
Module Contents



Monitors a jira ticket for any change.


Monitors a jira ticket for given change in terms of function.

class airflow.providers.jira.sensors.jira.JiraSensor(*, method_name, jira_conn_id='jira_default', method_params=None, result_processor=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.sensors.base.BaseSensorOperator

Monitors a jira ticket for any change.

  • jira_conn_id (str) -- reference to a pre-defined Jira Connection

  • method_name (str) -- method name from jira-python-sdk to be execute

  • method_params (Optional[dict]) -- parameters for the method method_name

  • result_processor (Optional[Callable]) -- function that return boolean and act as a sensor response

poke(self, context)[source]

Function that the sensors defined while deriving this class should override.

class airflow.providers.jira.sensors.jira.JiraTicketSensor(*, jira_conn_id='jira_default', ticket_id=None, field=None, expected_value=None, field_checker_func=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: JiraSensor

Monitors a jira ticket for given change in terms of function.

  • jira_conn_id (str) -- reference to a pre-defined Jira Connection

  • ticket_id (Optional[str]) -- id of the ticket to be monitored

  • field (Optional[str]) -- field of the ticket to be monitored

  • expected_value (Optional[str]) -- expected value of the field

  • result_processor -- function that return boolean and act as a sensor response

template_fields :Sequence[str] = ['ticket_id'][source]
poke(self, context)[source]

Function that the sensors defined while deriving this class should override.

issue_field_checker(self, issue)[source]

Check issue using different conditions to prepare to evaluate sensor.

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