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from typing import Any, Dict

from azure.mgmt.containerinstance.models import AzureFileVolume, Volume

from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook

[docs]class AzureContainerVolumeHook(BaseHook): """ A hook which wraps an Azure Volume. :param azure_container_volume_conn_id: Reference to the :ref:`Azure Container Volume connection id <howto/connection:azure_container_volume>` of an Azure account of which container volumes should be used. :type azure_container_volume_conn_id: str """
[docs] conn_name_attr = "azure_container_volume_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = 'azure_container_volume_default'
[docs] conn_type = 'azure_container_volume'
[docs] hook_name = 'Azure Container Volume'
def __init__(self, azure_container_volume_conn_id: str = 'azure_container_volume_default') -> None: super().__init__() self.conn_id = azure_container_volume_conn_id @staticmethod
[docs] def get_connection_form_widgets() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns connection widgets to add to connection form""" from flask_appbuilder.fieldwidgets import BS3PasswordFieldWidget from flask_babel import lazy_gettext from wtforms import PasswordField return { "extra__azure_container_volume__connection_string": PasswordField( lazy_gettext('Blob Storage Connection String (optional)'), widget=BS3PasswordFieldWidget()
), } @staticmethod
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour() -> Dict: """Returns custom field behaviour""" import json return { "hidden_fields": ['schema', 'port', 'host', "extra"], "relabeling": { 'login': 'Azure Client ID', 'password': 'Azure Secret', }, "placeholders": { 'extra': json.dumps( { "key_path": "path to json file for auth", "key_json": "specifies json dict for auth", }, indent=1, ), 'login': 'client_id (token credentials auth)', 'password': 'secret (token credentials auth)', 'extra__azure_container_volume__connection_string': 'connection string auth',
}, }
[docs] def get_storagekey(self) -> str: """Get Azure File Volume storage key""" conn = self.get_connection(self.conn_id) service_options = conn.extra_dejson if 'extra__azure_container_volume__connection_string' in service_options: for keyvalue in service_options['extra__azure_container_volume__connection_string'].split(";"): key, value = keyvalue.split("=", 1) if key == "AccountKey": return value return conn.password
[docs] def get_file_volume( self, mount_name: str, share_name: str, storage_account_name: str, read_only: bool = False ) -> Volume: """Get Azure File Volume""" return Volume( name=mount_name, azure_file=AzureFileVolume( share_name=share_name, storage_account_name=storage_account_name, read_only=read_only, storage_account_key=self.get_storagekey(),
), )

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