Source code for airflow.providers.qubole.hooks.qubole

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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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"""Qubole hook."""
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from qds_sdk.commands import (
from qds_sdk.qubole import Qubole

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.utils.state import State

    from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
    from airflow.serialization.pydantic.taskinstance import TaskInstancePydantic
    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]COMMAND_CLASSES = { "hivecmd": HiveCommand, "prestocmd": PrestoCommand, "hadoopcmd": HadoopCommand, "shellcmd": ShellCommand, "pigcmd": PigCommand, "sparkcmd": SparkCommand, "dbtapquerycmd": DbTapQueryCommand, "dbexportcmd": DbExportCommand, "dbimportcmd": DbImportCommand, "sqlcmd": SqlCommand, "jupytercmd": JupyterNotebookCommand, }
[docs]POSITIONAL_ARGS = {"hadoopcmd": ["sub_command"], "shellcmd": ["parameters"], "pigcmd": ["parameters"]}
[docs]def flatten_list(list_of_lists) -> list: """Flatten the list.""" return [element for array in list_of_lists for element in array]
[docs]def filter_options(options: list) -> list: """Remove options from the list.""" options_to_remove = ["help", "print-logs-live", "print-logs", "pool"] return [option for option in options if option not in options_to_remove]
[docs]def get_options_list(command_class) -> list: """Get options list.""" options_list = [option.get_opt_string().strip("--") for option in command_class.optparser.option_list] return filter_options(options_list)
[docs]def build_command_args() -> tuple[dict[str, list], list]: """Build Command argument from command and options.""" command_args, hyphen_args = {}, set() for cmd in COMMAND_CLASSES: # get all available options from the class opts_list = get_options_list(COMMAND_CLASSES[cmd]) # append positional args if any for the command if cmd in POSITIONAL_ARGS: opts_list += POSITIONAL_ARGS[cmd] # get args with a hyphen and replace them with underscore for index, opt in enumerate(opts_list): if "-" in opt: opts_list[index] = opt.replace("-", "_") hyphen_args.add(opts_list[index]) command_args[cmd] = opts_list return command_args, list(hyphen_args)
COMMAND_ARGS, HYPHEN_ARGS = build_command_args()
[docs]class QuboleHook(BaseHook): """Hook for Qubole communication."""
[docs] conn_name_attr: str = "qubole_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "qubole_default"
[docs] conn_type = "qubole"
[docs] hook_name = "Qubole"
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour() -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns custom field behaviour.""" return { "hidden_fields": ["login", "schema", "port", "extra"], "relabeling": { "host": "API Endpoint", "password": "Auth Token", }, "placeholders": {"host": "https://<env>"}, }
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() conn = self.get_connection(kwargs.get("qubole_conn_id", self.default_conn_name)) Qubole.configure(api_token=conn.password, self.task_id = kwargs["task_id"] self.dag_id = kwargs["dag"].dag_id self.kwargs = kwargs self.cls = COMMAND_CLASSES[self.kwargs["command_type"]] self.cmd: Command | None = None self.task_instance: TaskInstance | TaskInstancePydantic | None = None @staticmethod
[docs] def handle_failure_retry(context) -> None: """Handle retries in case of failures.""" ti = context["ti"] cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=ti.task_id) if cmd_id is not None: cmd = Command.find(cmd_id) if cmd is not None: if cmd.status == "done":"Command ID: %s has been succeeded, hence marking this TI as Success.", cmd_id) ti.state = State.SUCCESS elif cmd.status == "running":"Cancelling the Qubole Command Id: %s", cmd_id) cmd.cancel()
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> None: """Execute call.""" args = self.cls.parse(self.create_cmd_args(context)) self.cmd = self.cls.create(**args) self.task_instance = context["task_instance"] context["task_instance"].xcom_push(key="qbol_cmd_id", # type: ignore[attr-defined] "Qubole command created with Id: %s and Status: %s",, # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.cmd.status, # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) while not Command.is_done(self.cmd.status): # type: ignore[attr-defined] time.sleep(Qubole.poll_interval) self.cmd = self.cls.find( # type: ignore[attr-defined] "Command Id: %s and Status: %s",, self.cmd.status, # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) if "fetch_logs" in self.kwargs and self.kwargs["fetch_logs"] is True: "Logs for Command Id: %s \n%s",, self.cmd.get_log(), # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) if self.cmd.status != "done": # type: ignore[attr-defined] raise AirflowException(f"Command Id: {} failed with Status: {self.cmd.status}")
[docs] def kill(self, ti): """ Kill (cancel) a Qubole command. :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: response from Qubole """ if self.cmd is None: if not ti and not self.task_instance: raise Exception("Unable to cancel Qubole Command, context is unavailable!") elif not ti: ti = self.task_instance cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=ti.task_id) self.cmd = self.cls.find(cmd_id) if self.cls and self.cmd:"Sending KILL signal to Qubole Command Id: %s", self.cmd.cancel()
[docs] def get_results( self, ti=None, fp=None, inline: bool = True, delim=None, fetch: bool = True, include_headers: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Get results (or just s3 locations) of a command from Qubole and save into a file. :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :param fp: Optional file pointer, will create one and return if None passed :param inline: True to download actual results, False to get s3 locations only :param delim: Replaces the CTL-A chars with the given delim, defaults to ',' :param fetch: when inline is True, get results directly from s3 (if large) :return: file location containing actual results or s3 locations of results """ if fp is None: iso = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() base_log_folder = conf.get_mandatory_value("logging", "BASE_LOG_FOLDER") logpath = os.path.expanduser(base_log_folder) resultpath = logpath + "/" + self.dag_id + "/" + self.task_id + "/results" pathlib.Path(resultpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fp = open(resultpath + "/" + iso, "wb") if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) self.cmd = self.cls.find(cmd_id) include_headers_str = "true" if include_headers else "false" self.cmd.get_results(fp, inline, delim, fetch, arguments=[include_headers_str]) # type: ignore[attr-defined] fp.flush() fp.close() return
[docs] def get_log(self, ti) -> None: """ Get Logs of a command from Qubole. :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: command log as text """ if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) Command.get_log_id(cmd_id)
[docs] def get_jobs_id(self, ti) -> None: """ Get jobs associated with a Qubole commands. :param ti: Task Instance of the dag, used to determine the Quboles command id :return: Job information associated with command """ if self.cmd is None: cmd_id = ti.xcom_pull(key="qbol_cmd_id", task_ids=self.task_id) Command.get_jobs_id(cmd_id)
[docs] def create_cmd_args(self, context) -> list[str]: """Creates command arguments.""" args = [] cmd_type = self.kwargs["command_type"] inplace_args = None tags = {self.dag_id, self.task_id, context["run_id"]} positional_args_list = flatten_list(POSITIONAL_ARGS.values()) for key, value in self.kwargs.items(): if key in COMMAND_ARGS[cmd_type]: if key in HYPHEN_ARGS: args.append(f"--{key.replace('_', '-')}={value}") elif key in positional_args_list: inplace_args = value elif key == "tags": self._add_tags(tags, value) elif key == "notify": if value is True: args.append("--notify") else: args.append(f"--{key}={value}") args.append(f"--tags={','.join(filter(None, tags))}") if inplace_args is not None: args += inplace_args.split(" ") return args
@staticmethod def _add_tags(tags, value) -> None: if isinstance(value, str): tags.add(value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): tags.update(value)

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