Module Contents

class*, database_name: str, collection_name: str, document_id: str, azure_cosmos_conn_id: str = 'azure_cosmos_default', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.sensors.base.BaseSensorOperator

Checks for the existence of a document which matches the given query in CosmosDB. Example:

azure_cosmos_sensor = AzureCosmosDocumentSensor(

database_name="somedatabase_name", collection_name="somecollection_name", document_id="unique-doc-id", azure_cosmos_conn_id="azure_cosmos_default", task_id="azure_cosmos_sensor")

  • database_name (str) -- Target CosmosDB database_name.

  • collection_name (str) -- Target CosmosDB collection_name.

  • document_id (str) -- The ID of the target document.

  • azure_cosmos_conn_id (str) -- Reference to the Azure CosmosDB connection.

template_fields = ['database_name', 'collection_name', 'document_id'][source]
poke(self, context: dict)[source]

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