
Hook for Slack

Module Contents



Creates a Slack connection to be used for calls.

class airflow.providers.slack.hooks.slack.SlackHook(token=None, slack_conn_id=None, **client_args)[source]

Bases: airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook

Creates a Slack connection to be used for calls.

Takes both Slack API token directly and connection that has Slack API token. If both are supplied, Slack API token will be used. Also exposes the rest of slack.WebClient args. Examples: .. code-block:: python

# Create hook slack_hook = SlackHook(token=”xxx”) # or slack_hook = SlackHook(slack_conn_id=”slack”)

# Call generic API with parameters (errors are handled by hook) # For more details check“chat.postMessage”, json={“channel”: “#random”, “text”: “Hello world!”})

# Call method from Slack SDK (you have to handle errors yourself) # For more details check slack_hook.client.chat_postMessage(channel=”#random”, text=”Hello world!”)

  • token (Optional[str]) – Slack API token

  • slack_conn_id (Optional[str]) – Slack connection id that has Slack API token in the password field.

  • use_session – A boolean specifying if the client should take advantage of connection pooling. Default is True.

  • base_url – A string representing the Slack API base URL. Default is

  • timeout – The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect and receive a response from Slack. Default is 30 seconds.

call(api_method, **kwargs)[source]

Calls Slack WebClient WebClient.api_call with given arguments.

  • api_method (str) – The target Slack API method. e.g. ‘chat.postMessage’. Required.

  • http_verb – HTTP Verb. Optional (defaults to ‘POST’)

  • files – Files to multipart upload. e.g. {imageORfile: file_objectORfile_path}

  • data – The body to attach to the request. If a dictionary is provided, form-encoding will take place. Optional.

  • params – The URL parameters to append to the URL. Optional.

  • json – JSON for the body to attach to the request. Optional.


The server’s response to an HTTP request. Data from the response can be accessed like a dict. If the response included ‘next_cursor’ it can be iterated on to execute subsequent requests.

Return type


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