Source code for airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser

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# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

import sqlparse
from attrs import define
from openlineage.client.facet import BaseFacet, ExtractionError, ExtractionErrorRunFacet, SqlJobFacet
from openlineage.common.sql import DbTableMeta, SqlMeta, parse

from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors.base import OperatorLineage
from airflow.providers.openlineage.utils.sql import (
from airflow.typing_compat import TypedDict

    from import Dataset
    from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine

    from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook

[docs]DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "default"
[docs]DEFAULT_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS = [ "table_schema", "table_name", "column_name", "ordinal_position", "udt_name", ]
[docs]DEFAULT_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_TABLE_NAME = "information_schema.columns"
[docs]def default_normalize_name_method(name: str) -> str: return name.lower()
[docs]class GetTableSchemasParams(TypedDict): """get_table_schemas params."""
[docs] normalize_name: Callable[[str], str]
[docs] is_cross_db: bool
[docs] information_schema_columns: list[str]
[docs] information_schema_table: str
[docs] is_uppercase_names: bool
[docs] database: str | None
[docs]class DatabaseInfo: """ Contains database specific information needed to process SQL statement parse result. :param scheme: Scheme part of URI in OpenLineage namespace. :param authority: Authority part of URI in OpenLineage namespace. For most cases it should return `{host}:{port}` part of Airflow connection. See: :param database: Takes precedence over parsed database name. :param information_schema_columns: List of columns names from information schema table. :param information_schema_table_name: Information schema table name. :param is_information_schema_cross_db: Specifies if information schema contains cross-database data. :param is_uppercase_names: Specifies if database accepts only uppercase names (e.g. Snowflake). :param normalize_name_method: Method to normalize database, schema and table names. Defaults to `name.lower()`. """
[docs] scheme: str
[docs] authority: str | None = None
[docs] database: str | None = None
[docs] information_schema_columns: list[str] = DEFAULT_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_COLUMNS
[docs] information_schema_table_name: str = DEFAULT_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_TABLE_NAME
[docs] is_information_schema_cross_db: bool = False
[docs] is_uppercase_names: bool = False
[docs] normalize_name_method: Callable[[str], str] = default_normalize_name_method
[docs]class SQLParser: """Interface for openlineage-sql. :param dialect: dialect specific to the database :param default_schema: schema applied to each table with no schema parsed """ def __init__(self, dialect: str | None = None, default_schema: str | None = None) -> None: self.dialect = dialect self.default_schema = default_schema
[docs] def parse(self, sql: list[str] | str) -> SqlMeta | None: """Parse a single or a list of SQL statements.""" return parse(sql=sql, dialect=self.dialect)
[docs] def parse_table_schemas( self, hook: BaseHook, inputs: list[DbTableMeta], outputs: list[DbTableMeta], database_info: DatabaseInfo, namespace: str = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, database: str | None = None, sqlalchemy_engine: Engine | None = None, ) -> tuple[list[Dataset], ...]: """Parse schemas for input and output tables.""" database_kwargs: GetTableSchemasParams = { "normalize_name": database_info.normalize_name_method, "is_cross_db": database_info.is_information_schema_cross_db, "information_schema_columns": database_info.information_schema_columns, "information_schema_table": database_info.information_schema_table_name, "is_uppercase_names": database_info.is_uppercase_names, "database": database or database_info.database, } return get_table_schemas( hook, namespace, self.default_schema, database or database_info.database, self.create_information_schema_query( tables=inputs, sqlalchemy_engine=sqlalchemy_engine, **database_kwargs ) if inputs else None, self.create_information_schema_query( tables=outputs, sqlalchemy_engine=sqlalchemy_engine, **database_kwargs ) if outputs else None, )
