Bug Fixes¶
fix: OpenLineage dag start event not being emitted (#42448)
fix: typo in error stack trace formatting for clearer output (#42017)
feat: notify about potential serialization failures when sending DagRun, don't serialize unnecessary params, guard listener for exceptions (#41690)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: cast list to flattened string in openlineage InfoJsonEncodable (#41786)
chore: bump OL provider dependencies versions (#42059)
move to dag_run.logical_date from execution date in OpenLineage provider (#41889)
Unify DAG schedule args and change default to None (#41453)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.8+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
feat: add debug facet to all OpenLineage events (#41217)
feat: add fileloc to DAG info in AirflowRunFacet (#41311)
feat: remove openlineage client deprecated from_environment() method (#41310)
feat: openlineage listener captures hook-level lineage (#41482)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: get task dependencies without serializing task tree to string (#41494)
fix: return empty data instead of None when OpenLineage on_start method is missing (#41268)
fix: replace dagTree with downstream_task_ids (#41587)
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers to Airflow 2.8.0 (#41396)
chore: remove openlineage deprecation warnings (#41284)
Add AirflowRun on COMPLETE/FAIL events (#40996)
openlineage: extend custom_run_facets to also be executed on complete and fail (#40953)
openlineage: migrate OpenLineage provider to V2 facets. (#39530)
openlineage: Add AirflowRunFacet for dag runEvents (#40854)
[AIP-62] Translate AIP-60 URI to OpenLineage (#40173)
Ability to add custom facet in OpenLineage events (#38982)
openlineage: add method to common.compat to not force hooks to try/except every 2.10 hook lineage call (#40812)
openlineage: use airflow provided getters from conf (#40790)
openlineage: add config to include 'full' task info based on conf setting (#40589)
Add TaskInstance log_url to OpenLineage facet (#40797)
openlineage: add deferrable information to task info in airflow run facet (#40682)
Bug Fixes¶
Adjust default extractor's on_failure detection for airflow 2.10 fix (#41094)
openlineage: make value of slots in attrs.define consistent across all OL usages (#40992)
Set 'slots' to True for facets used in DagRun (#40972)
openlineage: fix / add some task attributes in AirflowRunFacet (#40725)
openlineage: replace dt.now with airflow.utils.timezone.utcnow (#40887)
openlineage: remove deprecated parentRun facet key (#40681)
local task job: add timeout, to not kill on_task_instance_success listener prematurely (#39890)
openlineage: add some debug logging around sql parser call sites (#40200)
Add task SLA and queued datetime information to AirflowRunFacet (#40091)
Add error stacktrace to OpenLineage task event (#39813)
Introduce AirflowJobFacet and AirflowStateRunFacet (#39520)
Use UUIDv7 for OpenLineage runIds (#39889)
openlineage: execute extraction and message sending in separate process (#40078)
Add few removed Task properties in AirflowRunFacet (#40371)
Bug Fixes¶
openlineage, redshift: do not call DB for schemas below Airflow 2.10 (#40197)
fix: scheduler crashing with OL provider on airflow standalone (#40459)
nit: fix logging level (#40461)
fix: provide stack trace under proper key in OL facet (#40372)
fix: sqa deprecations for airflow providers (#39293)
Enable enforcing pydocstyle rule D213 in ruff. (#40448)
In Airflow 2.10.0, we fix the way try_number works.
For Airflow >= 2.10.0, use apache-airflow-providers-openlineage >= 1.8.0
Older versions of Airflow are not affected, In case you run an incompatible version
an exception will be raised asking you to upgrade provider version.
Scheduler to handle incrementing of try_number (#39336)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: Prevent error when extractor can't be imported (#39736)
Re-configure ORM in spawned OpenLineage process in scheduler. (#39735)
chore: Update conf retrieval docstring and adjust pool_size (#39721)
Remove 'openlineage.common' dependencies in Google and Snowflake providers. (#39614)
Use 'ProcessPoolExecutor' over 'ThreadPoolExecutor'. (#39235)
misc: Add custom provider runtime checks (#39609)
Faster 'airflow_version' imports (#39552)
Simplify 'airflow_version' imports (#39497)
openlineage: notify that logged exception was caught (#39493)
chore: Add more OpenLineage logs to facilitate debugging (#39136)
Add lineage_job_namespace and lineage_job_name OpenLineage macros (#38829)
openlineage: add 'opt-in' option (#37725)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: Remove redundant operator information from facets (#38264)
fix: disabled_for_operators now stops whole event emission (#38033)
fix: Add fallbacks when retrieving Airflow configuration to avoid errors being raised (#37994)
fix: Fix parent id macro and remove unused utils (#37877)
Avoid use of 'assert' outside of the tests (#37718)
Add default for 'task' on TaskInstance / fix attrs on TaskInstancePydantic (#37854)
feat: Add OpenLineage metrics for event_size and extraction time (#37797)
feat: Add OpenLineage support for File and User Airflow's lineage entities (#37744)
[OpenLineage] Add support for JobTypeJobFacet properties. (#37255)
chore: Update comments and logging in OpenLineage ExtractorManager (#37622)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: Check if operator is disabled in DefaultExtractor.extract_on_complete (#37392)
docs: Update whole OpenLineage Provider docs. (#37620)
feat: Add parent_run_id for COMPLETE and FAIL events (#36067)
Add basic metrics to stats collector. (#35368)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: Repair run_id for OpenLineage FAIL events (#36051)
Fix and reapply templates for provider documentation (#35686)
Remove ClassVar annotations. (#36084)
Allow to disable openlineage at operator level (#33685)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix import in 'get_custom_facets'. (#34122)
Improve modules import in Airflow providers by some of them into a type-checking block (#33754)
Add OpenLineage support for DBT Cloud. (#33959)
Refactor unneeded jumps in providers (#33833)
Refactor: Replace lambdas with comprehensions in providers (#33771)
Bug Fixes¶
openlineage: don't run task instance listener in executor (#33366)
openlineage: do not try to redact Proxy objects from deprecated config (#33393)
openlineage: defensively check for provided datetimes in listener (#33343)
Add OpenLineage support for Trino. (#32910)
Simplify conditions on len() in other providers (#33569)
Replace repr() with proper formatting (#33520)
Bug Fixes¶
openlineage: disable running listener if not configured (#33120)
Don't use database as fallback when no schema parsed. (#32959)
openlineage, bigquery: add openlineage method support for BigQueryExecuteQueryOperator (#31293)
Move openlineage configuration to provider (#33124)
Initial version of the provider.