try: with self.get_ssh_client() as ssh_client: result = self.run_ssh_client_command(ssh_client, self.command) except Exception as e: raise AirflowException(f"SSH operator error: {str(e)}") enable_pickling = conf.getboolean('core', 'enable_xcom_pickling') if not enable_pickling: result = b64encode(result).decode('utf-8') return result
[docs] def tunnel(self) -> None: """Get ssh tunnel""" ssh_client = self.ssh_hook.get_conn() # type: ignore[union-attr] ssh_client.get_transport()

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