Source code for airflow.providers.openlineage.utils.utils

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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# under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import logging
import re
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, suppress
from functools import wraps
from io import StringIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable

import attrs
from deprecated import deprecated
from openlineage.client.utils import RedactMixin
from packaging.version import Version

from airflow import __version__ as AIRFLOW_VERSION
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning  # TODO: move this maybe to Airflow's logic?
from airflow.models import DAG, BaseOperator, MappedOperator
from airflow.providers.openlineage import conf
from airflow.providers.openlineage.plugins.facets import (
from airflow.providers.openlineage.utils.selective_enable import (
from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import SerializedBaseOperator
from airflow.utils.context import AirflowContextDeprecationWarning
from airflow.utils.log.secrets_masker import Redactable, Redacted, SecretsMasker, should_hide_value_for_key
from airflow.utils.module_loading import import_string

    from airflow.models import DagRun, TaskInstance

[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_NOMINAL_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" _IS_AIRFLOW_2_10_OR_HIGHER = Version(Version(AIRFLOW_VERSION).base_version) >= Version("2.10.0")
[docs]def try_import_from_string(string: str) -> Any: with suppress(ImportError): return import_string(string)
[docs]def get_operator_class(task: BaseOperator) -> type: if task.__class__.__name__ in ("DecoratedMappedOperator", "MappedOperator"): return task.operator_class return task.__class__
[docs]def get_job_name(task: TaskInstance) -> str: return f"{task.dag_id}.{task.task_id}"
[docs]def get_custom_facets(task_instance: TaskInstance | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]: custom_facets = {} # check for -1 comes from SmartSensor compatibility with dynamic task mapping # this comes from Airflow code if hasattr(task_instance, "map_index") and getattr(task_instance, "map_index") != -1: custom_facets["airflow_mappedTask"] = AirflowMappedTaskRunFacet.from_task_instance(task_instance) return custom_facets
[docs]def get_fully_qualified_class_name(operator: BaseOperator | MappedOperator) -> str: if isinstance(operator, (MappedOperator, SerializedBaseOperator)): # as in airflow.api_connexion.schemas.common_schema.ClassReferenceSchema return operator._task_module + "." + operator._task_type # type: ignore op_class = get_operator_class(operator) return op_class.__module__ + "." + op_class.__name__
[docs]def is_operator_disabled(operator: BaseOperator | MappedOperator) -> bool: return get_fully_qualified_class_name(operator) in conf.disabled_operators()
[docs]def is_selective_lineage_enabled(obj: DAG | BaseOperator | MappedOperator) -> bool: """If selective enable is active check if DAG or Task is enabled to emit events.""" if not conf.selective_enable(): return True if isinstance(obj, DAG): return is_dag_lineage_enabled(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (BaseOperator, MappedOperator)): return is_task_lineage_enabled(obj) else: raise TypeError("is_selective_lineage_enabled can only be used on DAG or Operator objects")
[docs]class InfoJsonEncodable(dict): """ Airflow objects might not be json-encodable overall. The class provides additional attributes to control what and how is encoded: * renames: a dictionary of attribute name changes * | casts: a dictionary consisting of attribute names | and corresponding methods that should change | object value * includes: list of attributes to be included in encoding * excludes: list of attributes to be excluded from encoding Don't use both includes and excludes. """
[docs] renames: dict[str, str] = {}
[docs] casts: dict[str, Any] = {}
[docs] includes: list[str] = []
[docs] excludes: list[str] = []
def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj self._fields = [] self._cast_fields() self._rename_fields() self._include_fields() dict.__init__( self, **{field: InfoJsonEncodable._cast_basic_types(getattr(self, field)) for field in self._fields}, ) @staticmethod def _cast_basic_types(value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return f"{value.total_seconds()} seconds" if isinstance(value, (set, tuple)): return str(list(value)) return value def _rename_fields(self): for field, renamed in self.renames.items(): if hasattr(self.obj, field): setattr(self, renamed, getattr(self.obj, field)) self._fields.append(renamed) def _cast_fields(self): for field, func in self.casts.items(): setattr(self, field, func(self.obj)) self._fields.append(field) def _include_fields(self): if self.includes and self.excludes: raise ValueError("Don't use both includes and excludes.") if self.includes: for field in self.includes: if field not in self._fields and hasattr(self.obj, field): setattr(self, field, getattr(self.obj, field)) self._fields.append(field) else: for field, val in self.obj.__dict__.items(): if field not in self._fields and field not in self.excludes and field not in self.renames: setattr(self, field, val) self._fields.append(field)
