Source code for airflow.providers.presto.hooks.presto

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# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Mapping

import prestodb
from prestodb.exceptions import DatabaseError
from prestodb.transaction import IsolationLevel

from airflow import AirflowException
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.models import Connection
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook
from airflow.utils.operator_helpers import AIRFLOW_VAR_NAME_FORMAT_MAPPING, DEFAULT_FORMAT_PREFIX

[docs]def generate_presto_client_info() -> str: """Return json string with dag_id, task_id, execution_date and try_number""" context_var = { format_map["default"].replace(DEFAULT_FORMAT_PREFIX, ""): os.environ.get( format_map["env_var_format"], "" ) for format_map in AIRFLOW_VAR_NAME_FORMAT_MAPPING.values() } task_info = { "dag_id": context_var["dag_id"], "task_id": context_var["task_id"], "execution_date": context_var["execution_date"], "try_number": context_var["try_number"], "dag_run_id": context_var["dag_run_id"], "dag_owner": context_var["dag_owner"], } return json.dumps(task_info, sort_keys=True)
[docs]class PrestoException(Exception): """Presto exception"""
def _boolify(value): if isinstance(value, bool): return value if isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() == "false": return False elif value.lower() == "true": return True return value
[docs]class PrestoHook(DbApiHook): """ Interact with Presto through prestodb. >>> ph = PrestoHook() >>> sql = "SELECT count(1) AS num FROM airflow.static_babynames" >>> ph.get_records(sql) [[340698]] """
[docs] conn_name_attr = "presto_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "presto_default"
[docs] conn_type = "presto"
[docs] hook_name = "Presto"
[docs] placeholder = "?"
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> Connection: """Returns a connection object""" db = self.get_connection(self.presto_conn_id) # type: ignore[attr-defined] extra = db.extra_dejson auth = None if db.password and extra.get("auth") == "kerberos": raise AirflowException("Kerberos authorization doesn't support password.") elif db.password: auth = prestodb.auth.BasicAuthentication(db.login, db.password) elif extra.get("auth") == "kerberos": auth = prestodb.auth.KerberosAuthentication( config=extra.get("kerberos__config", os.environ.get("KRB5_CONFIG")), service_name=extra.get("kerberos__service_name"), mutual_authentication=_boolify(extra.get("kerberos__mutual_authentication", False)), force_preemptive=_boolify(extra.get("kerberos__force_preemptive", False)), hostname_override=extra.get("kerberos__hostname_override"), sanitize_mutual_error_response=_boolify( extra.get("kerberos__sanitize_mutual_error_response", True) ), principal=extra.get("kerberos__principal", conf.get("kerberos", "principal")), delegate=_boolify(extra.get("kerberos__delegate", False)), ca_bundle=extra.get("kerberos__ca_bundle"), ) http_headers = {"X-Presto-Client-Info": generate_presto_client_info()} presto_conn = prestodb.dbapi.connect(, port=db.port, user=db.login, source=db.extra_dejson.get("source", "airflow"), http_headers=http_headers, http_scheme=db.extra_dejson.get("protocol", "http"), catalog=db.extra_dejson.get("catalog", "hive"), schema=db.schema, auth=auth, isolation_level=self.get_isolation_level(), # type: ignore[func-returns-value] ) if extra.get("verify") is not None: # Unfortunately verify parameter is available via public API. # The PR is merged in the presto library, but has not been released. # See: presto_conn._http_session.verify = _boolify(extra["verify"]) return presto_conn
[docs] def get_isolation_level(self) -> Any: """Returns an isolation level""" db = self.get_connection(self.presto_conn_id) # type: ignore[attr-defined] isolation_level = db.extra_dejson.get("isolation_level", "AUTOCOMMIT").upper() return getattr(IsolationLevel, isolation_level, IsolationLevel.AUTOCOMMIT)
[docs] def get_records( self, sql: str | list[str] = "", parameters: Iterable | Mapping | None = None, ) -> Any: if not isinstance(sql, str): raise ValueError(f"The sql in Presto Hook must be a string and is {sql}!") try: return super().get_records(self.strip_sql_string(sql), parameters) except DatabaseError as e: raise PrestoException(e)
[docs] def get_first(self, sql: str | list[str] = "", parameters: Iterable | Mapping | None = None) -> Any: if not isinstance(sql, str): raise ValueError(f"The sql in Presto Hook must be a string and is {sql}!") try: return super().get_first(self.strip_sql_string(sql), parameters) except DatabaseError as e: raise PrestoException(e)
[docs] def get_pandas_df(self, sql: str = "", parameters=None, **kwargs): import pandas cursor = self.get_cursor() try: cursor.execute(self.strip_sql_string(sql), parameters) data = cursor.fetchall() except DatabaseError as e: raise PrestoException(e) column_descriptions = cursor.description if data: df = pandas.DataFrame(data, **kwargs) df.columns = [c[0] for c in column_descriptions] else: df = pandas.DataFrame(**kwargs) return df
[docs] def run( self, sql: str | Iterable[str], autocommit: bool = False, parameters: Iterable | Mapping | None = None, handler: Callable | None = None, split_statements: bool = False, return_last: bool = True, ) -> Any | list[Any] | None: return super().run( sql=sql, autocommit=autocommit, parameters=parameters, handler=handler, split_statements=split_statements, return_last=return_last,
[docs] def insert_rows( self, table: str, rows: Iterable[tuple], target_fields: Iterable[str] | None = None, commit_every: int = 0, replace: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ A generic way to insert a set of tuples into a table. :param table: Name of the target table :param rows: The rows to insert into the table :param target_fields: The names of the columns to fill in the table :param commit_every: The maximum number of rows to insert in one transaction. Set to 0 to insert all rows in one transaction. :param replace: Whether to replace instead of insert """ if self.get_isolation_level() == IsolationLevel.AUTOCOMMIT: "Transactions are not enable in presto connection. " "Please use the isolation_level property to enable it. " "Falling back to insert all rows in one transaction." ) commit_every = 0 super().insert_rows(table, rows, target_fields, commit_every)
@staticmethod def _serialize_cell(cell: Any, conn: Connection | None = None) -> Any: """ Presto will adapt all arguments to the execute() method internally, hence we return cell without any conversion. :param cell: The cell to insert into the table :param conn: The database connection :return: The cell """ return cell

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