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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import re
from collections import namedtuple
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models import (
from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException, AirflowTaskTimeout
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from import AzureContainerInstanceHook
from import AzureContainerRegistryHook
from import AzureContainerVolumeHook

[docs]Volume = namedtuple( 'Volume', ['conn_id', 'account_name', 'share_name', 'mount_path', 'read_only'],
[docs]DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES: Dict[str, str] = {}
[docs]DEFAULT_SECURED_VARIABLES: Sequence[str] = []
[docs]DEFAULT_VOLUMES: Sequence[Volume] = []
[docs]DEFAULT_CPU = 1.0
[docs]class AzureContainerInstancesOperator(BaseOperator): """ Start a container on Azure Container Instances :param ci_conn_id: connection id of a service principal which will be used to start the container instance :type ci_conn_id: str :param registry_conn_id: connection id of a user which can login to a private docker registry. For Azure use :ref:`Azure connection id<howto/connection:azure>` :type azure_conn_id: str If None, we assume a public registry :type registry_conn_id: Optional[str] :param resource_group: name of the resource group wherein this container instance should be started :type resource_group: str :param name: name of this container instance. Please note this name has to be unique in order to run containers in parallel. :type name: str :param image: the docker image to be used :type image: str :param region: the region wherein this container instance should be started :type region: str :param environment_variables: key,value pairs containing environment variables which will be passed to the running container :type environment_variables: Optional[dict] :param secured_variables: names of environmental variables that should not be exposed outside the container (typically passwords). :type secured_variables: Optional[str] :param volumes: list of ``Volume`` tuples to be mounted to the container. Currently only Azure Fileshares are supported. :type volumes: list[<conn_id, account_name, share_name, mount_path, read_only>] :param memory_in_gb: the amount of memory to allocate to this container :type memory_in_gb: double :param cpu: the number of cpus to allocate to this container :type cpu: double :param gpu: GPU Resource for the container. :type gpu: azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models.GpuResource :param command: the command to run inside the container :type command: Optional[List[str]] :param container_timeout: max time allowed for the execution of the container instance. :type container_timeout: datetime.timedelta :param tags: azure tags as dict of str:str :type tags: Optional[dict[str, str]] :param os_type: The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. Possible values include: 'Windows', 'Linux' :type os_type: str :param restart_policy: Restart policy for all containers within the container group. Possible values include: 'Always', 'OnFailure', 'Never' :type restart_policy: str :param ip_address: The IP address type of the container group. :type ip_address: IpAddress **Example**:: AzureContainerInstancesOperator( ci_conn_id = "azure_service_principal", registry_conn_id = "azure_registry_user", resource_group = "my-resource-group", name = "my-container-name-{{ ds }}", image = "", region = "westeurope", environment_variables = {"MODEL_PATH": "my_value", "POSTGRES_LOGIN": "{{ macros.connection('postgres_default').login }}", "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": "{{ macros.connection('postgres_default').password }}", "JOB_GUID": "{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='task1', key='guid') }}" }, secured_variables = ['POSTGRES_PASSWORD'], volumes = [("azure_container_instance_conn_id", "my_storage_container", "my_fileshare", "/input-data", True),], memory_in_gb=14.0, cpu=4.0, gpu=GpuResource(count=1, sku='K80'), command=["/bin/echo", "world"], task_id="start_container" ) """
[docs] template_fields = ('name', 'image', 'command', 'environment_variables')
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"command": "bash", "environment_variables": "json"}
def __init__( self, *, ci_conn_id: str, registry_conn_id: Optional[str], resource_group: str, name: str, image: str, region: str, environment_variables: Optional[dict] = None, secured_variables: Optional[str] = None, volumes: Optional[list] = None, memory_in_gb: Optional[Any] = None, cpu: Optional[Any] = None, gpu: Optional[Any] = None, command: Optional[List[str]] = None, remove_on_error: bool = True, fail_if_exists: bool = True, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, os_type: str = 'Linux', restart_policy: str = 'Never', ip_address: Optional[IpAddress] = None, ports: Optional[List[ContainerPort]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ci_conn_id = ci_conn_id self.resource_group = resource_group = self._check_name(name) self.image = image self.region = region self.registry_conn_id = registry_conn_id self.environment_variables = environment_variables or DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES self.secured_variables = secured_variables or DEFAULT_SECURED_VARIABLES self.volumes = volumes or DEFAULT_VOLUMES self.memory_in_gb = memory_in_gb or DEFAULT_MEMORY_IN_GB self.cpu = cpu or DEFAULT_CPU self.gpu = gpu self.command = command self.remove_on_error = remove_on_error self.fail_if_exists = fail_if_exists self._ci_hook: Any = None self.tags = tags self.os_type = os_type if self.os_type not in ['Linux', 'Windows']: raise AirflowException( "Invalid value for the os_type argument. " "Please set 'Linux' or 'Windows' as the os_type. " f"Found `{self.os_type}`." ) self.restart_policy = restart_policy if self.restart_policy not in ['Always', 'OnFailure', 'Never']: raise AirflowException( "Invalid value for the restart_policy argument. " "Please set one of 'Always', 'OnFailure','Never' as the restart_policy. " f"Found `{self.restart_policy}`" ) self.ip_address = ip_address self.ports = ports