[docs]class DagInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding DAG object to JSON."""
[docs] includes = ["dag_id", "description", "owner", "schedule_interval", "start_date", "tags"]
[docs] casts = {"timetable": lambda dag: dag.timetable.serialize() if getattr(dag, "timetable", None) else None}
[docs] renames = {"_dag_id": "dag_id"}
[docs]class DagRunInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding DagRun object to JSON."""
[docs] includes = [ "conf", "dag_id", "data_interval_start", "data_interval_end", "external_trigger", "run_id", "run_type", "start_date", ]
[docs]class TaskInstanceInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding TaskInstance object to JSON."""
[docs] includes = ["duration", "try_number", "pool", "queued_dttm"]
[docs] casts = { "map_index": lambda ti: ( ti.map_index if hasattr(ti, "map_index") and getattr(ti, "map_index") != -1 else None ) }
[docs]class DatasetInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding Airflow Dataset object to JSON."""
[docs] includes = ["uri", "extra"]
[docs]class TaskInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding BaseOperator/AbstractOperator object to JSON."""
[docs] renames = { "_BaseOperator__from_mapped": "mapped", "_downstream_task_ids": "downstream_task_ids", "_upstream_task_ids": "upstream_task_ids", "_is_setup": "is_setup", "_is_teardown": "is_teardown", }
[docs] includes = [ "depends_on_past", "downstream_task_ids", "execution_timeout", "executor_config", "ignore_first_depends_on_past", "max_active_tis_per_dag", "max_active_tis_per_dagrun", "max_retry_delay", "multiple_outputs", "owner", "priority_weight", "queue", "retries", "retry_exponential_backoff", "run_as_user", "sla", "task_id", "trigger_dag_id", "external_dag_id", "external_task_id", "trigger_rule", "upstream_task_ids", "wait_for_downstream", "wait_for_past_depends_before_skipping", "weight_rule", ]
[docs] casts = { "operator_class": lambda task: task.task_type, "task_group": lambda task: ( TaskGroupInfo(task.task_group) if hasattr(task, "task_group") and getattr(task.task_group, "_group_id", None) else None ), "inlets": lambda task: [DatasetInfo(inlet) for inlet in task.inlets], "outlets": lambda task: [DatasetInfo(outlet) for outlet in task.outlets], }
[docs]class TaskGroupInfo(InfoJsonEncodable): """Defines encoding TaskGroup object to JSON."""
[docs] renames = { "_group_id": "group_id", }
[docs] includes = [ "downstream_group_ids", "downstream_task_ids", "prefix_group_id", "tooltip", "upstream_group_ids", "upstream_task_ids", ]
[docs]def get_airflow_run_facet( dag_run: DagRun, dag: DAG, task_instance: TaskInstance, task: BaseOperator, task_uuid: str, ) -> dict[str, BaseFacet]: return { "airflow": AirflowRunFacet( dag=DagInfo(dag), dagRun=DagRunInfo(dag_run), taskInstance=TaskInstanceInfo(task_instance), task=TaskInfo(task), taskUuid=task_uuid, ) }
[docs]def get_airflow_job_facet(dag_run: DagRun) -> dict[str, BaseFacet]: if not dag_run.dag: return {} return { "airflow": AirflowJobFacet( taskTree=_get_parsed_dag_tree(dag_run.dag), taskGroups=_get_task_groups_details(dag_run.dag), tasks=_get_tasks_details(dag_run.dag), ) }
[docs]def get_airflow_state_run_facet(dag_run: DagRun) -> dict[str, BaseFacet]: return { "airflowState": AirflowStateRunFacet( dagRunState=dag_run.get_state(), tasksState={ti.task_id: ti.state for ti in dag_run.get_task_instances()}, ) }
def _safe_get_dag_tree_view(dag: DAG) -> list[str]: # get_tree_view() has been added in Airflow 2.8.2 if hasattr(dag, "get_tree_view"): return dag.get_tree_view().splitlines() with redirect_stdout(StringIO()) as stdout: dag.tree_view() return stdout.getvalue().splitlines() def _get_parsed_dag_tree(dag: DAG) -> dict: """ Get DAG's tasks hierarchy representation. While the task dependencies are defined as following: task >> [task_2, task_4] >> task_7 task_3 >> task_5 task_6 # has no dependencies, it's a root and a leaf The result of this function will look like: { "task": { "task_2": { "task_7": {} }, "task_4": { "task_7": {} } }, "task_3": { "task_5": {} }, "task_6": {} } """ lines = _safe_get_dag_tree_view(dag) task_dict: dict[str, dict] = {} parent_map: dict[int, tuple[str, dict]] = {} for line in lines: stripped_line = line.strip() if not stripped_line: continue # Determine the level by counting the leading spaces, assuming 4 spaces per level # as defined in airflow.models.dag.DAG._generate_tree_view() level = (len(line) - len(stripped_line)) // 4 # airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator.__repr__ or # airflow.models.mappedoperator.MappedOperator.__repr__ is used in DAG tree # <Task({op_class}): {task_id}> or <Mapped({op_class}): {task_id}> match = re.match(r"^<(?:Task|Mapped)\(.+\): (.