[docs] def generate_openlineage_metadata_from_sql( self, sql: list[str] | str, hook: BaseHook, database_info: DatabaseInfo, database: str | None = None, sqlalchemy_engine: Engine | None = None, ) -> OperatorLineage: """Parses SQL statement(s) and generates OpenLineage metadata. Generated OpenLineage metadata contains: * input tables with schemas parsed * output tables with schemas parsed * run facets * job facets. :param sql: a SQL statement or list of SQL statement to be parsed :param hook: Airflow Hook used to connect to the database :param database_info: database specific information :param database: when passed it takes precedence over parsed database name :param sqlalchemy_engine: when passed, engine's dialect is used to compile SQL queries """ job_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = {"sql": SqlJobFacet(query=self.normalize_sql(sql))} parse_result = self.parse(self.split_sql_string(sql)) if not parse_result: return OperatorLineage(job_facets=job_facets) run_facets: dict[str, BaseFacet] = {} if parse_result.errors: run_facets["extractionError"] = ExtractionErrorRunFacet( totalTasks=len(sql) if isinstance(sql, list) else 1, failedTasks=len(parse_result.errors), errors=[ ExtractionError( errorMessage=error.message, stackTrace=None, task=error.origin_statement, taskNumber=error.index, ) for error in parse_result.errors ], ) namespace = self.create_namespace(database_info=database_info) inputs, outputs = self.parse_table_schemas( hook=hook, inputs=parse_result.in_tables, outputs=parse_result.out_tables, namespace=namespace, database=database, database_info=database_info, sqlalchemy_engine=sqlalchemy_engine, ) return OperatorLineage( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, run_facets=run_facets, job_facets=job_facets, )
[docs] def create_namespace(database_info: DatabaseInfo) -> str: return ( f"{database_info.scheme}://{database_info.authority}" if database_info.authority else database_info.scheme )
[docs] def normalize_sql(cls, sql: list[str] | str) -> str: """Makes sure to return a semicolon-separated SQL statements.""" return ";\n".join(stmt.rstrip(" ;\r\n") for stmt in cls.split_sql_string(sql))
[docs] def split_sql_string(cls, sql: list[str] | str) -> list[str]: """ Split SQL string into list of statements. Tries to use `DbApiHook.split_sql_string` if available. Otherwise, uses the same logic. """ try: from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook split_statement = DbApiHook.split_sql_string except (ImportError, AttributeError): # No common.sql Airflow provider available or version is too old. def split_statement(sql: str) -> list[str]: splits = sqlparse.split(sqlparse.format(sql, strip_comments=True)) return [s for s in splits if s] if isinstance(sql, str): return split_statement(sql) return [obj for stmt in sql for obj in cls.split_sql_string(stmt) if obj != ""]
[docs] def create_information_schema_query( cls, tables: list[DbTableMeta], normalize_name: Callable[[str], str], is_cross_db: bool, information_schema_columns, information_schema_table, is_uppercase_names, database: str | None = None, sqlalchemy_engine: Engine | None = None, ) -> str: """Creates SELECT statement to query information schema table.""" tables_hierarchy = cls._get_tables_hierarchy( tables, normalize_name=normalize_name, database=database, is_cross_db=is_cross_db, ) return create_information_schema_query( columns=information_schema_columns, information_schema_table_name=information_schema_table, tables_hierarchy=tables_hierarchy, uppercase_names=is_uppercase_names, sqlalchemy_engine=sqlalchemy_engine, )
@staticmethod def _get_tables_hierarchy( tables: list[DbTableMeta], normalize_name: Callable[[str], str], database: str | None = None, is_cross_db: bool = False, ) -> TablesHierarchy: """ Creates a hierarchy of database -> schema -> table name. This helps to create simpler information schema query grouped by database and schema. :param tables: List of tables. :param normalize_name: A method to normalize all names. :param is_cross_db: If false, set top (database) level to None when creating hierarchy. """ hierarchy: TablesHierarchy = {} for table in tables: if is_cross_db: db = table.database or database else: db = None schemas = hierarchy.setdefault(normalize_name(db) if db else db, {}) tables = schemas.setdefault(normalize_name(table.schema) if table.schema else None, []) tables.append( return hierarchy

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