
This module allows to connect to a MySQL database.

Module Contents



Interact with MySQL.



class airflow.providers.mysql.hooks.mysql.MySqlHook(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.hooks.dbapi.DbApiHook

Interact with MySQL.

You can specify charset in the extra field of your connection as {"charset": "utf8"}. Also you can choose cursor as {"cursor": "SSCursor"}. Refer to the MySQLdb.cursors for more details.

Note: For AWS IAM authentication, use iam in the extra connection parameters and set it to true. Leave the password field empty. This will use the "aws_default" connection to get the temporary token unless you override in extras. extras example: {"iam":true, "aws_conn_id":"my_aws_conn"}

  • schema (Optional[str]) -- The MySQL database schema to connect to.

  • connection (Optional[Dict]) -- The MySQL connection id used for MySQL credentials.

conn_name_attr = mysql_conn_id[source]
default_conn_name = mysql_default[source]
conn_type = mysql[source]
hook_name = MySQL[source]
supports_autocommit = True[source]
set_autocommit(self, conn: MySQLConnectionTypes, autocommit: bool) None[source]

The MySQLdb (mysqlclient) client uses an autocommit method rather than an autocommit property to set the autocommit setting

  • conn -- connection to set autocommit setting

  • autocommit -- autocommit setting

Return type


get_autocommit(self, conn: MySQLConnectionTypes) bool[source]

The MySQLdb (mysqlclient) client uses a get_autocommit method rather than an autocommit property to get the autocommit setting


conn -- connection to get autocommit setting from.


connection autocommit setting

Return type


get_conn(self) MySQLConnectionTypes[source]

Establishes a connection to a mysql database by extracting the connection configuration from the Airflow connection.


By default it connects to the database via the mysqlclient library. But you can also choose the mysql-connector-python library which lets you connect through ssl without any further ssl parameters required.


a mysql connection object

get_uri(self) str[source]

Extract the URI from the connection.


the extracted uri.

bulk_load(self, table: str, tmp_file: str) None[source]

Loads a tab-delimited file into a database table

bulk_dump(self, table: str, tmp_file: str) None[source]

Dumps a database table into a tab-delimited file

get_iam_token(self, conn: airflow.models.Connection) Tuple[str, int][source]

Uses AWSHook to retrieve a temporary password to connect to MySQL Port is required. If none is provided, default 3306 is used

bulk_load_custom(self, table: str, tmp_file: str, duplicate_key_handling: str = 'IGNORE', extra_options: str = '') None[source]

A more configurable way to load local data from a file into the database.


According to the mysql docs using this function is a security risk. If you want to use it anyway you can do so by setting a client-side + server-side option. This depends on the mysql client library used.


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