+)>$", stripped_line) if not match: return {} current_task_id = match[1] if level == 0: # It's a root task task_dict[current_task_id] = {} parent_map[level] = (current_task_id, task_dict[current_task_id]) else: # Find the immediate parent task parent_task, parent_dict = parent_map[(level - 1)] # Create new dict for the current task parent_dict[current_task_id] = {} # Update this task in the parent map parent_map[level] = (current_task_id, parent_dict[current_task_id]) return task_dict def _get_tasks_details(dag: DAG) -> dict: tasks = { single_task.task_id: { "operator": get_fully_qualified_class_name(single_task), "task_group": single_task.task_group.group_id if single_task.task_group else None, "emits_ol_events": _emits_ol_events(single_task), "ui_color": single_task.ui_color, "ui_fgcolor": single_task.ui_fgcolor, "ui_label": single_task.label, "is_setup": single_task.is_setup, "is_teardown": single_task.is_teardown, } for single_task in dag.tasks } return tasks def _get_task_groups_details(dag: DAG) -> dict: return { tg_id: { "parent_group": tg.parent_group.group_id, "tooltip": tg.tooltip, "ui_color": tg.ui_color, "ui_fgcolor": tg.ui_fgcolor, "ui_label": tg.label, } for tg_id, tg in dag.task_group_dict.items() } def _emits_ol_events(task: BaseOperator | MappedOperator) -> bool: config_selective_enabled = is_selective_lineage_enabled(task) config_disabled_for_operators = is_operator_disabled(task) # empty operators without callbacks/outlets are skipped for optimization by Airflow # in airflow.models.taskinstance.TaskInstance._schedule_downstream_tasks is_skipped_as_empty_operator = all( ( task.inherits_from_empty_operator, not task.on_execute_callback, not task.on_success_callback, not task.outlets, ) ) emits_ol_events = all( (config_selective_enabled, not config_disabled_for_operators, not is_skipped_as_empty_operator) ) return emits_ol_events
[docs]def get_unknown_source_attribute_run_facet(task: BaseOperator, name: str | None = None): if not name: name = get_operator_class(task).__name__ return { "unknownSourceAttribute": attrs.asdict( UnknownOperatorAttributeRunFacet( unknownItems=[ UnknownOperatorInstance( name=name, properties=TaskInfo(task), ) ] ) ) }
[docs]class OpenLineageRedactor(SecretsMasker): """ This class redacts sensitive data similar to SecretsMasker in Airflow logs. The difference is that our default max recursion depth is way higher - due to the structure of OL events we need more depth. Additionally, we allow data structures to specify data that needs not to be redacted by specifying _skip_redact list by deriving RedactMixin. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_masker(cls, other: SecretsMasker) -> OpenLineageRedactor: instance = cls() instance.patterns = other.patterns instance.replacer = other.replacer return instance
def _redact(self, item: Redactable, name: str | None, depth: int, max_depth: int) -> Redacted: if depth > max_depth: return item try: # It's impossible to check the type of variable in a dict without accessing it, and # this already causes warning - so suppress it with suppress(AirflowContextDeprecationWarning): if type(item).__name__ == "Proxy": # Those are deprecated values in _DEPRECATION_REPLACEMENTS # in airflow.utils.context.Context return "<<non-redactable: Proxy>>" if name and should_hide_value_for_key(name): return self._redact_all(item, depth, max_depth) if attrs.has(type(item)): # TODO: FIXME when mypy gets compatible with new attrs for dict_key, subval in attrs.asdict( item, # type: ignore[arg-type] recurse=False, ).items(): if _is_name_redactable(dict_key, item): setattr( item, dict_key, self._redact(subval, name=dict_key, depth=(depth + 1), max_depth=max_depth), ) return item elif is_json_serializable(item) and hasattr(item, "__dict__"): for dict_key, subval in item.__dict__.items(): if type(subval).__name__ == "Proxy": return "<<non-redactable: Proxy>>" if _is_name_redactable(dict_key, item): setattr( item, dict_key, self._redact(subval, name=dict_key, depth=(depth + 1), max_depth=max_depth), ) return item else: return super()._redact(item, name, depth, max_depth) except Exception as exc: log.warning("Unable to redact %r. Error was: %s: %s", item, type(exc).__name__, exc) return item
[docs]def is_json_serializable(item): try: json.dumps(item) return True except (TypeError, ValueError): return False
def _is_name_redactable(name, redacted): if not issubclass(redacted.__class__, RedactMixin): return not name.startswith("_") return name not in redacted.skip_redact
[docs]def get_filtered_unknown_operator_keys(operator: BaseOperator) -> dict: not_required_keys = {"dag", "task_group"} return {attr: value for attr, value in operator.__dict__.items() if attr not in not_required_keys}
@deprecated( reason=( "`airflow.providers.openlineage.utils.utils.normalize_sql` " "has been deprecated and will be removed in future" ), category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning, )
[docs]def normalize_sql(sql: str | Iterable[str]): if isinstance(sql, str): sql = [stmt for stmt in sql.split(";") if stmt != ""] sql = [obj for stmt in sql for obj in stmt.split(";") if obj != ""] return ";\n".join(sql)
[docs]def should_use_external_connection(hook) -> bool: # If we're at Airflow 2.10, the execution is process-isolated, so we can safely run those again. if not _IS_AIRFLOW_2_10_OR_HIGHER: return hook.__class__.__name__ not in ["SnowflakeHook", "SnowflakeSqlApiHook", "RedshiftSQLHook"] return True

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