Source code for airflow.providers.snowflake.transfers.snowflake_to_slack

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import warnings
from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

from airflow.providers.slack.transfers.sql_to_slack import SqlToSlackOperator

[docs]class SnowflakeToSlackOperator(SqlToSlackOperator): """ Executes an SQL statement in Snowflake and sends the results to Slack. The results of the query are rendered into the 'slack_message' parameter as a Pandas dataframe using a JINJA variable called '{{ results_df }}'. The 'results_df' variable name can be changed by specifying a different 'results_df_name' parameter. The Tabulate library is added to the JINJA environment as a filter to allow the dataframe to be rendered nicely. For example, set 'slack_message' to {{ results_df | tabulate(tablefmt="pretty", headers="keys") }} to send the results to Slack as an ascii rendered table. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:SnowflakeToSlackOperator` :param sql: The SQL statement to execute on Snowflake (templated) :param slack_message: The templated Slack message to send with the data returned from Snowflake. You can use the default JINJA variable {{ results_df }} to access the pandas dataframe containing the SQL results :param snowflake_conn_id: Reference to :ref:`Snowflake connection id<howto/connection:snowflake>` :param slack_conn_id: The connection id for Slack. :param results_df_name: The name of the JINJA template's dataframe variable, default is 'results_df' :param parameters: The parameters to pass to the SQL query :param warehouse: The Snowflake virtual warehouse to use to run the SQL query :param database: The Snowflake database to use for the SQL query :param schema: The schema to run the SQL against in Snowflake :param role: The role to use when connecting to Snowflake :param slack_token: The token to use to authenticate to Slack. If this is not provided, the 'webhook_token' attribute needs to be specified in the 'Extra' JSON field against the slack_conn_id. """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ('sql', 'slack_message')
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = ('.sql', '.jinja', '.j2')
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"sql": "sql", "slack_message": "jinja"}
[docs] times_rendered = 0
def __init__( self, *, sql: str, slack_message: str, snowflake_conn_id: str = 'snowflake_default', slack_conn_id: str = 'slack_default', results_df_name: str = 'results_df', parameters: Optional[Union[Iterable, Mapping]] = None, warehouse: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, slack_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.snowflake_conn_id = snowflake_conn_id self.sql = sql self.parameters = parameters self.warehouse = warehouse self.database = database self.schema = schema self.role = role self.slack_conn_id = slack_conn_id self.slack_token = slack_token self.slack_message = slack_message self.results_df_name = results_df_name warnings.warn( """ SnowflakeToSlackOperator is deprecated. Please use `airflow.providers.slack.transfers.sql_to_slack.SqlToSlackOperator`. """, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) hook_params = { "schema": self.schema, "role": self.role, "database": self.database, "warehouse": self.warehouse, } cleaned_hook_params = {k: v for k, v in hook_params.items() if v is not None} super().__init__( sql=self.sql, sql_conn_id=self.snowflake_conn_id, slack_conn_id=self.slack_conn_id, slack_webhook_token=self.slack_token, slack_message=self.slack_message, results_df_name=self.results_df_name, parameters=self.parameters, sql_hook_params=cleaned_hook_params, **kwargs,

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