[docs] def execute(self, context: dict) -> int: # Check name again in case it was templated. self._check_name( self._ci_hook = AzureContainerInstanceHook(self.ci_conn_id) if self.fail_if_exists:"Testing if container group already exists") if self._ci_hook.exists(self.resource_group, raise AirflowException("Container group exists") if self.registry_conn_id: registry_hook = AzureContainerRegistryHook(self.registry_conn_id) image_registry_credentials: Optional[list] = [ registry_hook.connection, ] else: image_registry_credentials = None environment_variables = [] for key, value in self.environment_variables.items(): if key in self.secured_variables: e = EnvironmentVariable(name=key, secure_value=value) else: e = EnvironmentVariable(name=key, value=value) environment_variables.append(e) volumes: List[Union[Volume, Volume]] = [] volume_mounts: List[Union[VolumeMount, VolumeMount]] = [] for conn_id, account_name, share_name, mount_path, read_only in self.volumes: hook = AzureContainerVolumeHook(conn_id) mount_name = "mount-%d" % len(volumes) volumes.append(hook.get_file_volume(mount_name, share_name, account_name, read_only)) volume_mounts.append(VolumeMount(name=mount_name, mount_path=mount_path, read_only=read_only)) exit_code = 1 try:"Starting container group with %.1f cpu %.1f mem", self.cpu, self.memory_in_gb) if self.gpu:"GPU count: %.1f, GPU SKU: %s", self.gpu.count, self.gpu.sku) resources = ResourceRequirements( requests=ResourceRequests(memory_in_gb=self.memory_in_gb, cpu=self.cpu, gpu=self.gpu) ) if self.ip_address and not self.ports: self.ports = [ContainerPort(port=80)]"Default port set. Container will listen on port 80") container = Container(, image=self.image, resources=resources, command=self.command, environment_variables=environment_variables, volume_mounts=volume_mounts, ports=self.ports, ) container_group = ContainerGroup( location=self.region, containers=[ container, ], image_registry_credentials=image_registry_credentials, volumes=volumes, restart_policy=self.restart_policy, os_type=self.os_type, tags=self.tags, ip_address=self.ip_address, ) self._ci_hook.create_or_update(self.resource_group,, container_group)"Container group started %s/%s", self.resource_group, exit_code = self._monitor_logging(self.resource_group,"Container had exit code: %s", exit_code) if exit_code != 0: raise AirflowException(f"Container had a non-zero exit code, {exit_code}") return exit_code except CloudError: self.log.exception("Could not start container group") raise AirflowException("Could not start container group") finally: if exit_code == 0 or self.remove_on_error: self.on_kill()
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: if self.remove_on_error:"Deleting container group") try: self._ci_hook.delete(self.resource_group, except Exception: self.log.exception("Could not delete container group")
def _monitor_logging(self, resource_group: str, name: str) -> int: last_state = None last_message_logged = None last_line_logged = None while True: try: cg_state = self._ci_hook.get_state(resource_group, name) instance_view = cg_state.containers[0].instance_view # If there is no instance view, we show the provisioning state if instance_view is not None: c_state = instance_view.current_state state, exit_code, detail_status = ( c_state.state, c_state.exit_code, c_state.detail_status, ) else: state = cg_state.provisioning_state exit_code = 0 detail_status = "Provisioning" if instance_view is not None and is not None: messages = [event.message for event in] last_message_logged = self._log_last(messages, last_message_logged) if state != last_state:"Container group state changed to %s", state) last_state = state if state in ["Running", "Terminated", "Succeeded"]: try: logs = self._ci_hook.get_logs(resource_group, name) last_line_logged = self._log_last(logs, last_line_logged) except CloudError: self.log.exception( "Exception while getting logs from container instance, retrying..." ) if state == "Terminated":"Container exited with detail_status %s", detail_status) return exit_code if state == "Failed": self.log.error("Azure provision failure") return 1 except AirflowTaskTimeout: raise except CloudError as err: if 'ResourceNotFound' in str(err): self.log.warning( "ResourceNotFound, container is probably removed " "by another process " "(make sure that the name is unique)." ) return 1 else: self.log.exception("Exception while getting container groups") except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception while getting container groups") sleep(1) def _log_last(self, logs: Optional[list], last_line_logged: Any) -> Optional[Any]: if logs: # determine the last line which was logged before last_line_index = 0 for i in range(len(logs) - 1, -1, -1): if logs[i] == last_line_logged: # this line is the same, hence print from i+1 last_line_index = i + 1 break # log all new ones for line in logs[last_line_index:]: return logs[-1] return None @staticmethod def _check_name(name: str) -> str: if '{{' in name: # Let macros pass as they cannot be checked at construction time return name regex_check = re.match("[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?", name) if regex_check is None or != name: raise AirflowException('ACI name must match regex [a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? (like "my-name")') if len(name) > 63: raise AirflowException('ACI name cannot be longer than 63 characters') return name

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