Source code for airflow.providers.openlineage.conf

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This module provides functions for safely retrieving and handling OpenLineage configurations.

To prevent errors caused by invalid user-provided configuration values, we use ``conf.get()``
to fetch values as strings and perform safe conversions using custom functions.

Any invalid configuration values should be treated as incorrect and replaced with default values.
For example, if the default for boolean ``custom_ol_var`` is False, any non-true value provided:
``"asdf"``, ``12345``, ``{"key": 1}`` or empty string, will result in False being used.

By using default values for invalid configuration values, we ensure that the configurations are handled
safely, preventing potential runtime errors due to conversion issues.

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import Any

# Disable caching if we're inside tests - this makes config easier to mock.
if os.getenv("PYTEST_VERSION"):

[docs] def decorator(func): return func
cache = decorator else: from airflow.compat.functools import cache from airflow.configuration import conf _CONFIG_SECTION = "openlineage" def _is_true(arg: Any) -> bool: return str(arg).lower().strip() in ("true", "1", "t") def _safe_int_convert(arg: Any, default: int) -> int: try: return int(arg) except (ValueError, TypeError): return default @cache
[docs]def config_path(check_legacy_env_var: bool = True) -> str: """[openlineage] config_path.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "config_path", fallback="") if check_legacy_env_var and not option: option = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_CONFIG", "") return option
[docs]def is_source_enabled() -> bool: """[openlineage] disable_source_code.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "disable_source_code", fallback="") if not option: option = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_AIRFLOW_DISABLE_SOURCE_CODE", "") # when disable_source_code is True, is_source_enabled() should be False return not _is_true(option)
[docs]def disabled_operators() -> set[str]: """[openlineage] disabled_for_operators.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "disabled_for_operators", fallback="") return set(operator.strip() for operator in option.split(";") if operator.strip())
[docs]def selective_enable() -> bool: """[openlineage] selective_enable.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "selective_enable", fallback="") return _is_true(option)
[docs]def custom_extractors() -> set[str]: """[openlineage] extractors.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "extractors", fallback="") if not option: option = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_EXTRACTORS", "") return set(extractor.strip() for extractor in option.split(";") if extractor.strip())
[docs]def namespace() -> str: """[openlineage] namespace.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "namespace", fallback="") if not option: option = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_NAMESPACE", "default") return option
[docs]def transport() -> dict[str, Any]: """[openlineage] transport.""" option = conf.getjson(_CONFIG_SECTION, "transport", fallback={}) if not isinstance(option, dict): raise ValueError(f"OpenLineage transport `{option}` is not a dict") return option
[docs]def is_disabled() -> bool: """[openlineage] disabled + check if any configuration is present.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "disabled", fallback="") if _is_true(option): return True option = os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_DISABLED", "") if _is_true(option): return True # Check if both 'transport' and 'config_path' are not present and also # if legacy 'OPENLINEAGE_URL' environment variables is not set return transport() == {} and config_path(True) == "" and os.getenv("OPENLINEAGE_URL", "") == ""
[docs]def dag_state_change_process_pool_size() -> int: """[openlineage] dag_state_change_process_pool_size.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "dag_state_change_process_pool_size", fallback="") return _safe_int_convert(str(option).strip(), default=1)
[docs]def execution_timeout() -> int: """[openlineage] execution_timeout.""" option = conf.get(_CONFIG_SECTION, "execution_timeout", fallback="") return _safe_int_convert(str(option).strip(), default=10)

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