Source code for airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors.base

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from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from attrs import Factory, define

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from airflow.utils.state import TaskInstanceState

    from openlineage.client.facet import BaseFacet
    from import Dataset

[docs]class OperatorLineage: """Structure returned from lineage extraction."""
[docs] inputs: list[Dataset] = Factory(list)
[docs] outputs: list[Dataset] = Factory(list)
[docs] run_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = Factory(dict)
[docs] job_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = Factory(dict)
[docs]class BaseExtractor(ABC, LoggingMixin): """Abstract base extractor class. This is used mostly to maintain support for custom extractors. """ _allowed_query_params: list[str] = [] def __init__(self, operator): # type: ignore super().__init__() self.operator = operator @classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def get_operator_classnames(cls) -> list[str]: """Get a list of operators that extractor works for. This is an abstract method that subclasses should implement. There are operators that work very similarly and one extractor can cover. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def disabled_operators(self) -> set[str]: return set( operator.strip() for operator in conf.get("openlineage", "disabled_for_operators").split(";") )
[docs] def validate(self): assert self.operator.task_type in self.get_operator_classnames()
@abstractmethod def _execute_extraction(self) -> OperatorLineage | None: ...
[docs] def extract(self) -> OperatorLineage | None: fully_qualified_class_name = ( self.operator.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.operator.__class__.__name__ ) if fully_qualified_class_name in self.disabled_operators: self.log.debug( f"Skipping extraction for operator {self.operator.task_type} " "due to its presence in [openlineage] openlineage_disabled_for_operators." ) return None return self._execute_extraction()
[docs] def extract_on_complete(self, task_instance) -> OperatorLineage | None: return self.extract()
[docs]class DefaultExtractor(BaseExtractor): """Extractor that uses `get_openlineage_facets_on_start/complete/failure` methods.""" @classmethod
[docs] def get_operator_classnames(cls) -> list[str]: """Assign this extractor to *no* operators. Default extractor is chosen not on the classname basis, but by existence of get_openlineage_facets method on operator. """ return []
def _execute_extraction(self) -> OperatorLineage | None: # OpenLineage methods are optional - if there's no method, return None try: return self._get_openlineage_facets(self.operator.get_openlineage_facets_on_start) # type: ignore except ImportError: self.log.error( "OpenLineage provider method failed to import OpenLineage integration. " "This should not happen. Please report this bug to developers." ) return None except AttributeError: self.log.debug( f"Operator {self.operator.task_type} does not have the " "get_openlineage_facets_on_start method." ) return None
[docs] def extract_on_complete(self, task_instance) -> OperatorLineage | None: if task_instance.state == TaskInstanceState.FAILED: on_failed = getattr(self.operator, "get_openlineage_facets_on_failure", None) if on_failed and callable(on_failed): return self._get_openlineage_facets(on_failed, task_instance) on_complete = getattr(self.operator, "get_openlineage_facets_on_complete", None) if on_complete and callable(on_complete): return self._get_openlineage_facets(on_complete, task_instance) return self.extract()
def _get_openlineage_facets(self, get_facets_method, *args) -> OperatorLineage | None: try: facets: OperatorLineage = get_facets_method(*args) # "rewrite" OperatorLineage to safeguard against different version of the same class # that was existing in openlineage-airflow package outside of Airflow repo return OperatorLineage( inputs=facets.inputs, outputs=facets.outputs, run_facets=facets.run_facets, job_facets=facets.job_facets, ) except ImportError: self.log.exception( "OpenLineage provider method failed to import OpenLineage integration. " "This should not happen." ) except Exception: self.log.warning("OpenLineage provider method failed to extract data from provider. ") return None

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